Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “Crazy Mike” recommended an instructive creative carpentry video that shows a great method for hiding valuables in place sight. The magnetic locks are clever.    o o o For any who doubts that there is a liberal bias in academia: Law Professors back President Obama over Mitt Romney 72% to 19%, according to Brian Leiter’s poll.    o o o Readers Mike S. and Matt H. both sent an interesting article with a very poorly-written (or quite biased) headline: Seattle residents refuse to arm themselves. (I would have instead titled it: “Washingtonians arm themselves in record numbers.”) But of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some post-Sandy updates: New Yorkers Hold on to Their Canned Goods in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy. Meanwhile, as some residents dumpster dive to survive, Mayor Bloomberg in effect declares: “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!” by approving the running the New York marathon, on schedule. (Since he is so health conscious, I suppose that his next edict will be that if anyone resorts to cannibalism, that they must refrain from using table salt on their fellow New Yorkers.)    o o o Don’t miss out on the Ready Made Resources sale on Mountain House long term storage foods. They are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Andre D. mentioned that the Alone in The Wild documentary is now available on YouTube.    o o o Two bits of follow-up news on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: Tempers Flare in N.J. City Where Thousands Stranded. (People out of food after just two days of isolation? (I told you so…) And yes, there is looting: Jersey City on total lockdown from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. after rash of store break-ins, officials say. (Note that the mayor of Jersey City is Jerramiah Healy, one of Mayor Bloomberg’s Cabal of Illegal Mayors.)    o o o A reminder that …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.B.G. suggested: Nine ways to make your cell phone last the whole storm even if the power goes out    o o o I will be the keynote speaker at the Get Prepared Expo (via teleseminar) on Saturday, November 3rd, 2012. This is an expanded repeat of a very popular event. There will be 100 Exhibits and 70 Seminars You can save 20% by buying your admission passes in advance at GetPreparedEXPO.com ($8 for a one-day pass, or $15 for a weekend pass.) The expo will be held November 3 and 4, 2012 at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

New ‘One-Shot’ Rifle Sight Could Make Snipers Deadlier Than Ever    o o o Reader J.B. used Wayback Machine to find this 1990 FDA article: The Canning Process: Old Preservation Technique Goes Modern by Dale Blumenthal    o o o All too predictable: Storm sets off frantic rush for supplies across East Coast. (Thanks to Jared B. for the link.)    o o o Jason F. suggested a new adjustable serpentine belt that would be perfect to keep in your vehicle and shop.    o o o 14 Unique Water Towers From Around the World

Odds ‘n Sods:

