Odds ‘n Sods:

Planting season is nearly upon us. SurvivalBlog reader R.L. sent in this link to an article detailing over 230 Heriloom Seed Suppliers. You may want to print this article out for reference. o o o As the argument for mandatory vaccines heats up, SurvivalBlog reader D.C. sends in this article from ZeroHedge on How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark A Totalitarian Nightmare o o o Why Experts Are Saying Your Personal Health Data Could Be at Risk – D.S. o o o As if you needed another reason, here’s one more for leaving Connecticut: CT Senator Says Anyone Wanting A High-Capacity …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While photographs do not make a completely realistic comparison to real life because you don’t get queues such as movement (or lack of movement in response to wind), this article sent in by SurvivalBlog reader P.S. has some excellent examples of natural camouflage: Can You Spot the Snipers Hidden in These Photos? o o o S.M. sends in this link from Zerohedge.com showing the weakness of just-in-time delivery. We may get a dry run on economic collapse: “Catastrophic Shutdown Of America’s Supply Chain Looms” As West Coast Port Worker Talks Break Down. o o o While those in the West …

Odds ‘n Sods:

ALERT! Hackers hit 80 million people. – D.S. o o o Octopus robot makes waves with ultra-fast propulsion. – P.M. o o o So, if there are no Ebola cases in the U.S., why so many treatment centers? I can only guess the U.S. news media has been ordered not to report on Ebola anymore… – D.E. o o o Harry Reid’s Brother Gun-Toting Brother Arrested For DUI, Assaulting Cop. – T.P. o o o Antipsychotic meds prompt zombie-like state among patients. – D.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

CJL Enterprize has a new shipment of Tall .50 Ammo Cans and 25mm Hard Plastic Carry Cases. o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.P. noted that his local Radio Shack has many goods marked at 75% off and that the shelves looked like a tornado had blown through. Radio Shack stock has apparently been delisted. If you’re looking for simple electronic parts, you may need to stock up now. o o o Cop Who Held Wife & Children at Gunpoint in Standoff With Police, Gets to Stay a Cop. Unbelievable! – T.P. o o o From the BBC: How to survive …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Spokane Washington’s Spokesman Review newspaper recently ran an interview with JWR: Always Prepared. o o o 8 Unexpected Uses for a Mountain House Pouch . – J.C. o o o SurvivalBlog reader D.S. sent in this link about 4 big retailers accused of selling herbal formulas containing no herbs. This size of the “fraud” is scary and begs the question of who can you trust when buying these items? If you have a “safe” supplier, we would love to hear about it. o o o It’s always good to go over the basics. K.W. sent in these two links on …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For any readers located in or around Germany, you may want to look at Outdoor Army. Nice, easy to navigate website and a pretty comprehensive inventory. o o o Russian Bomber Over Channel Was Carrying Nukes. – RBS o o o Not Joking: 4th Grader Suspended for Making ‘Terroristic Threat’ with Magic Ring from ‘The Hobbit’ Movie. – H.L. o o o Squatters move in, stop home sale. – D.S. o o o An unbelievable violation of human rights: Mother-of-six with learning disabilities could be sterilised after authorities ask court for permission to force entry into her home . – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Curious Dramas of Bowe Bergdahl. – RBS o o o Anoka-Hennepin Schools May Start Depression Screenings – D.S. o o o Venezuela troops to use lethal force at protests. – H.L. o o o Police Dept. Lobby – a great place to buy an un-papered gun. – T.P. o o o Super-cookie crumbles: Verizon vows to kill off HATED zombie stalkers. – G.G.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Two More Bloomberglar Mayors Bite The Dust! Here is a familiar refrain, folks: Another two members of Mike Bloomberg’s anti-gun “Everytown for Gun Safety” statist cabal (formerly known as Mayors Against Illegal Guns) have been convicted. The first is Lucie Tondreau, the Democrat mayor of North Miami, Florida, “…on [felony] charges of participating in an $11 million mortgage fraud scheme. She faces up to 30 years in prison for conspiracy and wire fraud convictions when she is sentenced March 20.” The other recently-convicted mayor is Mount Vernon New York Mayor Ernie Davis, also a Democrat, who pled guilty to federal …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sociologists Warn of ‘Christianophobia’ Among Progressive Activists. – B.B. o o o You would really have to want to work at this office: Office puts chips under staff’s skin. – D.S. o o o New Bill Would Let Cops Enter Your Home without a Warrant and Kill Your Dog. – H.L. Hugh adds: While unlikely to pass, the bill is a strong indicator of the relationship between the average members of the populace and the law enforcement world. o o o For those who like foraging or are learning about it, Kristina Seleshanko’s book The Ultimate Dandelion Cookbook is available …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the weekly posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor: The Progressive Trinity. – Avalanche Lily o o o Adachi blasts deputy public defender’s arrest; police say arrest was lawful. – S.G. o o o Suspected Ebola patient admitted to California hospital. – P.S. o o o Drowning: A Deceptively Quiet Event. – D.C. o o o From Granny Miller: Survivalist, Prepper, or Housewife? . – J.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Wranglerstar: More Power Puller + A Homestead Helper o o o A reminder to watch your security with the electronic gadgets we all have. – D.S. o o o I have always been intrigued by the survival uses of small airplanes, but this one really gets the imagination going: Short landing! – W.G. o o o If you like your raisins, you can keep your raisins. A story of a lunatic government going on a crime spree. – RBS o o o Seattle government now going through citizens’ trash for public shaming, revenue. – J.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Have a look at “Tactical Walls” – Very impressive gun hidden storage systems – video – 2 mins. – T.P. o o o An excellent example of charity – before TSHTF: Save a life or sneer at an idiot – your choice o o o 1 in 3 on Disability Have Mental Disorder; 42.9% in D.C.. That makes sense, seeing as how between the Congress and the Executive Branch mental illness runs rampant! – P.M. HJL adds: While that number is disturbing, don’t forget that the standard manual for defining mental disorders has been expanded so significantly that pretty much …

Odds ‘n Sods:

American Radio History (Including ‘Technical & Engineering’ magazines/books). – A.D. o o o Mark Dice is revealing the utter stupidity of regular Americans again: Americans Want Obama To Repeal The Bill Of Rights: “Let’s Do It, Let’s Get Behind It”. – F.B. o o o U.S. Spies on Millions of Cars. – G.P. o o o Video (43 Seconds): Binary Firing System – Franklin Armory o o o Where food crises and global conflict could collide . – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bill Whittle recently posted a video with some cogent analysis of American gun ownership rates versus murder rates. o o o Video: Nanny State Billboards…Cuz the Government Is Your Mommy! – H.L. o o o In a sad testament in how the government has a keen ability to make anything worse, Blacklisted News has posted that 400 TSA agents have been arrested for theft of passenger items while not one terrorist has been caught.. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader C.M. sent in these two articles detailing the relationship between Google and the NSA. It’s fairly detailed and seems …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlogs Editor At Large (and a prolific novelist) sent in this link to The Full Collection: Rare Historical Metalsmithing Books o o o Still think that Israel is the aggressor? Europe owes a debt of gratitude to Israel’s willingness to act. What happened on the Syrian Golan? o o o Video: The History of Pirate Shortwave Broadcasting. – T.P. o o o The West Summarized In One Sentence. – B.B. o o o The Shadow of Crisis Engulfs the United States. – B.B.