Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor-at-Large, Michael Z. Williamson, forwarded this link about a computer threat. o o o Michael also sent in this article about how two administrations lied about an error on the Do Not Fly list, refused to admit and correct the mistake and defended secrecy as “national security.” o o o A federal judge in Missouri ruled that drivers have a First Amendment right to warn other motorists of nearby police and speed traps. – Mike. o o o FreeSpeechMe, an Anti-Censorship, Anti-Hijacking Free Software Dot-Bit Plug-in for Windows and GNU/Linux was released this month. If anyone has been using …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cold Steel has a couple of teaser videos out regarding their PROOF series of blades. You might find them entertaining. I know that I did: Apocalypse Proof and Sword Proof. o o o F.J. sent this article in:GPS Navigation Systems May Get You Killed. When I first got my GPS, it sure took me to some interesting places till I learned how to use it. Sometimes the shortest route is not really the shortest route. Check out the sign in the picture “stop! no road! Your GPS is wrong” o o o Florida Ordinance Makes It Illegal For Homeless To …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Serving Down Under: Australia offers military jobs to US troops facing separation o o o Cleta Mitchell to Congress: DOJ IRS Investigation Is a Sham, Non-Existent – YouTube – B.R. o o o In a fit of irony: Gun control activist swears he forgot he was carrying gun while visiting school – JBG o o o This really peaked my interest when I saw it: This Diesel-Powered Scooter Packs More Utility Than a Swiss Army Knife – FJR o o o P.M. found this post in a forum. Once again the TSA humiliates someone: DH was humiliated by TSA o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ready Made Resources is starting their first 25-42% off Mountain House Food Sale today. They are also offering prepaid shipping and will be giving away a case of Mountain House Pouched Yogurts on orders where more than 10 cases are sold. (A $300 value.) o o o For a limited time, Seed for Security has promised that they will automatically include a Spring Security Collection ($14.99 value) with every $75 purchase. o o o We have been following this next piece for several months now. Ex-federal official raises concerns over terror attack on power grid. Apparently, they still can’t make …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More reports from the storm last week in the South East: Police: Man stole cars left during Atlanta storm – K. o o o M.W. sent this in: backup handcuff key The site also includes this statement “I would advise taking great caution in how you intellectually approach an item like the TIHK. The argument that an inanimate object is bad because bad people can use it to do bad things sounds very familiar. That is not the logic of liberty.”– Good Advice. o o o A Self Reliance Expo will be held in Mesquite, Texas, at the Mesquite Convention …

Odds ‘n Sods:

State Dept. Webcast Features Guest Who Called Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice ‘Uncle Toms’ – P.M. o o o The latest episode in a disturbing trend we are hearing more about: Corrupt state crime lab chemist ruins countless lives by falsifiying evidence – B.R. o o o B.B. sent this in: New Google patent suggests automatically sending your videos and photos to law enforcement. Notice that there is no requirement that the event being logged is an illegal activity, only that multiple videos be posted with similar timestamps and geolocation. o o o Another Off-Grider Shutdown: History Channel’s Mountain Man Targeted …

Odds ‘n Sods:

U.S. Scalia Says Internment Ruling Could Happen Again– K.R. o o o More from the Ukraine: Ukrainian protestor kidnapped, CRUCIFIED and has part of his ear cut off before being dumped in a forest after a week of torture – T. o o o AF Cheating Scandal Grows to 92 Missile Officers o o o S.F. sent in the link to this excellent explanation: No Country for Old Fishermen o o o R.I.P. – the results are starting to come in. Here is a pretty good independent test that attempts to replicate FBI tests. Part 1 Part 2 Videos of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

