Odds ‘n Sods:

Bellevue staffers call in ‘sick’ after Ebola arrives. – T.P. While I don’t think this Ebola scare has come anywhere close to threatening a significant portion of the population at this time, this article underscores a critical aspect of societal collapse. Fear is a significant driver; when people stop showing up for work, the economy quits as well. Imagine if we had 10,000 infected here rather than just a few. o o o 6 degrees of government control. – Avalanche Lily o o o SurvivalBlog reader K.K. has informed us that a large amount of leftover warehoused UNI-SOLAR stock was …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Apparently, self-isolation only means isolation when it applies to everyone else. Everywhere the NYC Ebola Patient Went During His ‘Self-Isolation’ – P.M. o o o We are now several months into this “Ebola” issue, and I find it difficult that anyone could claim ignorance in dealing with disposal issues regarding this disease, given all of the hype it has received. Perhaps it’s time for a HAZMAT refresher course. NY Police Caught Throwing Waste From Ebola Scene Into Public Trash Can – P.M. o o o Courtesy of Backwoods Home Magazine: The state of freedom in America. – B.B. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our SurvivalRealty.com spin-off site has been expanded and now includes “by state” agent listings. Check it out. Also, if you know of any real estate agents with rural or off-grid properties, please let them know about this unique advertising opportunity. (Remote properties that are considered “hard to sell” by most agents find eager buyers at SurvivalRealty.com.) The ads for agents are just $25 per month, and the initial one month trial ad placement is free. o o o Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law. “Ebola SWAT Teams?” – T.P. o o o I’ve been asked by several …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This gives new meaning to the term “Chicago Democratic Machine Politics”: Voting error? – MtH o o o I missed seeing this when it was first posted at The Prepper Journal: Is it Crazy to Worry About the Golden Horde? o o o As vulgar as it sounds, desperate people do desperate things. It’s something to remember as you prep: Pakistan has lots of problems. Now add cannibalism. – T.P. o o o Remember, these are the situations that “suspend” your rights: Special report: America’s perpetual state of emergency. – SMZ o o o Thoughts from Frank and Fern: Wakey! …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Art of Survival: 8 Films (and 1 TV Show) That Might Save Your Life. – JWR o o o Obama’s triple punch hits America in the gut after midterms. – P.M. o o o Ol’ Remus: CDC and the point of no return . – P.W. o o o From Alex Jones’ Infowars: Disturbing Collection of No Knock SWAT Raids from 2014, but don’t forget to read about the “Top 3 Encounters with Constitutional Cops”. – RBS o o o Grooming a culture of cowards. – J.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Massive Fire at UK Power Station, Risk of Winter Blackouts Increases. – G.P. o o o Reader Bob G. suggested this fascinating web page, with frequent updates on disease outbreaks: Health Map The site is described as: “…a team of researchers, epidemiologists and software developers at Boston Children’s Hospital… [providing] …online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats.” o o o One-third of working Americans support two-thirds of the population: The hidden figures of those not in the labor force and transfer payments. o o o Top Scientist: This Version Of Ebola Looks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

JWR had some comments on the Ebola outbreak at the Prepper Recon Podcast. o o o Over at The Daily Sheeple: 10 Books That Could Actually Save Your Life. o o o Krayton Kerns, DVM: Main Street USA – Avalanche Lily o o o Build a working ADSB Aircraft Radar System for $ 20.00. – T.P. o o o Mental Health Issues Put 34,500 on New York’s No-Guns List. – H.L. o o o Life in Quarantine for Ebola Exposure: 21 Days of Fear and Loathing. – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

Trust but Verify – Avalanche Lily o o o Ammunition pulled from Walmart shelves in Ferguson amid violent clashes over the police shooting of Michael Brown. – JBG o o o Woman Sent To Jail For Overgrown Yard. – G.G. o o o This scientific article explains the difference between a so called ‘airborne’ virus and a virus that is not airborne. COMMENTARY: Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola. – A.D.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dallas Hospital Had the Ebola Screening Machine That the Military Is Using in Africa. – P.M. o o o Houston to pastors: Forget your sermons, now we want your speeches. – B.B. o o o Apocalypse Now: Preppers Are Gearing Up for Ebola. – G.G. o o o Ebola outbreak projections for the United States defy CDC’s false assurances. – J.W. o o o FEMA Pandemic Exercise Series. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

So, you like that flashlight app on your phone? Snoopwall Flashlight Apps Threat Assessment Report. – P.M. o o o Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola. – P.S. o o o An interesting site that may help you plan a bug-out route.http://hazmat.globalincidentmap.com/map.php. – JFJ o o o CDC considers adding names of health workers monitored for Ebola to no-fly list. – T.P. o o o The Pompous Prognostications Of “Permanently High Plateau” Prophets. J.W.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Shutdown: A Single Ebola Patient Has Overwhelmed The System: Dallas Hospital Forced To Close Emergency Room. – H.L. o o o Tiny Box Promises To Keep You Anonymous On The Internet. – G.P. o o o When Holding An Orphaned Baby Can Mean Contracting Ebola. – T.P. o o o America’s Ebola crisis is made worse by the people in charge. Dr. Thomas Frieden was Mayor Bloomberg’s Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene from 2002–2009 and enforced the mayor’s trans-fat, 16-ounce soda, smoking, and salt bans. CDC Director Tom Frieden faces rising tide of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For any readers who have Reddit accounts, you might find the current discussion of my upcoming novel, Liberators, of interest. – JWR o o o Todd Hoffman (who you might know from the Gold Rush reality TV series) has recently launched a conservative news aggregation website: The Hoffman Report. His site has a solid emphasis on news related to The Four Gs: God, Guns, Gold, and Good Government. o o o Video:Making your own lumber. – T.S. o o o DHS Insider: Everyone seems to be waiting for some big, history making event. – R.M. o o o If they …

Odds ‘n Sods:

American suicide bomber’s travels in U.S., Middle East went unmonitored – The Washington Post. – P.M. o o o NBC’s medical correspondent ‘violated Ebola quarantine’. – P.S. o o o Ebola research: Fever not a surefire sign of infection. – P.M. o o o Ebola: Studies Dispute CDC Mantra. – S.T. o o o Southcom Commander Warns of Potential Ebola-Driven ‘Mass Migration’ from South of Border. – J.W.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Attorney Stephen Stamboulieh is attempting to overturn 18 USC 922(o) and the National Firearms Act of 1934 as unconstitutional, via GoFundMe.com. He has raised nearly $20,000 in just three days. Chip in, if you can spare a few dollars, folks! o o o Infection Control for Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers in the African Health Care Setting. – MDM o o o Shady company tricks police to spread spyware. – D.S. o o o Texas Health Worker Tests Positive for Ebola. – RBS o o o What Can You Do to Prevent/Treat Ebola and Other Viral Infections. – D.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ebola = P.C. madness as Liberian Health Workers take Arriving Marines temperatures !. – T.P. o o o Drought-related or BATF incompetence? Castaic Lake so low that fisherman finds agent’s gun lost 22 years ago. – G.L. o o o How hackers took over my computer. – A.D. o o o Dr. Aileen Marty tells Fusion what she saw fighting Ebola in Nigeria. P.M. o o o Amid Ebola Crisis, Liberian Army Sees Its Chance at Rebranding. P.M.