Odds ‘n Sods:

Are Americans Ready For A Revolution?. – H.L. o o o This is an incredibly disturbing revelation: The (Non)Finality of Supreme Court Opinions. – PLC o o o Is Operation Choke Point a harbinger of big-government activism to come? Operation Choke Point a harbinger of big-government activism to come?. – G.P. o o o Chicago mayor pushes plan requiring all gun sales to be videotaped. – T.J. o o o Candidate for Fla. Governor Gets Self Arrested to Fight REAL ID. – J.W.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Retail Death Rattle Grows Louder. – H.L. o o o Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on. – H.L. This is a list that I am very interested to see. o o o “Nobody Needs.” The Media Attempts To Grant “Absolute Moral Authority” To The Gun Control Movement. – B.B. o o o Now, the police don’t even need a predator drone to kill an American. The police are authorized to shoot until the alleged perpetrator is dead, even if the danger is over. What is even more disturbing is the lack of a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Six Ways to Separate Lies From Statistics – JBG o o o Justice to count feds’ guns. It will be interesting to compare the resulting numbers with those of 10 years ago. I suspect we are in for an eye-opener. o o o Government Agency Scraps Employee Ratings To Avoid ‘Discrimination’. Because your rating system just can’t be accurate if it rates minorities below the average. Some ideas are just worthy of a face-palm. – Mike Williamson, Survivalblog Editor At Large. o o o Why War Is Inevitable — Paul Craig Roberts. – B.B. o o o And here another …

Odds ‘n Sods:

If the grid fails, will you die?. So you think that we will simply revert to the 1800 and move on with life? Try the early middle ages instead. o o o U.S. Media Bias: Three large media outlets reporting on the shooting/stabbing in California, CNN, Boston Herald, and NY Daily News, and not one of them mentions the three stabbings, only the shootings. I have to find out about it in the UK based Daily Mail. – T.P. o o o Physical Limits to Food Security: Water and Climate – J.W. o o o Tampa welcomes “Invasion Force” – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Prepper comms goes mainstream? My New Favorite Social Network Is Ham Radio. – B.C. o o o City plans to attack economic segregation by moving poor into middle-class neighborhoods, richer into poverty spots. No point in fleeing a high crime area when the city will simply be moving the high crime area right back into your formerly “nice” neighborhood. Middle class and upper class flight from the state of New York will simply accelerate… even more. – T.P. o o o A chilling message from the cartels: Billboards with hanging mannequins warning cops to choose ‘silver over lead’ appear in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Natural Water Purification Using Coriander – We have o o o Man cooked to death in scalding shower as punishment by prison guards. – H.L. o o o IRS: 318,000 fed workers owe $3.3B in back taxes . – D.S. o o o 10,996,447: Disability Beneficiaries Hit New Record – G.G. “The number of Americans receiving disability benefits continues to exceed the populations of Greece, Tunisia and Portugal, and is approaching the population of Cuba…” o o o New York Lawmakers Complain Alabama’s Remington Win Due in Part to ‘Gun-Friendly’ Political Climate – C.D. o o o N.J. doctor supplied …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Thailand Goes From Martial Law To a Full-on Coup In a Matter Of Days. Thai military seizes power in coup, imposes curfew. – E.B. o o o Two 9-year-old students in Vancouver, Washington were deeply embarrassed last week after a classroom policy led to them urinating on themselves. ‘Pay to Potty” Policy Results in Third-Graders Peeing Themselves in School. As Duck Dynasty’s founder Phil Robertson would say, “Are you NUTS?” – H.L. o o o Do you remember when establishment Republicans in Congress were scared to death of having Tea Party challengers come after their seats? Well, those days are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An excellent treatise on some of the differences between a republic and a democracy. Mob Rule in America. – B.B. o o o Dawn Military-Style Police Raid Leaves Meek Grandmother Angry, Humiliated o o o Ebay has been hacked and is asking users to change their passwords: eBay Asking Users To Change Passwords Following Hack – RBS o o o Federal court: police can break down door and seize guns without warrant or charges o o o Here’s an idea for a repair business I’ve been kicking around since retirement. People don’t sew so much anymore, nor do they have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Quality Homegrown Milk . Do you know what A1 or A2 milk is? I didn’t. Some cows are just better than others. o o o Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records – D.S. o o o ‘They Brandished Shields’ and Pointed Rifles ‘Directly at Innocent Citizens’ — and That Was Just the Start: Lawsuit Details Shock Case of Alleged Fourth Amendment Violation – B.B. o o o Ukrainian army leaves fully armed & fueled BMP unguarded. Curious crowd climbs in for a look. Results as expected. . Fortunately, no one was injured by the round, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Feds Hit Online Gun Stores With “High Risk” Label. – B.B. Gun stores in the same category as porn? o o o BEAUMONT: Jury weighs police pepper spray that blinded woman – T.Y. “Clark used his department-issued JPX gunpowder-propelled pepper spray weapon and fired it less than a foot away from her face.” o o o NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End, And It’s Not Looking Good for Us – S.O. Now I’m really wondering why NASA is still part of the government budget process. o o o Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from Every Angle. – B.B. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who think being persecuted for your faith is having someone call you names: Sudanese woman sentenced to hang for apostasy. The U.S. is giving billions of dollars in aid to the very countries responsible for these heinous acts. o o o All I can say is “It’s about time!” America’s Oldest Gun Maker Thumbs Its Nose At A Two-Faced Senator – B.B. o o o FDA To Ban Organic Farming? o o o Never Forgetting a Face. – T.P. o o o In a prime example of the abuses of our system and unfair abuse of police powers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas officer who shot armed 93-year-old fired – G.S. o o o Homeland Security Raids Flea Markets While Ignoring Terrorist Threats. – B.L. o o o Not suprising when you realize that gun control is about people control. Gross hypocrisy: Brady Campaign head talks gun control with armed security – P.S. o o o Spying Is Meant to Crush Citizens’ Dissent, Not Catch Terrorists o o o No wartime paperwork? Tear down your home. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Old Car Loophole – When Will It Be Closed? o o o Krayton Kerns warns of leftward-leaning Republicans in the Montana legislature: Trust but Verify o o o Encrypted Internet Traffic Surges in a Year, Research Shows. It’s pretty obvious at this point that the largest increase is in Bittorrent, where the users don’t want others to know their true intent. You can argue whether the reason is to hide questionable activity or not, but the reality is that while that may be a significant reason, an equally compelling reason is that Internet users are just plain tired of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those of you who are fans of Isac Asimov, this is nothing new. The technology level in our daily utilitarian appliances is advancing fast and some, such as cars, could really be called robots without blinking an eye. As artificial intelligence increases in these appliances, this now becomes an issue that must be dealt with, but how? The Mathematics of Murder: Should a Robot Sacrifice Your Life to Save Two?. – T.P. o o o Krayton Kerns – The Magic of Wool. o o o Did ATF’s Determination on NICS Checks Open the Door for Manufacture of New Machineguns …

Odds ‘n Sods:

JWR was recently interviewed by the folks at The Daily Coin podcast. The half-hour interview covered a wide range of preparedness topics. o o o Best concealed carry handguns. – B.R. o o o Policing for Profit? Lawmakers, advocates raise alarm at growing gov’t power to seize property – H.L. While the civil confiscation and forfeiture looks cool on TV, it affects real people and the Georgia Sheriffs Association should be ashamed of their stance that curbing that law would reduce the profitability of upholding the law. What makes them different from the thugs they police in that situation? o …