Economics and Investing:

KAF pointed us to this: On the Secret Committee to Save the Euro, a Dangerous Divide Mike Williamson sent us this: Slideshow: The Most Taxed States in the U.S. G.G. suggested: Taleb Says Unawareness of Deficit Risk Has Him `Extremely Bearish’ on U.S. The latest from Dr. Housing Bubble: Palms Mar Vista correction. From $740,000 to $540,000 and still overpriced. The Westside of L.A. enters an accelerating correction. Items from The Economatrix: Why QE2 + QE Lite Mean that the Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion Treasurys and Set the Stage for the Monetary Endgame Banks Keep Failing, No End …

Economics and Investing:

More, more, more MOAB: Bernanke Says U.S. Economic Growth Too Slow Even With Fed Bond Purchases. Gee, if the Fed just buys lots and lots of stocks and bonds, we’ll all be multi-trillionaiares, just like those wealthy Zimbabweans. SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent this from Zero Hedge: Debunking The Great Myth Of US Consumer Deleveraging, Or Why The US Economy Will End Not With A Whimper But A Bang K.T. mentioned: 15 Bone Chilling Signs That Part Two Of The Double Dip Housing Crash Has Begun Revisiting option ARM data – Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and …

Economics and Investing:

Unemployment Could Remain High Until 2013. JWR Adds: To be more accurate, I would have written: “…Until 2023.” Yale Economist Robert Shiller Warns Seven Years of Economic ‘Bad Times’ in Store for US L.J. sent some more bad news from England: Mortgage lending plummets to 10-year monthly low as housing market remains ‘exceptionally’ weak. From the Wall Street Journal‘s Australian bureau: Silver looks ready to rip. (Thanks to Bob G. for the link.) Russian crop misery spreads to world’s supermarkets. Items from The Economatrix: California Attorney General Asks GMAC to Stop Foreclosures Economy Heading Toward “Catastrophic” Collapse They Are Printing …

Inflation Watch:

The Reality of Inflation Food Inflation: Coming to the USA? Interview: Dr. Marc Faber on the Federal Reserve and Hyperinflation Larry T. sent us this bit of stupidity: In Praise of Inflation. Our Editor at Large Mike Williamson sent this photo link: Those incredible shrinking paper towel packages. Get Ready to Pay More for Tires

Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent this article about the latest $30 Billion expansion to the MOAB: U.S. Bails Out Major Credit Unions Sherman Oaks enters correction phase. $1,200,000 home now selling for $720,000. Tamara (over at the excellent View From The Porch blog) posted a link to an amazing video that shows a labor union hiring minimum wage non-union protestors to picket Wal-Mart for paying minimum wage and being non-union. Warren Buffett: We’re Still in a Recession Despite What Officials Say. (Thanks to Brett G. for the link.) KAF sent this: China Allows Banks to Sell Loans on Interbank Market; 21 Lenders Sign …

Economics and Investing:

Does this sound familiar? Russia’s kopeck coin may soon be scrap metal. (A hat tip to RBS for the link.) B.B. sent us this: For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again Also from B.B. a link to a piece over at the GATA site: Brazil’s central bank president says no country can hold dollar up G.G. sent this: Haven Trust is the 126th bank to collapse this year. Items from The Economatrix: The Curious Case for $936 Oz. Silver US Is Bankrupt And We Don’t Even Know It Banking System Collapse, On The Edge Of The Precipice …

Economics and Investing:

“Hi-yo Silver!” (I’ll spare you the “I-told-you-so” snide comments. Or did that just count as one?) Cy D. mentioned this over at Zero Hedge: Wal-Mart’s CEO Provides the Starkest Visual of the Modern Bread Line Yet B.B. sent us a link to these comments by Howard Katz: Sobering Lesson for the World as Gold and Silver Set to Explode Higher Obama tells UN leaders world has dodged depression. Yeah, right… Items from The Economatrix: Homebuilding Industry Years Away From Recovery Fed Signals It Will Take Further Steps If Needed. [JWR Notes: I get nervous whenever I hear someone with weapons …

Inflation Watch:

The Yahoo-Bing Search Deal May Raise Ad Rates. Online advertisers may see up to a 78% price increase in paid-search rates once Yahoo and Microsoft wrap up their search alliance. Cost-per-click will likely rise sharply as advertisers shift to the single Bing search platform. Unusual Worry for the Economy: Is Inflation Too Low? Corn, Soybeans Hit Two-Year Highs While Cotton Jumps to 15-Year Peak Food Makers Ready to Raise Prices