Joe K. sent: 9 Ways to Make Fire Without Matches–Videos that teach us other methods of creating fire    o o o Reader Pierre M. sent a link to some history that might be unfamiliar to some blog readers: .357: The First Magnum.    o o o The Wanenmacher Gun Show will beheld in Tulsa, Oklahoma on November 10 & 11.  This is billed as the world’s largest gun show, with more than 4,100 tables–a whopping 5.7 linear miles of tables, if thery were all placed end-to-end. (Thanks to Tom B. for the reminder.)    o o o H.L. was the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. flagged this article at Popular Science: Where Will The Next Pandemic Come From? And How Can We Stop It?    o o o Wade J. mentioned an interesting approach to dog training.    o o o F.G. sent: War Horses Fade Into History While Bayonets Still Linger    o o o Ron M. sent this: Homegrown revolution — Gardeners expand to tackle Alaska’s food insecurity    o o o H.L. mentioned this over at the excellent SHTFPlan blog: Murder, Rape, Robbery and Assault Skyrocket In Bankrupt Stockton, California. (Don’t miss the fascinating comments that follow, mentioning militias and one …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Storing Spare Radio Gear – Preparing for Long Term Storage    o o o Geoff S. was the first of several readers to send this: Big Brother’s New Toy: An EMP Cruise Missile    o o o Reader Denise G. wrote to mention that it in some states it is illegal to fail to report to arresting police officers that you are carrying a concealed handcuff key. In Florida it is a felony!    o o o Instructables gets practical: Firearms for Catastrophic Disasters    o o o Law Enforcement Looking To Create A Searchable Database Of Everywhere Your Vehicle …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers in Australia will likely find this company of interest: Outback Watertanks    o o o An interesting podcast: What Homeschoolers and Homemakers can learn from Preppers.    o o o Don’t miss out on the Ready Made Resources sale on Mountain House long term storage foods. They are offering 25% discounts and free shipping for Mountain House foods in #10 cans. The sale ends on November 5th.    o o o The PlayStation handset that fires mortars and the world’s deadliest catapult: Lethal ingenuity of outgunned Syrian rebels. (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)    o o o Matt …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader AmEx (American Expatriate) sent: “Total identity theft” growing, authorities fear    o o o Dentist Dr. Tom Loomis has just one slot still open for his upcoming two-day Field Dentistry Class, in Sweetwater, Tennessee on Nov. 30, and Dec. 1, 2012. Enrollment is limited to just 12 students. The class costs $400 per person. To register, send $200 by check or money order to Tom Loomis DDS, P.O. Box 510, Sweetwater, TN 37874. Phone number: 423-371-1073, or e-mail: tandsloomis@bellsouth.net or tom.loomis@yahoo.com. The class will be held at the Magnuson Hotel in Sweetwater at Exit 60 off of Interstate 75. Rooms …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Potassium permanganate fire lighting. [JWRs Safety Proviso: If you carry both chemicals, of course carry them in well-sealed sturdy containers in well-separated compartments of your pack!]    o o o Greg P. suggested this article: The Nuts and Bolts of a Fallout Shelter    o o o Also from Greg: Will the Apocalypse Arrive Online?    o o o A free book on Kindle, for a short time: The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door. These traditions are crucial for establishing a sense of community!    o o o NRC Whistleblowers: Risk of Nuclear Melt-Down In …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just heard about a new company that makes an interesting hidden storage compartment that fits between standard 16 inch-spaced wall studs: TacticalWalls.com     o o o Another great post over at the popular Paratus Familia blog: Reloading in the Living Room    o o o Reader R.B.S. sent: The tsunami debris washed from Japan to Oregon    o o o F.G. sent this article from an Australian newspaper: In gun-loving America, the Kalashnikov conquers    o o o Yet another Self Reliance Expo announcement. (They certainly are popular, these days!) This one will be in Mesa, Arizona, on Oct. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sales have been brisk for the Rawles Gets You Ready Preparedness Course. (Available again, after being out of print for nearly three years.) It is now sold only via digital download, but priced quite affordably.    o o o G.G. flagged this: Disaster shelter offers full kitchen, flat-screen TV    o o o SGT mentioned an interesting report on Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and the U.S. Military, published by the BATFE. The report is mixture of good hard intel plus some innuendo, and a couple of implausible logical leaps. (For example, the supposed founding of the Hells Angels motorcycle club by …

Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. flagged this: Report: Violent crime rises sharply, reversing trend.    o o o A series of news photos which illustrates that the majority Syrians have an irrational fear of having the buttstock of a rifle touch their shoulders. (Perhaps fear of being bruised?) Regardless, it does not produce good marksmanship. Learn from their mistakes.    o o o My mother sent the link to this funny news clip: Car Jacker Can’t Drive Stick Shift    o o o Ah, yes, Oklahoma: Where the men are men and their little girls are just about as tough. 12-Year-Old Girl Shoots Intruder …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader AmEx sent news of the know-nothing Big Government crowd at work: Bullet tax proposal in hunt for solution to Chicago gun crime. Call for a levy of nickel for each bullet and $25 for each firearm sold in the city. I predict that their tax scheme will be counterproductive. Note that the tax would apply only to the 40 FFL holders inside Chicago City limits. Who in their right mind would pay 8 cents per round for .22 rimfire ammo, when they are accustomed to paying 3 cents? Obviously, people will take their business elsewhere–namely to gun shows outside …