Odds ‘n Sods:

Again showing that the human link is often the weakest in any security. Young mother let terrorists into Charlie Hebdo building after threat against daughter. – P.M. o o o Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things. – B.B. o o o Harvard Professor explains America in 90 seconds. – C.T. Hugh adds: While the premise of the clip sounds good and my initial thought is to agree with it, I can’t help but wonder if that isn’t part of the problem. I will always remember the story told to me in my youth of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The RS-6 Radio Set. – RBS o o o We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions. – A.P. o o o N.H. Police Officer’s Colt M4 Carbine is “Lost”. – T.P. “The officer was dispatched to several calls after leaving the parking lot and believes the bag containing the rifle fell off of the trunk as he left the parking lot.” o o o VA Offers ‘Free Gun Locks’ in Exchange for Owners’ Info, Addresses & # of Guns Owned. – RBS o o o An update on Avalanche Lily’s suggestion yesterday: The Star Spangled Banner Lyrics By Francis …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Living on the edge. Proof that living on the edge can be done for a very long time. Important to note how important faith is in such a situation. – S.D. o o o Former Marine Shocks Crowd By Singing Forgotten Verse Of Star Spangled Banner. – Avalanche Lily o o o Top five emergency first aid items you probably didn’t even realize were medicine. – D.S. o o o Connecticut Gun Confiscation Letters Now Confirmed By Fox. – F.B. o o o The Most Amazing Hubble Image Ever. – C.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large: backyard metal foundry o o o 8 Health Benefits of Ginger. – H.L. o o o UK Nannies Must Double As Spies To Prevent Children From Becoming Terrorists . – H.L. o o o Stop the NSA from taking personal info from your apps . – D.S. o o o FBI says search warrants not needed to use “stingrays” in public places . – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

State Departments of Agriculture are Attempting to Regulate Seed Banks Out of Existence. – H.L. o o o Another example of public schools becoming brain washing institutions! Middle School Kids Taken To Hear Louis Farrakhan Call For Violence Against The ‘Crackers’. – H.L. o o o How an Old Swimming Pool Feeds an Entire Family and Changes the Way We Look at Food. – G.J. o o o Video: Worm Grunting. – T.P. o o o I recently ran across an interesting book for sale: One-Hour Cheese: Ricotta, Mozzarella, Chèvre, Paneer–Even Burrata. Fresh and Simple Cheeses You Can Make in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Notable for their absence: You won’t find any of the American Redoubt States listed in America’s 10 Most Dangerous States. However, you will find three of the Redoubt states in the Safest States List. (And if Eastern Oregon were a separate state, it would probably make the latter list.) – JWR o o o NY confiscates Navy vet’s guns, revokes his license after he sought medical help for insomnia . – H.L. o o o Video: Introduction to AmRRON . – J.J. o o o Girl, 7, Who Walked Away from Plane Crash Had Survival Skills: Family . Girl, 7, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Frank and Fern: Radio – Adventure with a New Antenna o o o I received the following announcement from the manufacturer of Polar Pure, in Saratoga, California: “After three years of negotiations with the DEA and the EPA, I am pleased to inform you that Polar Pure is officially back on the market!” I was able to obtain a sample from the new production. The packaging looks identical to the “pre-ban” variety. I recommend stocking up before the DEA bureaucrats change their minds! – JWR o o o Candle alternative. – G.P. o o o Not everyone today believes …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why Is The Fed Hiring An “Emergency Preparedness Specialist Familiar With DHS Directives”. – G.G. o o o From the guy who turned a shovel into an AK47: Takedown Saiga 12. – K.R. o o o An interesting story from Turkey: ‘Thief’ is not Just a Five-Letter Word o o o Military hardware still flowing to local police after Ferguson. – B.B. o o o Georgia. police chief says he accidentally shot wife – Twice. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hackers can steal your fingerprint from a PHOTO: Copycat print could be used by criminals to fool security systems. – D.S. o o o License Plate Reader Technology Looks At Faces. – G.P. o o o Der Spiegel Reveals Loose Standards Needed for Drone Assassination. – RBS o o o 28 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps. – B.B o o o Be American . – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Supreme Court Rules Police Can Violate The 4th Amendment (If They Are Ignorant Of The Law). – B.B. o o o ARPA’s Autonomous Microdrones Designed to Enter Houses o o o Young people are ‘lost generation’ who can no longer fix gadgets, warns professor. – G.G. o o o It’s an old one, but one worth reviewing. Video: Liquor Store Clerk Iraq Veteran Turns Tables On Would Be Robber. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Civil Asset Forfeiture: The Final Stage Of Collapse Of Empire. – B.B. o o o On Leaving Church » Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch. – RBS o o o The Ultimate Prepper List; 122 Of The Best Online ‘Prepper’ Websites. – T.F. o o o Chaos in the Alps as massive snowfall traps 15,000 cars. – R.F. o o o The Top 10 Things Every Voter Should Know About Money-in-Politics. – T.R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Google and other tech giants want an exemption from “Do not track” Using a search engine like DuckDuckGo, your own email server, and more will be needed if you want any hope of a level of privacy. This doesn’t even consider the NSA… – P.S. o o o The Drone That Could Save You From Drowning. – P.S. o o o Bring back thrift – G.G. o o o U.N. sending thousands of Muslims to America. – T.P. “The United States, with its commitment to accepting 70,000 displaced people a year, absorbs more refugees than all other countries combined. This …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cops Hate Being Filmed. So Why Are They OK With Body Cameras?. Police body cameras are worthless, as long as the police can turn them off at will. – T.P. o o o Riot Police Needed To Protect Christians Worshipping Midnight Mass In Saint Louis From Rioting “FTP” Protestors… – T.P. o o o Nuclear Power Plant In South Korea Hacked o o o But We Should Demand That Toy Guns Be Painted Bright Colors?. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police stress “need” for social media data-mining upgrades. – T.P. o o o SurvivalBlog Reader P.S. writes in about some interesting research: I’ve always had many questions about the U.S. crime rates. Examples: Are crime rates increasing? Are some areas becoming more violent than others? What has been the influence of gun control? I’m starting to look at the data available from the Uniform Crime Reporting website. Here is some very early analysis. Note that all metrics are per-capita rates (per 100,000 people) such that they account for national and regional population changes. Also, data is only available through the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Violence is Golden. – P.S. o o o Riots Heat Up Near Ferguson After Cops Shoot A Black Teen – T.F. o o o Mike Rowe’s Gut Check on Ferguson-NYPD Deaths is the Tough Love All Americans Need to Hear. – B.B. o o o Just as JWR predicted: Congress Allows Pension Cuts For Current Retirees. – K. o o o EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 43 TIMES As Long As The Bible