Economics and Investing:

Does this sound familiar? Investors seeing farmland as safer bet than stocks. (A hat tip to M.M. for the link.) This piece by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is thought provoking: QE2 in Round Trillions Nevada unemployment rises to all-time high 14.4 percent. US Government ‘hiding true amount of debt’ Fed hints it could buy more bonds Items from The Economatrix: Gerald Celente: We Won’t Recover $2,500 Gold Could Easily Result in $178.50 Silver UK: Middle Class Families Could Face “Lie Detector” Tests Over Taxes 20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Seven Americans How High Will …

Economics and Investing:

Susan H. sent this: U.S. Dollar Now Ripe For Catastrophic Devaluation. Here is quote that might have a familiar ring: “The inflation vs. deflation debate has been raging for nearly three years, but I suspect that when all is said and done, we will find that both sides in a sense were correct. The people who consistently miss the mark on what is truly going on in the economy are those who blindly insist that this is an either/or situation. The fact is, we are seeing symptoms of BOTH deflation and inflation simultaneously. Deflation in jobs, stocks, real estate, and …

Economics and Investing:

V.L.D. sent us this from the NIA: Americans Enjoying Final Days of Artificial Economy Charlie Munger on US Economy: Pain Not Over. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) K. in Montana suggested this piece by Victor Davis Hanson: Obama’s Washington Animal Farm M.M. flagged this: Job losses cut wide swath in California Frost damages Canadian crops, wheat a problem. (Thanks to Steven H. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Basel III: Tightening The Noose On Credit Will Silver Take The Lead? Shock Fall In UK Retail Sales Adds To Fears Of Double-Dip Recession The LEAP think-tank bon hommes latest …

Shifting to Tangibles in an Age of Inflation

I’m often asked by my consulting clients why I put so much emphasis investing in tangibles rather than in traditional investments that are denominated in United States dollars. The problem with dollar-denominated investments is that they are vulnerable to inflation of the currency unit itself. The U.S. governments over-spending and deep indebtedness is bound to catch up with it someday. And when it does, inflation and economic ruin will be the result. But there is protection from inflation. If the majority of you assets are in tangibles and they are in your immediate possession, then you will be insulated from …

Economics and Investing:

Sue C. sent this: V-Shaped Recovery Dreams Evaporate The U.S. housing market is still nowhere near the bottom: Record Number of Bank Seizures of U.S. Homes. (Thanks to Steve C. for the link.) E.M.B. sent us this evidence that the banksters are in Desperation Mode: Fannie Mae Began Buying $1,000-Down Mortgages Without Approval From Toby Connor of Gold Scents: Why Can’t Politicians Understand What is Really Happening? Items from The Economatrix: Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s The Gold? Real World Solutions to Economic Tyranny Greenspan: Fiscal Stimulus Worked Far Less Than Expected Would A Midterm Loss For Democrats Boost Stocks? Americans …

Inflation Watch:

G.G. flagged this: Look Around: There’s Major Commodity Inflation Happening Everywhere A rush to buy tangibles: Argentines Say Buy Now as 25% Inflation Outlook Buoys Car Sales Carla M. wrote: “I have been shopping thrift shops all my life and when we moved to our current location that didn’t change. What has changed is that for the past three years sewing patterns had been .25 each, but two weeks ago the price jump to .99 each. As a side note, I can buy sewing patterns new for .99 when they go on sale at the local fabric and crafts stores.” …

Economics and Investing:

More FDIC Friday Follies: Bankruptcy & Closures: Six More Bank Failures Makes 125 in 2010 Wasteland: Europe stalked by spectre of mass unemployment. (Thank to J.M for the link.) Retirement on Hold: American Workers $6 Trillion Short J.H.B. liked this piece by commentator Devvy Kidd: Bail-outs of Freddie and Fannie will bury us under unpayable debt Tom F. sent us this link: Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing Items from The Economatrix: A September Surprise is Coming…As Stunningly Stupid Politics Spread Widespread UK Civil Disorder “Inevitable” The Daily Gold And Silver Report reports COMEX warehouse shortages. A short squeeze …