Odds ‘n Sods:

A useful map for those considering moving: Here’s Where in the Country You’re Most Likely to Become a Victim of Violent Crime. – JBG o o o After Nearly Claiming His Life, Ebola Lurked in a Doctor’s Eye. – D.S. o o o Tracking kids via microchip ‘can’t be far off,’ says expert. – G.M. o o o Bedtime Reading to Kids “Unfairly Disadvantages” Others . – S.D. o o o Battle erupts over censorship of 3D-printer gun plans. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The modern paramilitary police and how we got here: SurvivalBlog reader D.C. blames FLETC for turning our nation’s local level police forces into paramilitary death squads after seeing them first-hand on flights in and out of Roswell, NM heading to and from training in Artesia, and hearing the chatter amongst themselves. “The .gov folks talked amongst themselves at the airport of actively recruiting local agencies to send police officers to receive the training. The trainee officers seem very boosted in morale by the training, and their chatter is confident and not unlike that seen among school team athletes.” – D.C. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.L.I.R. is HERE. FBI using wide scan infra-red monitoring aircraft during Baltimore unrest. – T.P. o o o Congressman vs. Surveillance-Happy Secret Police. – RBS o o o Ancestry.com Is Now Sharing Your DNA With the Police. They promise not to share your DNA with anyone outside of the company, and yet they did it anyway. They didn’t even ask for a warrant. – H.L. o o o Never let a crisis go to waste: France passes new surveillance law in wake of Charlie Hebdo attack. – JBG o o o An interactive map that tracks botched police raids in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Muslims, Blacks, and Homosexuals: The Three Faces of Intolerance. – J.C. o o o DHS is working on an RFID biometric ID badge that knows when you go the bathroom. – H.L. o o o Bear believed to have chased runners euthanized by DEEP for study. – H.L. o o o Communication Device Stays on When Power and Cell Service Goes Down. – G.P. o o o Some very interesting ways to carry firearms in your vehicle. As always, pay attention to the firearms laws in the state in which you live and through which you travel.

Odds ‘n Sods:

ISIS ‘claims responsibility’ after two gunmen ‘carrying explosives’ killed in attack on anti-Islam art contest near Dallas: Suspects are shot by cops and security guard is wounded at ‘draw Muhammad’ event that offered $10,000 prize. – JBG o o o Want a lawless police force? Federalize it.. – B.B. o o o One Man’s Message To Americans – “Start Giving A Damn!”. – B.B. o o o Medical equipment can be taken over and controlled remotely by hackers. – D.S. o o o Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico

Odds ‘n Sods:

From our friends Frank and Fern: Winter of Our Demise o o o The IRS continues its abuses, despite claims to the contrary. IRS seizes rural convenience store owner’s career savings in another horrible abuse of civil forfeiture. – T.P. o o o Two suspects killed, officer injured after shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas. B.B. There also seem to be suggestions at this time that they were Islamist extremists and that they took credit before the attack via social media. o o o U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare – To destroy evil capitalism, of course. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama blocks Iraqi nun from describing Christian persecution. – T.R. o o o Looters just wanted to play video games at home, but unemployment won’t let them, says black activist. – B.B. o o o CDC Report: 35,369 Vehicle Accident Deaths, 505 Gun Accident Deaths. – JBG o o o Environmentalists to Plunge Manhattan into Darkness to Protect Mating Frogs. – T.P. o o o Up to 400K Children Born To Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Annually, One In 10 Births. – B.B

Odds ‘n Sods:

We Used to Shoot Looters – Now we give them “space.” – T.P. o o o Happy May Day! Communism Killed 94 Million In The 20th Century . G.S. o o o The Threat to Melt the Electric Grid. – G.G. (Site requires subscription) o o o IRS Caught Violating Its Own Civil Forfeiture Policy;  U.S. Attorney Admonishes Small Business Owner to Keep His Mouth Shut. – D.S. o o o For those who like the 1911 platform – The .45 caliber pistol. Still in the running for a brand new military contract.. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bird flu epidemic becoming critical. – B.B. o o o NSA veteran chief fears crippling cyber-attack on Western energy infrastructure. – B.B. o o o Hillary Equates Gun Owners With Terrorists, Says They Are “Prone to Violence.”. – D.S. o o o A SurvivalBlog reader wrote in to tell us that there is a couple giving away their 20 acre goat farm in Alabama to the winner of an essay contest. Their intent is to move to Central America to assist missionaries in establishing goat farms there. There is a news story on it, too. o o o You know …

Odds ‘n Sods:

National Guard trains for civil unrest, rioting. – JBG o o o Schlafly warns America ‘may be at a breaking point already’. – B.B. o o o There is no more privacy. Remember that promise from the Radio Shack sales clerk who said they would never sell or give away your data? RadioShack Agrees to Mediation Over Sale of Customer Data – RBS o o o Ham radio attempts to fill communication gaps in Nepal rescue effort. – T.P. o o o Automatic emergency call devices in all new car models from spring 2018

Odds ‘n Sods:

Motel 6 Sending Guests’ Personal Info to Police Every Night. – H.L. o o o PSA Contains Bizarre Subliminal Message About “Martial Law”. – RBS o o o Successful Live-Fire Test of EXACTO “Smart” Bullets. Heat seeking / guided missiles are now the size of .50 caliber bullets. – T.P. o o o Genetic testing moves into world of employee health. – D.S. o o o Think that you will escape notice because some on-going turf war will keep attention focused away from you during a crises? Crips and Bloods Call Truce Amidst Baltimore Riot

Odds ‘n Sods:

Baltimore Mayor Admits Rioting Crowd was Allowed “Space” to Destroy Property Baltimore police and Freddie Gray rioters turn city into ‘absolute war zone’. – B.B. o o o Visualization – 50 years of crime. – P.S. o o o US Police Departments Using “Spy Rocks” to Spy on Citizens Now (Yes. That’s right. Spy rocks.). – D.S. o o o How only 3% of our population controls 80% of what you view. America’s aggressive homosexual agenda – T.P. o o o 2nd state resisting militarization of cops. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Battlefield America: The War on the American People – H.L. o o o Supreme Court: Police can’t hold suspects without probable cause, to wait for drug-sniffing dog. – RBS o o o Princeton study as a warning to Europe: US is no longer a democracy. – L.J. This is a German site, English translation available on Google. o o o Video: Can US agencies balance security and the Constitution? o o o DIM WIT? St. Louis Police chief calls for the law-abiding to leave their guns at home. “We got cameras” he says.. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Nets Skip Wisconsin Police Raids Against Conservatives; Fox Exposes. – RBS o o o Constitution Revolution: How Does Washington Justify Its Unconstitutional Behavior?. – JBG o o o Declassified Report Shows Doubts About Value of N.S.A.’s Warrantless Spying . – JBG o o o New Way the U.S. Projects Power Around the Globe: Commandos . – T.P. A good read but requires a subscription. o o o Al Qaeda Hostage’s Family Paid $250,000 For Release, Obama Regime Didn’t Tell Them He’d Been Killed In January So They Continued To Negotiate . – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cops Go Car To Car In Traffic Jam, Issue $18,000 in Fines for Cellphone Use at a Near Dead Stop o o o Colorado businessman blames ‘stoned’ workers for move to SC o o o Is The U.S. Food Supply Cursed? Cursed or is it simply 50 years of bad management. Everything from GMOs to inhumane, crowded conditions and even overuse/preventative use of medications are contributing to a crisis in our food supply. o o o Christians Will Soon Be the Pariah to Eradicate. – T.P. o o o America’s Soft Police State. – B.B.