Odds ‘n Sods:

Brazil uprising points to rise of leaderless networks. (The 21st Century Paradigm: Unemployment + social media networking = riots.)    o o o A reader in Switzerland wrote to mention that an anti-gun “Ministry of Truth” cabal at Wikipedia is attemping to systematically expunge any references to mayors who have resigned and the mayors who have criminal convictions from the Mayors Against Illegal Guns wiki page. These guys make Stalin and his successors look like amateurs. If you are an experienced Wikipedian, feel free to chime in.    o o o Ingrown Toenails in Tough Times    o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader J.H. sent an fascinating video that illustrates why so-called dry washes can be so dangerous: Amazing Flash Flood / Debris Flow Southern Utah. J.H.’s comments: “The amazing thing is that the heaviest rain fell 40 miles away from the film site and the peak rain came six hours before the wave passed through. Local weather conditions give no clue as to what is about to happen. Swimming in the trash laden water is an absolute non-starter. Pity the camper who has one of these walls of wet wood squash him while he is wrapped in a sleeping bag, zipped …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.G. sent: Marines and Army deploy new helmet designed to stop Rifle Rounds    o o o H.L. recommended this article and video: Build a $300 underground greenhouse for year-round gardening    o o o Bob P. wrote to reiterate one of SurvivalBlog’s long-standing recommendations: “Zippo Lighters are American-made. They are manufactured by the Zippo Manufacturing Co. in Bradford, Pennsylvania. Even though I don’t smoke I always kept a Zippo lighter handy since I was in the Army in the 1960s.  I keep one in my BOB and one in my ready pack in my pickup.  Zippos will burn just …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The political realm is not that different from my horse corral or my hen house. Periodically, the Schumer gets so deep that you can’t just continue shoveling a bit off off the top or around the edges. Merely covering it up with straw is no longer sufficient. The smell becomes too much to bear. What you really need to do is to roll up your sleeves and start shoveling, and do not stop until you’ve scraped right down to bare soil or bare wood. Une zone totalement dépeuplée. To do it right, you leave no media for the germs to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another Secure Email Service, Silent Circle, Is Shutting Down    o o o Reader J. McC. sent: Scientists Disclose Plans To Make Superflu In Labs    o o o I missed this article when it ran back in June: 1 in 12 on Bloomberg’s gun victims list are crime suspects killed by police or armed citizens acting in self-defense. Oh, and and speaking of Mayor Mikey, another one of Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing mayors is under suspicion: Stockton Mayor is under Peeping Tom investigation as city goes through bankruptcy. And, meanwhile, we read more about the sexcapades of San Diego’s mayor, “Filthy …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some pointed commentary from Claire Wolfe: America’s UberGovernment. And the rest of us.    o o o Here is something new: The Ron Paul Channel    o o o The Pseudo-Republican: Chris Christie Signs 10 Gun Bills Into Law. The article states: “One of the new laws will disqualify any person on the federal terrorist watch list from obtaining firearms identification cards or permits to purchase handguns.” Later, the article notes: “Civil liberties advocates have criticized the watch list for its secrecy. The list is not public, nor can one petition to have his name removed from it. There were …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“How could anyone possibly need more than a 10 round magazine?” Well, for instance: Alaska man kills charging bear with assault rifle    o o o Scarcity inspires creative “reinvention” and “technological disobedience”: Cuba’s DIY Inventions from 30 Years of Isolation. (Thanks to M.R. in Kansas for the link.)    o o o Sun Will Flip Its Magnetic Field Soon. (We are at solar maximum, but it is a relatively weak maximum, for this 11-year cycle But the big Carrington-size flares can happen, regardless.)    o o o H7N9 bird flu in likely China spread between people, researchers find. (Of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another data point, for selecting a retreat locale: How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in Your State?    o o o Reader Craig J. sent this: Popular gun range target blamed for forest fires, called potential bomb source. The “forest fires” claim is a red herring. Chainsaws and off-road motorcycles start dozens of fires on USFS and BLM land each year, yet nobody has suggested banning them. Our congresscritters tend toward free floating anxiety followed by spastic fits of legislation. So all that I can say is: stock up on Tannerite! (If there is an explosive target ban, then there …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Todd M. suggested reading this troubling MIT Technology Review article on SCADA systems vulnerability: Hacking Industrial Systems Turns Out to Be Easy: New research from Black Hat shows it’s possible to trick water and energy infrastructure to cause physical damage—and securing these systems remains painfully slow. Meanwhile, G.G. suggested that we read: Chinese Hacking Team Caught Taking Over Decoy Water Plant. Oh, and coincidentally, my friend Bob G. just called and recommended this novel, based on a credible terrorist scenario: Gridlock.    o o o Some folks have put together a combined Calendar of Prepper, Survivalist and Self-Reliance Shows. I …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.J.R. sent this from MacLife: Eight Apps for Wilderness Survival. The piece begins: “It might seem counterintuitive to rely on a device so associated with the comforts of civilization for survival in the wilds, but a well-prepared iPhone could mean the difference between life and death when stranded in the great outdoors…”    o o o Let’s hear it for home schools: They are educating kids better than public schools. (Thanks to Bob G. for the link.)    o o o Mike Williamson’s latest book Tour of Duty: Stories and Provocations will be released tomorrow.    o o o A …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike Williamson’s latest book Tour of Duty: Stories and Provocations will be released tomorrow, August 6th.    o o o Reader J.B.G. recommended this video: Demystifying Alabama’s new ‘shall issue’ gun law.    o o o H.G. sent this: Feds go after Proxy Servers – Half of Tor Sites Compromised! Here are a few article quotes: “In a crackdown that FBI claims to be about hunting down pedophiles, half of the onion sites in the TOR network has been compromised, including the e-mail counterpart of TOR deep web, TORmail.” <snip> “This is undoubtedly a big blow to the TOR community, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader K.A.F. sent: Comparison of operative and non operative management of acute appendicitis. (Consider antibiotic therapy BEFORE proceeding with emergency surgical appendectomy !)    o o o Several SurvivalBlog readers have inquired about the Clearly Filtered Radiological Straw water filter. Yes, they do indeed remove radioactive particulates from drinking water, very effectively . They can be purchased through several Internet vendors including US Tactical Supply.    o o o A glimpse of the future, for other big cities? Oakland surveillance center progresses amid debate on privacy, data collection. (Thanks to Stephen S. for the link.)    o o o 10 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

