Odds ‘n Sods:

From SurvivalBlog reader B.B. comes this video – Lars Andersen: a new level of archery . I have long sat on the border of whether archery was a path i wanted to go down for SHTF. High power bows and the need for feeding them aluminum shafts have always kept me in check. However, this video has changed my perception completely. This is now a skill I highly desire. o o o Background checks: inside the mind of Alan Gottlieb – RBS o o o The Worst News Story of 2015. – J.L. o o o The ultimate nanny phone: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“If You Question Authority, You Are Mentally Ill”, Report Finds – J HJL adds: The issue is even deeper than this article states. The DSM used to be about bonafide mental disorders/diseases. Now it is a manual to describe any deviant behavior (intentional or unintentional) for coding purposes within ObamaCare. The result is that many things that are simply personal preferences or intentional behavior are now classed as mental disorders. Anyone can access tax dollars through these faulty medical diagnoses, and worse, anyone can be found mentally defective should TPTB need such a diagnoses. o o o Beartooth Transforms Smartphone …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Krayton Kerns, DVM Stuck in the Past. – Avalanche Lily o o o When “moderates” appear inevitably destined for the ranks of ISIS, and with U.S. weapons falling into Al Qaeda’s hands along with entire brigade-sized defections taking place, what the world would least expect is for the U.S. to prepare another brigade-sized army to arm, fund, train, and turn loose inside of Syria. But that is precisely what the U.S. is planning to do. 3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to ISIS – US Preparing 5,000 More. – H.L. o o o A Gunfight in Kansas. – T.P. o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Skynet soldiers cut the cord. – G.P. o o o French Police: Gun Control Isn’t Working for Us. – JBG o o o Remember Facta? Now Meet the IRS Database to Manage Everyone’s Bank Accounts – H.L. The ramifications of this became felt almost immediately, as foreign banks began closing customer accounts and halting any future programs that allowed Americans to transact, invest, or deposit money offshore. o o o Machete-Wielding Attacker Breaks Through Neighbor’s Door. – T.J. Warning: language and violence. o o o The irony of this one is just too good to pass up: Cop suffers minor …

Odds ‘n Sods:

UPS Driver Arrested In Theft Of Gold, Silver Bars – G.G. Now I’m wondering just how much those non-descript plain boxes give away in OPSEC. Every other box that comes via UPS usually has some logo or other branding on it. o o o DEA secretly tracked Americans’ calls for over a decade, document reveals. – G.G. o o o The Digital Arms Race: NSA Preps America for Future Battle. – H.L. o o o 4th Amendment, R.I.P.. – T.P. o o o Ferguson Protestors Travel to Palestinian Territories. – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Which apps protect against Verizon and Turn’s invasive user tracking?. – RBS o o o Agency will confiscate infant if entire family doesn’t get flu shots. – H.L. o o o Trillions Laundered Thru CitiBank For Saudi Arabia?. – K.W. o o o What to do if you are shot. – T.P. o o o Majority of U.S. public school students are in poverty. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who miss the Great Revivals of the past, R.G. sent in the link to a powerful message on YouTube. It is well worth the six minutes of your time required to listen to it. It is a huge regret of mine that my children have not experienced the spiritual revival of a church in their lifetime. o o o Civil forteifure seizures to be halted without proving a crime has occurred. – RBS Of course this is Eric Holder we are talking about here. Did anyone else have that instinctive urge to reach around and feel for the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I noticed that former Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s anti-gun pressure group Mayors Against Illegal Guns has been re-branded with the oh-so Kumbaya name “Everytown for Gun Safety”. Perhaps it was the fact that his Mayors Cabal has lost 15% of it membership in the past year. Or maybe it is the fact that an embarrassing number of the member mayors have been indicted or sent off for long stretches in prison. – JWR o o o Fearful of pro-gun activists, Texas state Reps. to install security “Panic Buttons”. – T.P. o o o Parents Investigated For Neglect For Letting Kids Walk …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico o o o European ‘No-Go’ Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating. o o o Confirming what most of us already know, G.P. sent in an article on a Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy o o o Are you a down-on-your-luck congressman, recently liberated from your role as a public servant? Have no fear… Middle Eastern Governments Are on a Shopping Spree for Former Congressmen (thanks to A.P. for the link) o o o More shame from the country of “men without chests”: Survival expert made experimental ‘bear scarer’ after the death …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Australian man dies in Outback a mile from safety. – E.S. o o o American shakedown: Police won’t charge you, but they’ll grab your money. – T.P. o o o Arizona CPS Takes 7 Children Away from Parents after Accident. – D.S. o o o A Doomsday Plane Reminder: Nuclear Weapons Haven’t Gone Away. – G.G o o o How to prepare for post-campus America. – P.F. o o o Well worth the watch: Online reviews: Faking It. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

U.K. Prime Minister Wants to Ban Encrypted Messaging. – J.C. o o o Biometrics coming to a cash register near you… just check this out. – RBS o o o More from the country of “Men without chests” – Teenage boy finds shotguns and ‘15,000 bullets’ while playing with metal detector in wasteland near his home. – JBG o o o CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Calls Charlie Hebdo Terrorists “Activists”. – T.P. o o o SurvivalBlog reader S.D. let us know that many items needed for storage, later use, or even barter can be found on the end caps for 88 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Novel New Law Prompts Towns to Rescind Gun Control. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader P.M. sent an interesting read over on the Survivalistboards.com on Survival Camouflage. o o o “Cassandra C.” Speaks Out On Her Forced Chemotherapy . So many this seems to be happening to. It’s frightening that a child can be taken, even many very small children, just for seeking a second opinion or not agreeing with a doctor. She could have an abortion without parents even knowing. How twisted “medical” care is becoming. – D.S. o o o The FBI Is Now Fully Integrated Into …

Odds ‘n Sods:

France Considers Deploying Army to Protect Jewish Sites While European Jews Seek Gun Permits. – JBG o o o KY Police officer accidentally shoots himself – Security Video. T.P. Hugh adds: It may have been a cop in this video, but the circumstances are not unique. The amount of carelessness displayed with a loaded weapon is just appalling. This video should be used as a training video. o o o SWAT Team Demolishes Home To Arrest Man For DUI, Family Left Homeless. – RBS o o o States That Get The Most Federal Money: 24/7 Wall St.. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the National Geographic Channel: The Ultimate Black Market Weapon. – G.P. o o o Venezuela: Military Supervises Food Distribution. – H.L. o o o Owner dies after shootings at suburban Kansas City gun shop. – T.J. o o o Waste to water. – G.P. o o o PA Man Arrested for Refusing to Hand Over Camera to Police Officer. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Catastrophic’ earthquake and tsunami brewing off B.C. coast. – CDV o o o I just read this online about a former Miami Dolphins NFL football player who accidentally fell off his boat while it was on autopilot and he was alone. He ended up swimming nine miles back to shore, which took him somewhere around 15 hours of swimming. That’s quite a tremendous feat, but it’s more of a great reason to always make sure you stay in shape because you never know what can happen. It’s amazing how quickly you can get into a life-threatening situation. – EJS o …