Recommendations of the Week:

Here are our Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers.  Many of these come from our readers. We try to emphasize small companies that make hand-crafted goods, here in the United States and in Canada. In January, 2021 we quit the Amazon Associates program because of Amazon’s censorship. So we are no longer placing any new links to products via Please shop with our paid (banner) advertisers first. If they don’t have what you need, then take a look at SurvivalBlog’s many Affiliate Advertisers. This week the focus is on the store …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies of interest to preppers and survivalists that are located in the American Redoubt region. Today, some wind turbine news. (See the Idaho and Wyoming sections.) Idaho Lincoln County commissioners receive update on massive wind farm project. The article begins: “The Lincoln County commissioners received an update on the massive wind farm project that could possibly break ground in the summer …

Preparedness Notes for Monday — March 1, 2021

Today is the birthday of the late singer, songwriter, and cowboy poet Allen Wayne Damron. Damron was quite the Texan, through and through. (Born 1939, died August 13, 2005, in Terlingua, Texas.) — Today we present the monthly column that is kindly written by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins Pat Cascio’s weekly product review article will appear tomorrow. (Tuesday, March 2, 2021.)

Recipe of the Week: Snow Ice Cream

The following recipe for Snow Ice Cream comes to us from SurvivalBlog reader Laura E.: During or after every fresh snowfall, I mix up a batch of snow ice cream for my husband’s sweet tooth.  Kids would love to make this fast and simple seasonal treat, too. Ingredients Snow Sweetened condensed milk Flavor(s) of choice (cocoa, vanilla or peppermint extract, fruit, etc) Directions The density of the snow will influence the amount of condensed milk you need to create a creamy consistency (closer to that of ice milk than of ice cream).  So I use two bowls. 1.  Scoop up …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today, we further examine the ammunition shortage. (See the Tangibles Investing section.) Precious Metals: See Steven Cochran’s monthly precious metals recap report, also posted today. Economy & Finance: Personal income leaps 10% in January thanks to stimulus, but inflation still in check o  o  o At Zero Hedge: Rabo: We Are About To …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?” – Patrick Henry, from: Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution

Preparedness Notes for Sunday — February 28, 2021

February 28th is the birthday of famed Swiss investor and economic pundit Marc Faber (born 1946). — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 93 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can be used for any of their one, two, or three-day course (a $1,095 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the …

Preparedness Notes for Saturday — February 27, 2021

On February 27, 1902 Harry “Breaker” Harbord Morant was executed in Pretoria. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 93 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can be used for any of their one, two, or three-day course (a $1,095 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of …

Editors’ Prepping Progress

To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make long-term and short-term plans. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities and planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, ranch improvements, bug out bag fine-tuning, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year.  We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in the Comments. Let’s keep busy and be ready! Jim Reports: I’m back on the road, to …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work. But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth, And conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it. Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because …