Product Review: FLIR Scout PS24 Thermal Imager, by Kip R.

The price of thermal imaging has dropped to the range of Gen III night vision – about $2,000.  My bug out location has a valley with a stream at bottom and a wooded hillside, plus surrounding pastures and woods.  I wanted the tactical advantage to be able to tell if predators (particularly 2 legged) were in the trees at night.  I purchased an FLIR PS24 handheld from Sportsman’s Guide, member price $1979.97, and shipping is often free if you wait for a coupon code sale.  After waiting about five weeks, it shipped factory direct from FLIR.  My darling wife asked: …

Pat’s Product Review: The Stronghold Haywire Klamper

Don’t you just hate it when someone comes up with one of those “gee, why didn’t I think of that” inventions? I know I do! And, what is amazing is, the product under review here, the Stronghold Haywire Klamper, is also one of those “wow, is that simple” inventions.   Have you ever had a radiator hose break under the hood of your car? I know I have, on quite a few occasions over my 60+ years on this earth. Or, have you had a hose clamp let loose on you, and in your e-box, you have every size hose …

Pat’s Product Review: Century Arms R1A1 (Inch Pattern FAL Clone)

I’ve been a huge fan of the FN/FAL style of battle rifle for many years. I first carried one when I was in Rhodesia, back in 1976. I’ve owned a few FAL-style rifles over the years, and I reviewed the Springfield Armory version on SurvivalBlog last year. Too bad, Springfield Armory doesn’t make their version any longer, it was an outstanding rifle in all respects.   About 10 tears ago, I purchased a used Century Arms (L1A1-model “inch pattern” FAL style rifle from a gun shop in Boise, Idaho – it was an outstanding shooter. However in a moment of …

Pat’s Product Review: North American Arms .22 LR Mini-Revolver and Guardian .32 Autopistol

I’m not a fan of “mouse calibers” for self-defense! However, I’m a firm believer in having some sort of back-up piece to my main gun. I still remember when I saw my first North American Arms (NAA) Mini .22 LR revolver. I want to say it was in the mid 1970s, and I was at my favorite gun shop in a southwestern suburb of Chicago. I was good friends with the fellow who worked there, and he always wore a baseball cap. He took his baseball cap off, and revealed he was carrying, in a pocket, sewn into the brim …

Book Release! Armageddon Medicine Now Available

SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor, Dr. Cynthia Koelker, has released her much-anticipated nonfiction book: Armageddon Medicine. This massive tome is 589 pages long–about the same size as Carla Emery Encyclopedia of Country Living. I authored the book’s Foreword. For now, the pre-publication edition of Armageddon Medicine is only available at, but it will soon be available through all the major book outlets. If you’d like copy of the pre-publication edition, SurvivalBlog readers all qualify for a 5% discount, with coupon code SB-DC-05. You may have already read Dr. Koelker’s first book, 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care. So that you’ll …

El Fin del Mundo – And Then Came The Spanish Edition

Newly released by Editorial Paidotribo Publishing, of Barcelona, Spain: Cómo Sobrevivir al Fin del Mundo tal Como lo Conocemos. This the Spanish edition of my international bestseller “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times”. The English edition is now in its 11th printing. The German edition and Bulgarian edition are already in print, to be followed by Portuguese, French, Russian, and Korean translations, now in development. The price for the Spanish edition is a hefty € 29, (about $38 USD), so I recommend it only for your family …

Letter Re: Comments on SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Prizes

Jim: I recently won the third prize for the survivalblog writing contest and I thought I would give back to the SurvivalBlog readers a review of the items I received as a way of saying thanks. The items I received were a Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21, expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy, and two Super Survival Pack seed collections, courtesy of Seed for Security. I received all the items quickly and with two of them I also received congratulations cards on winning which was a very nice touch in …

Safecastle Freedoms Awards Announced

Safecastle has announced the winners of their video and writing contest. I was pleased to see that a SurvivalBlog writer won first prize and that second prize went to a piece that was originally posted at one of our favorite self-sufficiency blogs, Rural Revolution. (Edited by Patrice Lewis.) Article Category: 1st prize: “What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit” by K.M., – Prize: Katadyn Pocket Water Filter 2nd prize: “Preparedness for Young People” by Maria S, – Prize: Excalibur 9-Tray Dehydrator Video Category: 1st prize: “Survival and Prepping – The Basics” by Falcon15, – Prize: Katadyn Pocket …

