Odds ‘n Sods

Bombshell: Pilot Claims He was fired for not Signing Away His Constitutional Rights – Warns of Illegal Muslims flying into US. = T.P. o o o Video: How To Exercise Your Rights At An Unconstitutional Checkpoint. – J.W. o o o Analysis: US-Led Airstrikes Produce Few Gains o o o Russia Deploying Tactical Nuclear Arms in Crimea. – G.P. o o o Man arrested for rape of 100-year-old Wichita woman. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The One Simple Secret to Surviving Any Crisis – J.W. o o o Commission delays vote on U2 rocker’s proposed Malibu compound. – P.M. o o o Whoa…What’s This About EIGHT Confirmed Ebola Cases in Europe?. – H.L. o o o Men Carjack 91-Year-Old Vet In Moline. – Guatemalans, 16 and 17, escaped a facility in Des Plaines? – P.M. o o o The USD Is NOT going to collapse – it’s going to violently ERUPT. An interesting premise. – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tam at the great View From The Porch blog alerted me to a news item from western Oregon: Man practicing open carry law robbed of gun. A few key points: A.) The guy had just bought the gun the day before, so he was obviously not up to speed on situational awareness, and most likely he had little or no formal training. B.) If all 50 states were like Vermont/Alaska/Wyoming/Arizona/Arkansas and recognized the right to “keep and bear” either openly or concealed without a permit, then this probably wouldn’t have happened. (Anti-self defense laws are idiotic, and the rascals who …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Savage: 1 month left to save America. – J.W. o o o A piece that hits big pharma pretty hard and is short on facts but does put forward an interesting hypothesis that your immune system is pretty important in fighting Ebola. Perhaps it’s time to break out that Elderberry syrup with N98 and Ebola floating around near you. I’m not completely sold on the story, but keeping your own immune system in tip-top shape is never a bad thing. ISIS, Ebola Uncut: Why the Mainstream is Late Wrong and Corrupt o o o Disease plagues illegal immigrants; lack …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Doctors Target Virus as Link to Solve Polio-Like Illness . – P.M. o o o “Nobody Has Any Idea How Disastrous It’s Going To Be” Warns California Water Expert. – H.L. o o o Mom Gets Shotgun for Mother’s Day, Uses It against Intruder. – J.W. o o o Guy Fires Warning Shot, Gets 20 Years. – B.B. o o o An excellent read on how we got where we are. The History and Danger of Administrative Law. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some insightful commentary by Ol’ Remus: The Ebola Farce. o o o Citizen journalists don’t need “Press Credentials” — but that badge may help o o o If you raise ANY TYPE of animals for food, this should SERIOUSLY get your attention. Make no mistake, complete government control of your animals IS the end game here. Animal cruelty is now a group A – FELONY. – T.P. o o o SurvivalBlog reader K.B. sent us this message: “Just FYI, the crowds at my local Market Basket grocery store in Metro Boston were huge yesterday. The cashier said he sees this …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Satan’s Temper Tantrum. – Avalanche Lily Well said! – HJL o o o The toughest thing for everyone in this movement to understand is that they are not the saviors; they are the sacrifice. The saviors will come later; they will be our children’s children, fueled by stories from us about what liberty is and why it is worth fighting and dying for, but it will not be us. For the People and the Nation . – J.W. o o o Ebola Testing At Georgia Jail HALTS Operations. – G.L. When you realize that in a nation of 350 million …

Odds ‘n Sods:

With Dry Taps and Toilets, California Drought Turns Desperate Mapping the Spread of Drought Across the U.S. o o o DHS Insider – Terrorist Self-Infect with Ebola. – J.W. o o o As we expected: Boss, Coworkers of US Ebola Patient: He Knew He Had Ebola, US Trip Was ‘Desperate Attempt to Survive’. – P.M. o o o Obama virus D68 aka enterovirus affecting thousands of US children, Dr. Claudia Hoyen, Reported cases tip of iceberg, Coincides with entry of illegal alien children, Obama warned by health professionals. – P.M. o o o Why America’s Not Ready For An Ebola …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“un” Comfortably Numb – RBS o o o Meanwhile In Hong Kong “Tonight Is Going To Get Messy”. – J.W. o o o A future valuable skill? Make A Lawn mower Blade Knife – F.J. o o o 4 People Prosecuted Under #AgGag Law for Photographing Factory Farm From the Road – T.P. o o o Ebola virus: Pandemic should be treated ‘the same way’ as threat posed by nuclear weapons, security officials say – P.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Health News – Beware of the Dangers Out There o o o Oilcloth – making non-petroleum based waterproof fabrics. – P.M. o o o New Jersey Man Accused Of Shooting Down Neighbor’s Remote Control Drone. – T.P. o o o High school student arrested for imagining hunting a dinosaur with a gun in fiction story. – RBS o o o Here’s Why You Should NOT Panic Over Ebola. – J.W.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ebola has come to our shores, just a month sooner than I had anticipated. If and when Ebola reaches your county, be prepared to hunker down at home for several months, folks. Keep in mind that you can collect your mail from your mailbox with disposable exam gloves and then put both the gloves and the mail in your microwave oven for 90 seconds to decontaminate them. For any larger scale decontamination, I recommend that you get a HAZARID system. (Available from Readymade Resources and several other online vendors.) I predict that these systems will sell out in less than …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Death Of Shop Class And America’s Skilled Workforce. – RBS o o o Scotland Votes Like Anti-Gunners: Guided by Fear and Ignorance . – RBS o o o Yeah, I know it’s from the old Weekly World News. Ed Anger KNOWS. We used to actually repair things in this country… – T.P. Hugh adds: This is an issue near and dear to my heart. I still like to repair things and I will often do so even when it is cheaper to buy a new one. If you account for the cost of my labor, it is most definitely …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I noticed that our SurvivalRealty.com spinoff site (operated by my #1 Son) now has more than 160 listings. Be sure to check out the many new ones, including one in the historic “living ghost town” of Warren, Idaho. – JWR o o o 3-3 is Threeper Day: Celebrate It. – B.B. o o o The Death Of Shop Class And America’s Skilled Workforce. – T.P. o o o I am continually amazed at the utter stupidity of some: Allowing blood donations from gay men could help save over a million lives in U.S. . – T.P. o o o DNC’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sandy Hook Advisory Commission calls for tighter regulation of homeschooling of “children with significant emotional, social or behavioral problems” – G.P. o o o What the Global Status Quo Optimizes: Protecting Elites and the Clerisy Class That Serves Them. – JFJ o o o This article takes an alarmist stance on the spread of Ebola. Many of the links are based upon shaky and incorrect evidence. However, the article underscores how fragile the current economy is and identifies many issues that could be a problem in any pandemic situation. Read it with a grain of salt and know that the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

One cost of war: U.S. blowing up its own Humvees. – RBS o o o How Gun Control Made England The ‘Most Violent Country In Europe’. – JBG o o o The Number One Threat to the US Above Terrorism. – T.P. o o o Illegal children brought into the country apparently brought this virus in: Virus probed in paralysis cases in 9 Colorado kids – P.M. o o o Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace. – T.P. The first reports about this violent act avoided the issue that it was related to Islam, even though it was readily apparent. I …