Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama’s New Medical Snooping Program – D.S. o o o ‘Kissing bug’ disease infects OVER 300,000 people in the US…most of whom don’t know they have the parasite referred to as “the new AIDS” – P.M. o o o Those of us with equines know straight-up what to do and how to act when we have the issue of a potential disease outbreak. Step #1-ISOLATION, Step #2 Physical Exam and Collect History, Step #3 Reporting, Step #4 QUARANTINE, Step #5 Biosecurity & Commo, and Step #6 Lifting Quarantine. I guess the dolts now in our federal government, who are facing …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Facial recognition, body cameras used by Calgary police target of privacy probe. – B.M. o o o Ferguson “Activists” Deliver Pre-Riot Demands To Police. – T.P. o o o It begins: I Will Not Comply! – D.S. o o o VIDEO: New York Deputy Slaps Man For Refusing Unwarranted Search – G.P. o o o Michigan School District Plans “Lockdown” On Open Carry Parents – J.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

There was a bumper crop of turnips harvested from the garden at the Rawles Ranch this week. Does anyone have any good turnip recipes? If so, then please e-mail them. Thanks! o o o From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large: The echoes of communism o o o Expert Advice: How to Find Your Way Without a Compass – G.G. o o o Latest Ebola fear: Safety of lab equipment. – T.P. o o o Contained? NYC Department Of Health Actively Monitoring 357 Individuals For Ebola. – P.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tolerance: The Myth – Avalance Lily o o o Political Catch-Phrase – Avalance Lily o o o Facebook sees 24% uptick in government requests for user data – J.C. o o o Check out my thoughts on the threat risks of a resurgent Russia, an Ebola pandemic, and a U.S. power grid vulnerable to attack. On the latest segment of my interview with DRescapes.com, the expatriate blog – JWR o o o Video: Common Core Creator explains WHY he wrote it.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Second Amendment Crushes Gun Control Candidates in Midterm Elections – JBG o o o While most races involving the 2nd Amendment went the way they should have, SurvivalBlog reader D.S. informs us that some went further afield: Billionaire gun grabbers get their way. It may be time for that split in some states. JWR’s Comment: I have no doubt that this referendum banning private party sales of guns did not get a majority of votes in lightly-populated eastern Washington. This is just one more reason for Washington to be partititioned at the summit of the Cascades. The western and eastern …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An example of government control by criminalizing the common: New York City Pays $7,500 To Falsely Arrested Knife Owner. – G.P. o o o Video – Black Dart is the United States’ Answer to Drones: War Games o o o Interesting view of the “Mad Max” war in Syria: The Dreaded GoPro Tanks. – G.S. o o o Frank Serpico speaks out on the out-of-control police state. – G.L. o o o Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gangs. – P.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at The Daily Sheeple: When the SHTF, These Cheap Items Will be Worth Their Weight in Gold. – H.L. o o o ?FBI director wants access to encrypted Apple, Google user data, demands law ‘fix’. – RBS o o o Some interesting advice and discussion for those under the Virginia Circuit Court: Reboot Your iPhone Before Being Detained by Police to Disable Touch ID – RLH o o o Water is always of concern when making alternative plans: These Maps of California’s Water Shortage Are Terrifying. – T.P. o o o Refusing to Vote for ‘the Lesser of Two …

Odds ‘n Sods:

S.W. Florida Bomb Shelter, interesting look back. – JRN It may be a look back, but it still sounds interesting to me for future use… o o o By way of Infowars.com: Bundy Family Treated as Terror Suspects by TSA o o o Sipsey Street Irregulars: There will be raids. – B.B. o o o More reasons to home school: Allah in the Classroom — the ABC’s of Forced Conversion. – B.B. o o o ‘Entire villages disappeared’: Ebola deaths in Sierra Leone ‘underreported’ – K.D.

Odds ‘n Sods:

An interesting look at Ebola: Math Just Is. – K.H. o o o SurvivalBlog’s Field Gear Editor, Scot Eire, is curious if any readers have had a time-keeping device like this Dipleidoscope. If you are aware of this product or a similar product, shoot us an email. o o o What a surprise: State of Maine Document Reports Kaci Hickoxâs Roommate in Africa Developed Ebola. – T.P. o o o Another reason I don’t use smart phones: Somebody’s Already Using Verizon’s ID to Track Users. – G.G. o o o For those following the Sharyl Attkisson ordeal, a video has …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several Readers sent in this link to the Paratus Familia Blog: The Benefits of Islam o o o I’m terrified of my new TV: Why I’m scared to turn this thing on — and you’d be, too – T.P. o o o Ebola protection report. – K.H. o o o FEMA Pandemic Exercise Series. – P.M. o o o Discovery Channel Watchmen: Comment. – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

By way of The Daily Sheeple comes an excellent video on How To Treat a Traumatic Gunshot Wound. – J.W. o o o Man had four beatings by PA State police in 11 hours, including one in the hospital while the already injured victim was still handcuffed to a gurney. Man charged with breaking a trooper’s fist with his face. – T.P. I’m going to have to put Pennsylvania in the same class as other places that I never want to go. o o o WND has an excellent video about the indoctrination of our children in public schools. Get …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Not strictly survival related, but it’s a testament to the condition of our society: TRENDING: More college students support post-birth abortion – P.M. o o o With all the recent dust-ups on militarized police, here is an interesting read: Are Cops Constitutional? – K.W. o o o A Library For Survival Knowledge. Browse at will, but there is also a torrent snapshot of it (14-Oct-2014). – R.F. o o o CDC Says Ebola Droplets Can Only Travel 3 Feet … But MIT Research Shows Sneezes Can Travel Up to 20 Feet – P.M. Don’t forget to watch the Myth Busters …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost TWO MONTHS: Tests reveal certain strains survive for weeks when stored at low temperatures o o o This is the nurse that was angry that Gov. Christie mandated a quarantine for her and others returning from Africa: Ebola Nurse’s Ties to CDC Scrubbed From Website – Is Far Left Progressive & Obama Supporter – T.P. o o o Video: Dr. Samati: We’ve Had 230 Doctors Die From Ebola in Africa – Don’t Know Why. – R.G. o o o Ebola Virus Outbreak. – ShepherdFarmerGeek “The group was stoned and found hidden in the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For our readers who speak Spanish, here is a recent fairly sensationalized article from Spain’s El Periodico: Listos para el fin del mundo La América conspiratoria Gobiernos mundiales totalitarios. Campos de concentración para internar a la ciudadanía. Políticos que son la encarnación del Anticristo. Parecen elementos de una película de ciencia ficción, pero millones de estadounidenses creen que estas ideas son ciertas y algunos se preparan activamente para sobrevivir al colapso de la civilización. A choppy automatic translation is available here. o o o Off-grid German village banks on wind, sun, pig manure – G.G. o o o 15 Signs …

Odds ‘n Sods:

New York hospital treating Ebola doctor DENIES suffering ‘staff shortage after nurses called in sick out of fear of being infected with deadly virus’. – RBS o o o ER Doctor: What Scares Me Even More Than Ebola. – I.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.P. suggested this book for our readers: Buying A Used Shortwave Receiver A Market Guide To Modern Shortwave Radios o o o Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required. – D.S. o o o Everyone’s favorite “Crazy Russian Hacker” demonstrates how to get just a few more minutes out of your phone: …