Pat’s Product Review: Buffalo Bore Ammunition–Thinking Outside The Box

I like companies (and people) who think outside the box. I think this comes from my days as a Private Investigator, or when I was in law enforcement. In order to solve “mysteries” I had to think outside the box many times. So it is with firearms and ammo companies – if they want to stay in business, they have to keep coming up with different ideas, in order to pique their customers’ interest.   Some months ago, I review some of the ammo that Buffalo Bore Ammunition ( produces. Tim Sundles, who owns Buffalo Bore, told me he was …

Pat’s Product Review: Buck Knives Hood Hoodlum

It’s nice when a real survivalist designs something, instead of an arm chair commando or wannabe survivalist. The late Ron Hood was well respected in the survival field, as a true expert in wilderness survival techniques. Hood collaborated with Buck Knives ( , to come out with the Hood Hoodlum fixed blade survival knife. Unfortunately, about a week after the knife came out, Ron Hood passed away – a loss to us all, and he will be missed.   Ron Hood also spent 20 years teaching accredited college courses on survival skills. Not too many survival instructors I’ve heard of that …

Pat’s Product Review: Springfield Armory 5.25 XDm

Today I’m reviewing the new Springfield Armory XDm 5.25 9mm Competition handgun. I carried a Springfield Armory XD .40 S&W handgun for close to two years, and I found the gun utterly reliable and very accurate. The only drawback was that it was an early-production XD, and the finish wasn’t very durable and tended to easily rust if you didn’t pay attention and kept the gun clean and with some kind of preservative on the metal parts. The XDs made today have a very durable “Melonite” finish on the metal parts, and it really holds up extremely well.   The …

Mike’s Product Review: Pro Ears Gold Predator Earmuffs

I love these muffs. I’ve had a pair of Pro Ears Gold Predator earmuffs for 18 months, and I haven’t found a flaw. So let me tell you what I’ve found that’s good: The first thing one needs from muffs is noise suppression, obviously. The Gold series have a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 26. There are several factors that contribute to an NRR, one of which is frequency dependent. Pro Ears seems to have picked frequencies that are specific to shooting. The muffs have proven adequate for large bore rifles, .44 magnum revolvers and even make standing in the …

Pat’s Product Review: Kahr Arms CM9 9mm Pistol

The first 9mm handgun that I ever owned was the S&W Model 39. I carried that gun on-duty as a private investigator for a long time. I had a lot of confidence in that gun. And, back then, it was considered a real light-weight pistol at around 28 ounces, and it held 8+1 rounds of 9mm ammo – more than enough to stop most hostile actions, with a spare 8-rd mag on-hand, it was a hot seller. The Model 39 wasn’t exactly a compact pistol by any stretch of the imagination. If you wanted something smaller, many folks went to …

Pat’s Product Review: No-Name AR-15s

Over the past several months, I have been asked by many SurvivalBlog readers which AR-style rifle is the best. And, many readers mistakenly believe that some civilian brands of ARs are 100% “mil-spec.” When I explain to them that their civilian ARs, no matter who made them, are NOT mil-spec, and the facts to reinforce my argument, I don’t hear back from them.   So, let me explain why civilian ARs are not 100% mil-spec. Some AR makers mistakenly (intentionally?) advertise their ARs as being mil-spec, when in fact, they are only partially made up of mil-spec parts. Even Colt, who makes …

Letter Re: Book Recommendation: “Holding Your Ground”

Mr. Rawles, I recently picked up a copy of your novel, “Survivors”. It was a great book and I flew through it in no time. When I was making the purchase on Amazon, I also saw as a recommended [nonfiction ] book titled Holding Your Ground: Preparing for Defense if it All Falls Apart. I bought a copy of that up at the same time. After reading “Survivors”, I read “Holding Your Ground”. I think readers that like your writings and site would also like “Holding Your Ground”. It presents helpful “how to” information on how to defend your home …