Note From JWR:

If you know of any potential advertisers for SurvivalBlog, please give them a call or drop them a line to encourage them. I need to find about 20 more advertisers if  I’m going to be able to put bread on the table when I quit my day job and take up writing SurvivalBlog full time. (Starting next month.) And needless to say, a few more "10 Cent Challenge" contributions would also be greatly appreciated. Today we feature another entry in Round 3 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. This article is a first hand report about a Revolutionary War Veterans …

Letter Re: Swiss Fallout Shelters

Mr. Rawles, I came across a website which I thought your readers may be interested in, especially if anyone is considering building a fallout shelter. The Swiss, perhaps the torch bearers of civil defense and preparedness, have made available online a listing of what they call “Civil Protection Components.” Essentially they offer a list of parts approved for use in shelter construction that have been tested to meet or exceed their requirements for use in a shelter. These parts lists comprehensively cover building construction parts, sanitation, ventilation, electronics, generators and transmission equipment. On top of it all the Swiss have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

New mutations in parts of the avian flu virus might provide a possible route for the virus to enter the human population. From the journal Science:…_flu_morph.html    o o o Silver has been spiking upward for the past few days ($10.65 per troy ounce, the last time I checked), but beware of an impending short-term correction. Every bull market has its pull-backs and profit taking. Buy on the dips!    o o o The French anarchists riot again. This time, we are told, the riots are about job security.  Job security? (I guess these are different than those U.S. …

Letter Re: Investing in Tangibles Through an IRA

Hello James, Given the abundant information about the state of the economy, what would you recommend we, (the consumer and fellow American) do when making a decision about Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) come April 15th? I am concerned about putting money away and into “paper currency” when maybe it would be better to just pay down debt. What would you advise to someone in my situation? I am not necessarily looking for information about the tax benefits, simply your view about what would be a wise move. -The Wanderer JWR Replies: This is a bit repetitious to my previous recommendation, …

Letter Re: Artesian Well Property in Wisconsin

Dear Jim: I spotted this very usual property – click on feature of the month. 25 acres with ponds, but the real value is the five six inch artesian wells are licensed for 100,000 gallons a day. This could be a profitable survival business, that I am already somewhat familiar with from a prior job. The asking price is $2.2 million. Certainly with that water production potential (bottled water), not to mention fish farm and the acreage, that price seems within reason actually with that kind of capacity. If you know someone interested have then email me. – Rourke …

Letter Re: Reader Recommendation for Mountain House Freeze Dried, Via Safecastle

Jim, As I know it’s important for you to have and increase your advertisers ads in order to support survivalblog and as a Survivalblog reader it’s also important to be able to trust your advertisers. I just wanted to drop you a message about Vic and SafeCastle LLC. I placed a large order with Vic a couple of weeks back for some Mountain House cases and I should add that I’m always leery about spending what I consider a substantial investment with someone I’ve never done business with before. Vic responded to my original questions about the order nearly real …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What the anti-gun mass media has wrought:   As recently as the early 1950s, it was not unusual for residents of the large cities in the eastern U.S. to carry uncased rifles to or from shooting matches on public transportation. But now, the sight of a man with an air rifle causes a panicked evacuation? Ay, ay, ay…    o o o Walter J. Williams (of warns of the possibility of a “hyperinflationary depression.” Gee, this sounds like the storyline from a novel I read once.For an interview with Williams, see:    o o o Schools Told …

Note from JWR:

You’ve all probably heard about the Category 5 cyclone that recently struck Australia: Perhaps one of our readers in Australia could let us know where to send donations. The folks in the affected region are in our prayers. We are still in need of more advertisers so that we will be able to make ends meet when SurvivalBlog becomes my primary source of income, starting in April. If you know of any potential advertisers, please call or send them an e-mail, and encourage them to get a banner ad. These ads start at just $55 per month. That is …

Letter from Michael Williamson Re: Accumulating Silver and Gold Bullion

Jim, I’ve been lucky on bullion recently and found some good info and a source. I found local coin dealers at a gun show, who were selling “junk silver” coins at barely over spot price. The price was about the same as from the best mass dealer I could find, but in per coin price, not in $1,000 face bags with 715 troy ounces. I’ll be hitting them as funds and silver price permit. NWTBullion does offer the best price I’ve seen, and will deal in bags as small as $100 face value–72 troy ounces, and in small coin quantities. …

Letter Re: Suburban Emergency Management Project Website

Mr. Rawles, Please let me commend to your attention the website of the Suburban Emergency Management Project: This is an excellent website with material written by professionals but useful to laymen. There’s more info on this site than I can assimilate in a week. Their “Biots” are short papers on a whole panoply of emergency preparedness topics. There are 340 of them, as of today. Some of my favorites are: #334: “Please Remain in Your Seat”: The Federal Government’s Role in Quarantine (26 February, 2006) #332: What Is “Earthquake Baroque” Architecture? (21 February 2006) #259: Revisiting Looting Behavior during …

Letter Re: Source for Shelf Stable Bread or Crackers?

Hello, Jim! I was reviewing my storage of food supplies when a thought came to me: I don’t have anything to put all that peanut butter on! I looked through all of the food suppliers you advertise looking for crackers, no results. Have any ideas of something that would store well?  – Gerry C. JWR Replies: The individually-wrapped “shelf stable” bread mini-loafs intended to supplement MRE and Tray-Pack (“T-Pack“) squad rations have been available off and on for about ten years. This bread is quite bulky to store. I personally don’t like the taste of it (too salty for me), …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Navy SEALs to Get Modified M14 Rifles:    o o o Asian Avian Flu Raises Hackles in Israel:  LINK    o o o The folks at The Claire Files are organizing a postal rifle match. See:    o o o A bill before the Tennessee legislature would reject NAIS:  Let’s hope this is the beginning of a groundswell.