Odds ‘n Sods:

Most of New Orleans still without power; patience ‘wearing thin’. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.)    o o o I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at CharlottePrepCon, on September 8th.    o o o F.G. sent this: Guns in America, a Statistical Look. The article mentions that there are more than 129,817 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States, compared to 36,569 grocery stores. F.G.’s comment: “Is this a great country, or what?”    o o o To round out our family battery here at the Rawles Ranch, I’m looking to purchase an antique Swiss 7.5mm …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric L. alerted me to this: New ‘Heartland’ virus discovered in sick Missouri farmers    o o o Bram mentioned this new ham radio site: Radio Preppers.    o o o H.L. sent: No Firearm Owner Is Safe: Jeff & Chris Knox tell of FBI agent sitting in prison due to overzealous justice system    o o o Yet another retreat property at SurvivalRealty.com has just sold. This one was in North Idaho, and not surprisingly it was bought by a SurvivalBlog reader. We now have about 130 listings. SurvivalRealty.com is now firmly established as the premier site for buying …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Backwoods Home: Animal disease traceability, by Patrice Lewis    o o o Don in Oregon sent this: Remote Alaska to stockpile food, just in case. The state plans two food stockpiles in or near Fairbanks and Anchorage, two cities that also have military bases. Construction on the two storage facilities will begin this fall, and the first food deliveries are targeted for December. The goal is to have enough food to feed 40,000 people for up to a week, including three days of ready-to-eat meals and four days of bulk food that can be prepared and cooked for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Upon hearing that I live in bear county, new acquaintances and distant relatives often ask me: “Do you carry pepper spray?” My answer: No, I carry lead spray. The fact is that .45 ACP beats .10 Capsicum.    o o o A reminder that another Sustainable Preparedness Expo will be held on September 30, 2012 in Spokane, Washington.    o o o H.L. sent this potential preview of the disintegration of America’s cities: Gangs of Aleppo: The Arab Spring succumbs to post-state violence    o o o I noticed that CampingSurvival.com has added Future Essentials Long Grain White Rice to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at CharlottePrepCon, on Saturday, September 8th.    o o o JRH Enterprises is having a Labor Day weekend sale on night vision and thermal imaging devices. This includes their popular Third Generation Pinnacle Autogated AN/PVS-14 Night Vision Monoculars brand new with five year warranty for $2,695, and the Upgraded Version of the PVS-14 new with five year warranty at $3,095. Thermal Imaging Units are also on sale as low as $1,925 for a FLIR Scout.    o o o F.J. liked this Lifehacker video: DIY Paracord Fishing Kit Bracelet    o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Seniors Arm Themselves In Record Numbers    o o o Reader H.L. alerted us to the latest from Nanny State Britannia: Animal rights group calls for Shooting Times and The Field to be classed alongside porn. Meanwhile, in Nanny State Nebraska: Grand Island Deaf Preschooler Asked to Change the Sign for His Name in School. (Thanks to Mike Williamson for the latter link.)    o o o G.G. sent this video link:Wal-Mart Status 48 Hours Pre-Hurricane    o o o I had to chuckle when I saw the Bourne Legacy Shoulder Tote Bag is now a “featured item” on eBay. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Retreat Security: The Urban Speedball For Preppers. JWR’s Comments: For anything other than very short term caching, it is crucial that water and ammunition be stored in separate waterproof containers. If stored together, all it would take is one leaking bottle (such as one ruptured by freezing or one with a pinhole from rough handling) to destroy the stored ammunition. One .30 Caliber ammo can with bandoleers of ammo paired with one “Tall .50” filled can with water containers would be about the right ratio, for defending against anything short of a human wave attack. They can be attached to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mexico scrambles to cope with egg shortage.    o o o Stephanie S. sent: This Year’s Drought Is So Severe, You Can See Its Toll on the Mississippi River From Space    o o o FCC eyes tax on [broadband] Internet service    o o o Reader David J. mentioned that the Sunforce 60-Watt photovoltaic power charging system has been reduced to $222 on Amazon.com. This system was designed with RV owners in mind, but it would work fine at a retreat cabin.

