Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric Holder To Step Down As Attorney General. JWR’s Comments: Only National Pravda Radio (NPR) could couch Holder’s departure in such glowing terms and avoid any specific mention of the many impeachable scandals that the man got himself into, including the Fast and Furious gunrunning plot. Holder should be serving a long stretch in a federal pen, rather than collecting a federal retirement check. o o o Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car – T.P. o o o 11-Year-Old Girl Saves Mother’s Life By Shooting Violent Intruder Multiple Times. – J.W. o o o For Gun Shop Owners, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Burning Platform blog recently posted a cogent letter clipping about U.S. intervention in Syria (from what appears to be Navy Times), titled Clear As Mud. o o o Seattle mandates residents separate food waste from trash or pay $1 fine – T.P. o o o Forest Service says media needs photography permit in wilderness areas, alarming First Amendment advocates o o o Apparently there really are zombies (other than those found at *Mart on Black Friday): Liberia: Dead Ebola Patients Resurrect?. It is stories like this that make me really question the level of medical care available in some …

Odds ‘n Sods:

North has nuke missiles: source. – G.P. o o o LE squeals about more secure smartphones. – T.P. o o o America — poised for collapse. – B.B. o o o Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa — The First 9 Months of the Epidemic and Forward Projections. – H.D. o o o Willing Demons . – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who prefer to read novels in Spanish, my second novel, Survivors (“Supervivientes“) is now available in trade paperback and and ebook for Kindle readers. And of course Patriots (“Patriotas“) is also available in Spanish. – JWR o o o New lab incidents fuel fear, safety concerns in Congress. – G.P. o o o iPhone ATM PIN code hack- HOW TO PREVENT. – T.P. Hugh Adds: Careful with this video … I got sucked into this guy’s YouTube channel and spent nearly an hour watching his videos before I realized I was off on a tangent. Very enjoyable. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some food for thought: The Once & Future Christendom o o o Many people are scratching their heads over President Obama’s insistence that we use the United Nations term of ISIL for the Islamic State of evil thugs and murderers. ISIL purportedly stands loosely for the Islamic State In Iraq and the Levant, with the Levant being a neo-colonial term originating with Britain and France several hundred years ago, when they divided up the Middle East, based on profits from exploitation. According to Wikipedia, the term Levant is only occasionally employed to refer to modern events, peoples, states, or parts …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From our friends over on the “Thoughts from Frank and Fern” blog comes this excellent article. I’m Going To ??? Perhaps Nike had something when they coined the phrase “Just Do It”. o o o The growing outcry over police confiscation o o o The Bear and the Dragon Encircle the Eagle. – B.B. o o o Nigerian police routinely use torture. – T.P. o o o How your innocent smartphone passes on almost your entire life to the secret service. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mob Violence, Terrorists, & Fears of Tyranny: Are You Arming & Armoring Up? – T.P. o o o News Montville, N.J. Plan Would Allow Searches Without Warrants For Underage Drinking. – T.J. o o o And Then They Came For The Bolt-Actions. – B.B. o o o NBC: Survive Home Invasion By Cooperating With Invaders, ‘Treat Them Like Royalty’ – T.P. It’s absolutely astonishing in this day and age that any reporter would suggest such poor advice that will likely get you killed. Cooperating with a home invasion thug may have been exactly what Jull Su did and look where …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This interview with Russian hardliner Federov (a Deputy of the State Duma) is most revealing on several levels, especially vis-a-vis the dollar-tied Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Clearly, the great game continues: The Purge is coming. Evgeny Fedorov Federov covers a lot of ground in this interview, perhaps tipping his hand more than he intended. A transcript can be found online. Parenthetically, if Federov’s prediction is correct, then look for an announcement of the nationalization (or perhaps a “dissolution” or “reorganization”) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the issue of a gold-baked ruble as the catalyzing …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ol’ Remus at WoodpileReport.com noted: “In the dull light of the woods, crisp new cammies are easier to spot than the somewhat faded cammies typical of military surplus. And Flecktarn may be slightly less visible than Woodland.” JWR Adds: But be careful not to buy any camouflage uniforms that have ever been starched, since that makes them reflective to infrared (IR.) And likewise, it is best to launder your field clothing with a mild detergent such as Woolite, since using a detergent with any “whitening” or “brightening” will make you stand out quite noticeably to users of FLIRs and night …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader K.A. sent us a link to a video of some pro-Russian irregulars of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR/DNR) skirmishing in the village of Vergunka near Luhans’ka, Ukraine. (Note: Please ignore the lewd pictures and links at the LiveLeak website. Sorry, but I could not find another video aggregation site with the same video clip.) This video provides a great case study on how NOT to operate as a small guerilla unit: Pitiful noise discipline (plenty of “smoking and joking”); marginal command and control; suicidally poor dispersion of patrol members (at many times they were bunched so close together …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: TSA demands to rescreen a man AFTER he he flew from Minneapolis, MN and landed safely in Denver, Colorado.. – J.C. o o o NATO Chief Warns Moscow: No More Stealth Invasions. – Pat Cascio o o o The Great Unraveling. – P.M. I’m going to have to agree with some of the commenters on this opinion piece. While it may seem that society has begun to completely unravel, I tend to think it is because the leaders that we have put in place are so small minded and completely out of their depth. I truly believe that with …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Keeping Your Powder Dry—How to Store Ammunition Using a FoodSaver. – R.F. JWR Adds: Please note that ammunition should only be stored under a LIGHT vacuum! A strong vacuum can unseat bullets from cartridge cases. You can still use the FoodSaver bags, just seal them without the vacuum. o o o Chief Eden: APD is ‘stuck’ with some officers. – T.P. o o o Blackwater-type Mercenaries Drop from Unmarked Helicopters to Raid Legal Marijuana Gardens in California. – RBS o o o 5 Reasons to Expect Police Brutality to Get Worse Before it Gets Better. – G.R. o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ebola is “devouring everything in its path.” Could it lead to Liberia’s collapse?. – J.E. o o o California deems carpooling via all ride-share services illegal. – T.P. o o o The utter failure of our political class to respond to mortal danger. – B.B. o o o America Under Cultural Dhimmitude. – D.S. o o o Plans to Turn ‘Politically Binding’ UN Climate Change Accord Into Federal Law. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Scary stuff! Video: Softest Target Ever? A Nuclear Plant Outside D.C. Is Virtually Unguarded – P.S. o o o San Diego Unified School district has an MRAP?. – S.B. o o o Local legislators squash gun-grabbers, override governor’s veto. – B.B. o o o Spain is Militarizing Against Citizens – The Coming Civil War?. – J.W. o o o At the urging of a couple of readers, I watched the pilot episode of the new Utopia “reality” television series last night via online streaming. In my opinion, putting people who do not share a common faith and work ethic together …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama signs Executive Order for detention of Americans showing signs of “respiratory illness” – M.R. o o o Employees Quit Gun-Free Chipotle, Cite ‘Borderline Sweatshop Conditions’. – JBG o o o 2 Off-Duty Police Officers Robbed in Chicago. – T.P. o o o Under Siege: An Analysis of America’s Burgeoning Police State, and the Solution. – B.B. o o o Warning: Language content – Stressed California Neighbors – video – 1:09. Think this is bad? Wait until their EBT cards flash “error” at every food store and the city water mains run completely dry. – T.P.