R.B.S. sent: Apocalyptic images reveal the shocking scale of devastation in Syria    o o o The recent Idaho Patriot Rally, as seen by a leftist rag: Preparing for the ‘inevitable collapse’: Patriot rally attracts hundreds to Farragut    o o o Sara J. mentioned a free classic (out of copyright) Kindle book: Home Vegetable Gardening -a Complete and Practical Guide to the Planting and Care of All Vegetables, Fruits and Berries Worth Growing for Home Use.    o o o Herr Sprave is still experimenting: Did This Monster Slingshot Just Set A World Record? (Thanks to SurvivalBlog’s Poet Laureate …

Odds ‘n Sods:

As a bonus for SurvivalBlog readers, Ready Made Resources is offering a free box of infrared chemical light sticks (10 pieces), and a free mechanical surface trip flare for chemical light sticks (a $53 value) with the purchase of a AN/PVS-14 3rd gen+  autogated ITT pinnacle night vision scope/monocular. As usual, the original data sheet, carry case, head mount, and sacrificial lens are included. Ready Made Resources also includes a free weapons mount (a $99 value) and free shuttered eyepiece (a $40 value), which most dealers only sell as accessories. These scopes are priced at $2,695, with free insured shipping.  …

Odds ‘n Sods:

9 Point Comb to Toe Chicken Check Up & DIY Antiseptic Ointment. (Thanks to James W. for the link.)    o o o Andre D. forwarded this link: Warning to tourists in France after attack by feral cats    o o o Fellow blogger Ol’ Remus recommended a piece over at Club Orlov: The Sea Gypsy Tribe Start-up Manual    o o o Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Ear Tickling, Entertainment, And Irrelevant Exposition