Jim’s Quote of the Day

"To be ignorant and simple now–not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground–would be to throw down our weapons, and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defense but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered." – C.S. Lewis

Note from JWR

Today, I’m catching up on replying to some older e-mails that included multiple questions. Because of time constraints, those are the ones that end up at the bottom of my “to do” list.  So if you’d like to see your questions answered  promptly, please limit your question e-mails to a single subject. Thanks!

“Doug Carlton” on Rifle Slings

Jim, You’re correct in that you should use whatever sling works for you, and if you’re still using that old M60 sling set-up that you used to use “back in the day” works for you, great. Sling technology and technique has come along way since then though. Single point, two point, and triple point slings are now available that make it generally better to use the sling than the archaic idea of “no slings on patrol”. There’s too many out there to bother naming, and all have strengths and weaknesses, but when sling shopping, look for a sling that does …

Senator Frist Urges Full $7.1 Billion Funding to Fight the Asian Avian Flu

I found the following at the CongressDaily (http://nationaljournal.com/about/congressdaily/) web site. Excerpting briefly from their story: “President Bush’s request for more than $7 billion in emergency funding to prepare for a possible outbreak of avian flu “had better pass” before Congress adjourns for the year, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist [who is also a medical doctor] , R-Tenn., declared Sunday.  “We need to be prepared,” Frist said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” adding, “I’m very hopeful that we will invest $7.1 billion to look at prevention, to look at care, to look at treatment.” The measure might be attached …

Letter Re: Questions on Sambucol, EMP-Proof Vehicles, Food Storage, Real Estate, Barter Guns and Ammo, and SAR-8 Rifles

Mr. Rawles: I have some questions for you: [JWR’s replies are in line, in bold] 1.) Regarding the Sambucol products. –Does this product have any preventative component or do you only take it when symptoms occur? Take it only immediately after symptoms occur. –How many 7.8 oz. bottles do you recommend for storage for a family or families in a homestead? We are a family of five, and I bought six bottles.  But we plan to be living in isolated self-quaratine, here in the boonies.  And BTW, half of what I bought was intended charity.  For those of you that …

Letter Re: Guidelines on Storage of Various Supplies?

Sir: I would like to know:  Some things should be stored at “0” degrees. Other things at “70” degrees. Some can tolerate light, some requires dark.(Some medicines, batteries, et cetera.) Anything you could mention would help on this subject. THANKS, VERY MUCH. Survival Minded, – Brother Slim JWR Replies:  I see a FAQ coming!  I’m sure that a number of SurvivalBlog readers will have a lot to add to this (and please do!), but here is a list of guidelines, for starters: 1.) Gardening seed should be stored in the dark, above freezing, in low humidity. The refrigerator is ideal. …

Letter Re: Copper Pennies for Barter?

I was checking the prices on base metals today and saw that copper is at $2.10 a pound. Pre-1982 pennies are 95% copper, and 153 of them make a pound of copper. Any thoughts to using pre-1982 U.S. pennies as barter in addition to silver? If nothing else, I’ve been saving my pre-82 pennies for a few years. I have a few pounds worth. It’s not something I’m ‘stockpiling’ by any means, but every time I check my change I look for the 1981 (and earlier) pennies as well as the pre-65 dimes and quarters. It’s also a slight moral …

Letter Re: Re-Engining an Older Ford Pickup with a Diesel Engine?

Jim, One of my long term goals is to own a diesel pickup. A mechanic friend of mine down in California, a true Ford guy all the way thru would say that the time tested and proven International engine used in the the Ford pickups was the most reliable–with the Cummins running a very close second (It should be noted Ford owns a controlling interest in Cummins and Ford does/has used Cummins in several of their industrial projects, including farm equipment and heavy duty trucks). I don’t know all the details but I will say that from my own experience …

Letter Re: Rourke Replies to Skousen Comment Re: Rourke on Real Estate Development Proposal Ideas

Jim: I am a fan of Mr. Skousen and have the latest edition of his book, or perhaps I should call it a treatise, The Secure Home. I agree with the problems of government among the independently minded (too many cooks in the kitchen, need a head chef), which is why I evolved to the condominium approach, especially as a second home only. Subdivision associations are notoriously too weak to handle the day to day squabbles with people living next to each other full time, and the leakers in particular. It reminds me of Ross Perot’s United We Stand Party, …

Letter Re: National Geographic Documentaries on Asian Avian Flu, Hanta Virus, and Biological Warfare

Jim; Last night on the National Geographic Channel there were two shows [that were aired] back to back that were of interest to anyone in the survival community. 1. Avian Flu Pandemic detailed the history of the bug and the 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong. It showed the spread across Southeast Asia and the methods that are being used to control the spread. Discussed the use of Tamaflu as a treatment and how most governments are reluctant to stockpile it until there is an obvious need. A World Health Organization scientist stated that when such a pandemic does occur it …

Letter Re: You May Be A Survivalist Redneck If…

Rourke, a SurvivalBlog regular contributor, sent the following: * – Indicates they are original or modified by me The other ones are off various web sites that have Jeff Foxworthy jokes. Obviously the addition of Redneck Survivalist was from me *If your MREs consist of Jerky, Slim Jims, Cheetoes, and Bud Light, you may be a Redneck Survivalist. *If you have ever tried to grill Spam, … If you have more electronic equipment in your truck than in your house, … *If you think of pig manure as a valuable resource and you can think of several uses for it, …

Odds ‘n Sods

Ponder the full implications of  The Debt Clock. See: http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Ldebtclock.htm . . . SurvivalBlog reader H.W. mentioned that Jim McCanney at www.jmccanneyscience.com has a series of lectures about extra solar system objects for the next eight weeks. (The series began 12-8-2005).At the website scroll down until you see the archives for each week’s show. . . . As reported by Reuters-Italy, Frank Holmes, the CEO of U.S. Global Investors predicts the spot price of gold to advance to $650/oz. in Aught Six. He cited short supply and burgeoning demand, particularly in Asia. See: http://www.borsaitaliana.reuters.it/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=fundsNewsUK&storyID=2005-12-13T132152Z_01_NOA348023_RTRUKOC_0_FUNDS-INTERVIEW-GOLD.xml&archived=False . . . The recent correction …