There is an EMP awareness, and specifically the HEMP threat from a nuclear Iran, event that is being hosted today, Feb 6th in DC featuring Sen. Ted Cruz, Amb. James Woolsey, Frank Gaffney and others (to which you are invited): “American Security and the Iranian Bomb: Analyzing Threats at Home and Abroad.“ Event Details: TIME: 10:30 a.m. ET – 12:15 p.m. ET LOCATION: Reserve Officers Association, Minuteman Ballroom, One Constitution Avenue, NE, Washington D.C. 20002 You can also see a live webcast of the event at Homeland Threats. o o o You can store almost anything in a mason jar, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This article touches on a sensitive topic with the government. China has been testing their new high speed missile and it has the Pentagon concerned. We have repeatedly announced that we will shoot down any missile that is to close to us, our allies or our forces, Yet every test that violates that has flown successfully. Can we shoot them down? Are we just chosing not to? o o o B.R. sent this link in: Important Safety Tip: Tape Your Batteries With Electrical Tape!. I have, on more than one occasion, nearly set my pocket on fire as batteries were …

Odds ‘n Sods:

B. sent in this link for Sniper Basics For The SHTF Survivalist. Not a bad primer for someone who is just starting out learning this valuable skill. o o o China is confirming limited interhuman infection of H7N9 bird flu. This may be a very important development. – B.B. o o o Ready Made Resources as a limited supply of har-to-find Radar Scattering Camo Netting. o o o B.B. sent another post in on the Connecticut fiasco: How Did ‘Millions’ of High Capacity Magazines Disappear in Connecticut? o o o R. sent in this link on How To Make Disaster …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Winchester has issued a recall notice on a few lots of it’s .22 LR rimfire ammunition. o o o More evidence that the mainstream is catching on. This looks like an interesting movie trailer: Goodbye World. – G. o o o Linking to the letters we received from the South East is this blog: Rescuers along U.S. Highway 280 face a scene that ‘looks like Armageddon’ – JBG o o o J.C. sent in this video about magnesium bars saying: “Perhaps it’s not legally a fraud, but it is deceptive to gain sales. Many Mag sticks will not light a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

We’ve linked to Rural Revolution before, and now Patrice Lewis has another entry at WND worth reading: The burgeoning underground economy o o o This Isn’t Your Average Smash-And-Grab – This One Took Under a Minute, Netted $70K in Stolen Guns and Has the Feds Involved. – K. o o o Startup Thinks Its Battery Will Solve Renewable Energy’s Big Flaw – RBS o o o While not in the US yet, this may be the future of Big Cities: A ban on autos? Major cities consider going carless o o o BR sent in the link to this disturbing …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a video on the Do’s and Don’ts When Stopped By Police and Carrying a Firearm featuring Massad Ayoob – M.A. o o o G.P. sent in this link on making a paracord pouch for your survival tin. o o o For those interested in ballistics, K. sent in this link to JBM Ballistics. o o o Is Being Self-Sufficient A Threat To Society?J.W. sent in this link on one man’s fight with the Planning & Inspections Department. o o o RC sends in this link from the American Bible Society. The Most and Least Bible-Minded Cities in America. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

V.F. sent in this link to an article about an emerging story:TSA Harasses Police Chief – Entire Police Department Fired. o o o More disturbing news about the Constitution Free zones within America’s borders. – A.W. o o o We’ll see how states’ rights work out on this one: South Carolina House Unanimously Passes Legislation to Ban Drones Sent in by B.B. o o o Another reason to consider homeschooling your children: Plan would track students from preschool to workforce – G. P. o o o P.S. sent in this link: Venezuela is headed down fast, 10-year imprisonment for hoarding, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Rifles powered by Linux purchased by US Army – R.L.H. I thought it was cool when I learned that many phones were powered by Linux. o o o D.B. sent in this article on Foraging and Looting. It seems clear to me. Foraging is finding what you need from things that really don’t belong to anyone else. Looting is taking something that clearly belongs to someone else. Foraging is OK (except when it’s hoarding) and looting is bad. See? It’s simple. For more on that principle, one only needs to spend some time in the book of Proverbs. o o …