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.J.R. spotted this: Heavy Duty 275 Gallon Rain Barrel    o o o Reader S.O.B. sent this: Migration in the Americas: US retirees flock to Nicaragua    o o o Jake K. suggested a brief video tour of The Utah Bishops’ Central Storehouse. [JWR’s Comment: While there is a doctrinal chasm that forever divides us, I greatly admire the dedication of the LDS church in encouraging food storage.]    o o o Over at Packing Pretty: The Heart of the Matter: Why We Carry. And speaking of concealed carry, here is one to file under Sour Grapes: Boulder Students Can …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Curtis R. sent this: DIY Fire Starter Wafers. Note: For safety, always use a double boiler, when melting wax!    o o o Commentary from Brandon Smith: Syria And Iran Dominos Lead To World War    o o o G.G. flagged this: Stand Your Ground Gun Laws    o o o Reader P.N.G. wrote to mention, “It is not widely practical, but perhaps someone among your readers has a need for a tracked all-terrain vehicle only 42″ long.”    o o o Geoff S. mentioned the Lapka Radiation and EMF detectors available as add-ons for iPods and iPhones.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another reason to avoid social media: Circuit Court Orders Brandon Raub Released, Dismisses Case Against Marine Arrested, Detained in Veterans Admin. Psych Ward over Political Views, Song Lyrics Posted on Facebook    o o o Some interesting demographics can be seen in this article sent by Kevin S,: Marriage and Divorce: A 50 State Tour    o o o Reader H.L. sent this: Insight: Experts hope to shield cars from computer viruses    o o o I spotted this clever product in the Jeffers Vet Supply catalog: H2Go Bag    o o o S.S. in Mississippi sent this useful …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In the market for a nuke-proof bunker? Try eBay    o o o Geoff S. spotted this: The airvent wall cache.    o o o A presentation at DEFCON: Safe to Armed in Seconds: A Study of Epic Fails of Popular Gun Lock and Gun Safes. (Warning: Includes some foul language.) At the same convention: Defcon 19: DIY Non-Destructive-Entry.    o o o Dennis X. sent the link to this informative web page: Sea, Shipping Container Cabin, Shelter, Home    o o o I found this linked at The Woodpile Report (one of my favorite weekly reads): Mass grave in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Six months ago, one of my consulting clients bought a newly-manufactured Amish-made Blizzard brand propane upright freezer. He reports that the freezer (which has 18 cubic foot capacity) works quite reliably, with the temperature always staying within two degrees from where he first set it: 10 degrees, Fahrenheit. (The freezer came with an Accu-Rite wireless digital thermometer–something by the way that I recommend for all freezers. You simply leave the “outdoor” sensor-transmitter inside the freezer.) He noted, however, that since the freezer is equipped with two burners, it does consume a substantial amount of propane. These freezers are perfect for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.J. suggested this piece over at Lifehacker: Turn a Dead Chest Freezer Into a Miniature Root Cellar    o o o Emergency declared [in Dallas, Texas] as West Nile virus strikes US    o o o Scott M. sent this: Could I survive on nothing but potatoes and milk?    o o o Over at Guerillamerica: Five Reasons to Hate Alexander Hamilton    o o o Making Pectin From Scratch

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Scotty R. mentioned: Chicken of the trees — The rural eastern gray squirrel has long been a valued food source, but what about its urban cousin?    o o o I see that the Spanish edition of my first novel (“Patriotas“) is now available in both paperback and Kindle editions. The cover is a bit garish (and dare I say “Costneresque” or perhaps something like a screen capture from Homefront), but it is nice to see that the novel available in yet another language. (There are now nine foreign publishing contracts in place to produce editions in eight languages …