Odds ‘n Sods:

Water Wars: What It Will Be Like When Your Tap Runs Dry. – B.B. Range wars over water are nothing new to the southwest U.S. Unfortunately, this time around, the urban populations hang in the balance. – HJL o o o With all due apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, you might have an idiot government if… 11 Ways You Know You Live In A Country Run By Idiots. – B.C. o o o Detroit Firefighters Use a Creative Tool to Stay on Top of Fires. – D.S. o o o DHS will ask stores to watch customers’ buying habits for terrorist …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Atlas Shrugged Part III: Who Is John Galt? will be opening on Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 247 confirmed movies theaters in the United States. – JWR o o o All the reason you need to stay off of Facebook: Kentucky Man Arrested For “Terroristic Threatening” After Posting Song Lyrics To Facebook – D.C. o o o They Just Keep Saying ISIS Is Going to Attack America’s Electric Grid. The only thing they didn’t do was give senior ISIS leadership a tour of a major power plant, complete with blueprints as a take-home souvenir. If these experts and reporters have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Midwest virus may be ‘tip of iceberg,’ CDC warns. – Time to break out the elderberry syrup for kiddos and educate your school on how to sanitize. (Think grapefruit seed extract and thieves oil.) – P.W. Also: Virus hitting Midwest could be ‘tip of iceberg,’ CDC official says. – G.P. o o o The New Terahertz Night Vision Can See Through Walls, Skin. – J.W. o o o The Obama administration’s response to the threat of ISIS recruiting inside the United States has been to release an anti-ISIS video over the weekend, featuring images of ISIS beheading people, blowing up …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was thrilled to hear that Scotland might soon regain its independence. This is the chance “just one chance” to set things right and establish an independent nation with a sound currency and perhaps the right to keep and bear arms. The people of Scotland deserve it! – JWR o o o The West Without Water. – JMC o o o This guy is an old hippie but has some good information on stealth camping.  Also, it’s obvious that he’s read a couple of military manuals that apply. Video: Secrets of Stealth Camping. – J.H. o o o A massacre …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Family security? The buck stops with you. – Avalanche Lily o o o Well said! An Open Letter To My Friends In Law Enforcement . – P.H. o o o Would Russia’s president really be willing to start World War III? . – D.S. Note: A “free” registration is required to read this article. SurvivalBlog has no affiliation with Foreignpolicy.com. Sign up at your own risk. o o o For Sale Soon: The World’s First Google Glass Detector. – T.P. o o o Judge Sets Hearings for Illegal Alien Minors–4 Years From Now. – T.P. If that is a speedy …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why Is Independence So Frightening To Some People?. – H.L. o o o It’s Official: Public Opinion Of Congress Sinks Below That Of A Used-Car Salesman. – P.L. o o o One in Three U.S. Workers Is a Freelancer . – G.G. “Freelancer” is anyone who is employed on a contingency basis, such as temps, contractors, or part-timers. It’s further proof of the dire straits of our economy. o o o Milwaukee Resident Shoots and Kills Gang Member. – J.W. o o o When can you legally use a gun against an unarmed person?. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Nebraska Medical Center to treat Boston doctor suffering from Ebola. – T.P. HJL’s Comment: Again, there is no necessity to panic about Ebola being on our own shores. If I had Ebola, I would definitely want to be treated by a U.S. hospital rather than a Liberian one. There is just no comparison in standards of medicine or protections from infectious diseases. Here in the U.S., we have become jaded about the quality of medical care we receive. In spite of the damage caused by Obama Care, the standards of health care in the U.S. are still the highest of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

California water infrastructure on verge of historic collapse o o o Guy Fawkes data points: For anyone considering wearing a mask to a public event, this web site has some useful information on state laws. Thankfully, none of the American Redoubt states have any restrictions. – JWR o o o Army sees ‘megacities’ as the future battlefield. T.P. o o o The thin blue line and the double standard of the law: No Jail For Oklahoma Cop Who Lied About Beating Motorist. T.C. o o o Broward Deputies Violently Arrest Men for Video Recording Before Destroying Evidence. – B.L HJL …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Hidden Secret Passages by Creative Home Engineering – JWR o o o Android security mystery – ‘fake’ cellphone towers found in U.S.. – H.C. o o o Baptist Preacher Censored, YouTube Account Closed For Sermon on Terrorism, Threat to Christians. – G.S. o o o Federal Judge: ‘CA 10-day waiting period unconstitutional’. – RBS o o o Dozens of police agencies report loss of Pentagon-supplied military weapons. – J.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

One of the Ryans over at the great Total Survivalist blog has posted a pre-release review of my upcoming novel, Liberators. (The novel is scheduled for release on October 21st, 2014.) Bottom line: He rated it “excellent”, and called it “probably the best book in the series.” – JWR o o o Just ten days and counting to the release of Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? (September 12, 2014.) – JWR o o o Drought in Spain means massive olive oil shortage in months ahead o o o Strategy irony: Obama declares ‘National Preparedness Month,’ ‘PrepareAthon’. – G.G. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

By way of Mac Slavo’s excellent blog, comes a link to a thought-provoking piece by Dave Hodges: The Blueprint for World War III. – JWR o o o Here’s an interesting piece over at Todd Savage’s Strategic Relocation blog: Bug out – Bush Pilot Training. – JWR o o o Armed & dangerous: 89-year-old World War II veteran shoots armed robber. – G.G. o o o These are the people that are supposed to be above reproach! Third Florida County Judge in Seven Months Faces DUI Charges. T.P. o o o Charged with driving an unregistered car designed to resemble …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Myth of arctic meltdown. – P.M. o o o The “nanny state” strikes again: Government publishes detailed instructions on how to safely roast marshmallows. – JBG o o o Death of man restrained by NYPD ruled homicide . – T.P. o o o Online posts show ISIS eyeing Mexican border, says law enforcement bulletin. M.B. o o o Government To Regulate Groundwater For 1st Time As California Drought Becomes “Race To The Bottom”. -H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ammunition now plentiful one year after mass shortages . – H.L. o o o The movie Atlas Shrugged Part 3: Who Is John Galt? will be released on September 12, 2014. There are 223 confirmed theater locations that can be be found here. o o o Swatting continues to be a real issue as more and more people engage in the practice, while police are over anxious to use their SWAT teams. Vice news has an interesting video on the swatting issue. You can also see an example where one online gamer, who was streaming video of himself (a common …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Shooting by 9-year-old Girl Stirs Debate over Guns. – H.L. o o o Cops Never Told Walmart Shopper to Drop Toy Rifle Before Gunning Him Down o o o Blueprint for water ‘control’? Pol says EPA made secret maps for new regulatory push. – B.B. o o o The Impending Catastrophe. – J.W. o o o Rejecting The Rule Of Law Means Inviting The Rule Of Guns. – M.R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Homegrown terrorist: American ISIS fighter Douglas McAuthur McCain dies during battle in Syria . – T.P. o o o Fed Vice Chairman Warns: Your Bank May Seize Your Money to Recapitalize Itself. – J.W. o o o What Happened to All the Gun Buyers?. – G.L. o o o The Chinese Provide a Glimpse of An American Post-Collapse Society. – J.W. HJL Comments: I’m posting this link because I believe that China is an excellent example of a repressive regime holding their population under the boot. It is also an example of a government artificially propping an economy up. However, …