Odds ‘n Sods:

10 Stories From The Cold, Hard Streets Of America That Will Break Your Heart – Cheryl N o o o Several readers have sent in this video: Hazmat Highway to Hell with High Pressure Gas Cylinders. It’s a great introduction to Hazmat and a reason to pay attention when you drive. o o o S.W. sent in this link on How to Open a Can Without Any Tools. While a useful skill to know, there are still areas where it wouldn’t work. I would class this under an urban survival skill. And remember, a P38 easily fits on a keychain. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Resistance 101: Why You Should Consider Ham Radio For Communications – Cheryl N o o o JWR Notes: LA Police Gear, a company that is best known for selling uniforms, boots, and field gear made in Mainland China has partly redeemed itself in my estimation, by expanding their offerings of U.S.-Made gear, in a separate set of web pages. This is essentially a catalog within a catalog. More companies should do likewise. o o o Sent in by P.H.: An Anti-Gun Surgeon General is A Bad Prescription o o o J.H. sent this in: California Couple Finds Gold Coins Worth …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBK sent in a link to this set of maps. Agenda 21 and NWO plans for USA by 2050. o o o Along with the draught in the Southwest and the draining of the Ogallala Aquifer, it seems Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida are fighting over water. o o o RBS sent in this link to Why I want a microchip implant. Having a family member with Alzheimers, I understand why you might want one of these, but this guy is just nuts. Next thing you know, there will be a bill to make you implant one for your shiny …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Now the call of the media begins: State Can’t Let Gun Scofflaws Off Hook – B.B. o o o If I Had a Hammer. . . ( Homemade Submachinegun Photos) o o o RBS sent in this link to “The Blaze” on What You Need to Know About Filming, Photographing Police in Public. If you ever plan on using your cellphone to do this, you may want to read this article. o o o K.B. sent in this 86-second video of Penn and Teller on the Second Amendment. It’s an older video, but it is spot on and easy to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A number of people have sent in this link to Selco’s Blog, True Nature of Survival. It is particularly relevant because of the conflicts that we are seeing in Ukraine and Valenzuela. If your main concern is your survival or that of your family, then it makes perfect sense. My problem with it is that it is from a pretty self-centered perspective. If our founding fathers had held to the same ideals, the revolution would have died a quick, crushing death. The supposition is that you cannot affect the outcome, so don’t even try. Yes, there is seemingly senseless death …

Odds ‘n Sods:

DGC sent in Who Will Protect You From The Police? The Rise Of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions along with this note: “Some of you I am writing to are fathers, as am I. This situation is so very terrible I don’t know where to begin. This is not what American is supposed to be. We all need to do something about this; each of us has a responsibility as citizens in a Republic to speak up when these things are happening. I am sending this link with an email and some quotes from the bill of rights and our founding fathers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sent in by MGB: http://remineralize.org/ Read the rock dust primer. Also read the article on biochar and rockdust. In the article they talk about mixing compost, biochar and rock dust. FYI I was able to find a source for rock dust, not from dolomite, but just rocks from the ground. Elam Sand and Gravel in West Bloomfield. All others I called had rock dust from dolomite (limestone). o o o The FCC is sounding a lot like Joseph Goebbels to me – JBG o o o Venezuela is also suffering much the same as Ukraine. Andreina Nash has produced a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The protests in Kiev Ukraine escalated from throwing bricks to firearms. This is turning into a civil war. We now have an idea of what it may look like if it starts here (links to videos sent in by L.C.): Ukraine: Flaming Molotovs flung at police with slingshot Ukraine: Clashes continue despite truce Ukraine: Police firing live ammo in Kiev clashes Kiev drone footage: Aerial view of burning Maidan amid Ukranian riots From bricks to bullets: Police footage shows Kiev rioters going ballistic o o o Drone war’s troubling contours: American lives are not more sacred than foreigners’. White House …

Odds ‘n Sods:

L.G. sent in a link to The Blaze where the CIA has declassified the original OSS Simple Sabotage manual. You can follow that link through to see the complete (cleaned) manual. Bear in mind it will take you to the CIA servers. o o o Those who live where it actually snows in the winter (which lately includes the deep south) may enjoy this video sent in by SDS about Wheel Powered Tracks that will fit on nearly any 4WD. o o o Eminent domain threatens yet another family, this time in Colorado. Interestingly enough, it is not being used …

Odds ‘n Sods:

As expected, weapons manufacturers have created a new AR-15 design that is compliant with New York’s “Safe Act”. – RBS o o o P.S. sent n an article showing that Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism. Apparently documents show that a training drill last January envisioned a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with anti-government opinions were the domestic terrorists. I understand the desire to vary training requirements, but either these people have no common sense or they are deliberately demonizing the most loyal patriots. o o o JBG sent in this link detailing the slow trickle turned surge …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Washington Times reports that the NRA’s ‘American Rifleman’ surges to top 25 magazines in America knocking ‘Maxim’ from the list. – G.G. o o o Hands off our children, Big Brother, Patrice Lewis’ latest on ‘Common Core’. o o o California’s Gun Confiscation Program Hits Firearm Owners Hard. As part of its ongoing efforts to defend gun owners from malicious and improper prosecutions, the foundations recomends: Never consent to a search Exercise your right to remain silent Contact CGF’s Help Hotline through the online form at www.calgunsfoundation.org/hotline or call (800) 556-2109, open 24/7/365 If you need immediate legal assistance, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Delta2187 sent in a link to Statement for the Record – Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community and notes that the information is wide ranging (technology, terrorism, health, food, water) and could provide a good (basic) understanding of the threats we all face. The information certainly reinforces the need for prepping! o o o B.B. sends in this link showing that almost the first act of the Supreme Court was treason. It’s an interesting read. o o o B.R. notes that Violent Protests in Ukraine Supported by US Congress NED, Soros and Other Tax-Exempts o o o J.L. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Secret Contacts between Taliban and Karzai Helped Erode U.S.-Afghan Relations – B.R. o o o This is a pretty simple article with quite a bit of background on grid blackouts that concludes by saying that the stimulus-funded efficiency improvements in the US grid make it more vulnerable to attacks by hackers. – Elaine o o o G.P. sent in this article (video included) show how drought is a growing problem in California. o o o Zerogov recently ran an article on how to decrease your electronic footprint in regards to cellular phones, but my thinking lies with Militialaw. Why do …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who, like Tim Taylor (Home Improvement), like to “up-size” whatever they do… Farm invention of the year – J.W. o o o As Israel grows increasingly nervous about Iran, Israeli army report reveals intelligence and security relations with several Arab and Muslim countries – B.R. o o o RBS sent in this article about an Ontario judge ordering 13 children from a Jewish community into foster care. o o o Canned Garands – What more needs to be said? o o o An anonymous reader sent in this neat video: Don’t get stranded wearing a plastic coat. It …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ninth Circuit Holds California’s Carry License Laws Unconstitutional o o o Don’t forget Ready Made Resources with their first 25-42% off Mountain House Food Sale going on right now. They are also offering free shipping and will be giving away a case of Mountain House Pouched Yogurts on orders where more than 10 cases are sold. (A $300 value.) o o o J.W. sends us this video showing how to check the state of the battery without a VOM. I’ve tried it with Ray-o-Vac, Energizer and Duracell’s in AA, AAA and C sizes. It does seem to work. It did …