Odds ‘n Sods:

Getting America Really Ready.    o o o Experts warn of an accidental atomic war: Nuclear missile retrofitted for conventional attack on Iran could set off alarm in Russia.    o o o I noticed that Wiggy’s (one of our first and most loyal advertisers) currently has their excellent Combat Desert Parkas on sale.

Letter Re: Apex, N.C. Chemical Plant Fire as a Case Study in G.O.O.D. Realities

Jim, My wife and I woke up at 5 a.m. (Eastern time) to NPR (you have to know what the enemy is up to) with the lead story a hazmat fire at a haz waste recycling company in Apex, NC, several miles to the east near Raleigh, NC. Something over 16,000 residents of Apex have been urged to evacuate so far as a large plume of a chlorine-like smelling substance moves through the area. All local, state and federal agencies have been called in to assess and 300 firefighters so are are waiting until daylight (7am-ish) to go in assess …

Baking Whole Wheat Bread With Your Storage Wheat, by B.B.

You should plan to be dependent on stored food until your second crop comes in. Wheat is the least expensive and longest-lasting and most nutritious of the basic foods and should be the backbone of your stored foods. Figure on a pound per person per day, thus about 700 pounds per adult-size person over the two-year storage plan. This is about a loaf of bread per day, which will nicely supplement the other stored foods in your larder. You want “thrice-cleaned, Turkey-red Hard Winter Wheat”, with moisture content at less than 10%. Store it in food-grade plastic buckets; treat it …

Letter Re: 20 Pound Propane Tanks and Differing Valve Designs in the U.S.

Mr. Rawles; Saw a post concerning propane tanks dumped along roadways. People need to be careful if they go and salvage these propane tanks as the folks who make meth amphetamine ("meth") use the propane tanks to hold anhydrous ammonia to make the meth with. If the tank has been painted some color other than white and the valve on the tank looks bluish green then it has [or has had] anhydrous ammonia in it. The tanks have a tendency to explode as they are not designed for the pressures anhydrous ammonia put on the tank as it expands when …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." – Matthew 5:14-16

The Survival Rucksack (Backpack) – Part 2, by FDG

(Continued from the October 6th posting) Let’s talk about each of these priorities individually. Security: Safety and protection from predators, either two legged or four. Safety also from natural disasters such as wildfire, storms, earthquakes, etc. Consider the tools needed for the job. Shelter: Since we are speaking of this in the context of the Survival Rucksack, in my opinion, your shelter needs to be the kind carried on your back. Remember the tortoise? So what to carry? My first choice is the Bivvy Sack. It should be made out of Gore Tex or some other high quality breathable material. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yesterday, I visited a coin show in Sacramento, California. With the recent dip in silver and gold bullion prices, there were some eager buyers in attendance. Three different dealers all told me essentially the same thing: They think that we are witnessing perhaps the last big dip before the bull market resumes, to propel gold past $800 per ounce. Buy on the dips!    o o o Michael Z. Williamson mentioned this web page on a flu prevention breakthrough: a modified flu designed to fight the flu.    o o o Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke says: Baby Boomers will …

The Survival Rucksack (Backpack) – Part 1, by FDG

The information contained in these writings represents the opinions of the author. The author assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained herein What if tonight you had to get up and walk out of your home for an undetermined period of time with only those items you carried in your hands and on your back?. Before 9/11 it was unlikely, today it is quite probable. This article is dedicated to: Jesus Christ who gave his life for me, My Father who taught me honor, My Mother who gave me life, All of my Children, My …

Odds ‘n Sods:

MSNBC reports on “unschooling”, a variation on home schooling.    o o o Study finds that the climate in the Northeastern U.S. could be considerably warmer by 2100.    o o o Norman in England sent the link to this: Gangs of “yobs” make life miserable in disarmed English cities. A brave few stand up to them. Meanwhile, law enforcement is becoming a joke, with two out of every three ASBOs being breached. I wonder: What life will be like in English cities, post-TEOTWAWKI, when only the gangsters have guns? My advice to UK urbanites has not changed: Take the …

Letter Re: Mossberg Mariner Pistol Grip Shotguns and Underground Cashing

Jim, Just curious – would the Mossberg Mariner [one variant of which is now sold in the special waterproof canister packaging] make a decent tube that I can bury on land? Thanks, – Redclay JWR Replies: Yes, they will work for underground caching since the canisters have an o-ring seal. They should seal well, but it is advisable to add another layer of protection. If nothing else, add a couple of layers of trash bags alternating with cardboard boxes then another trash bag. That way when you dig up the canister, it will have a little protection–and advance warning–when you …

Letter Re: FAL/L1A1 Thumbhole Stock Conversion and Vendor Feedback

Hello Mr Rawles, I wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I recently did some business with the Gun Parts Guy, whom I discovered on your site. The experience was a pleasure. I’m very new to the survival mentality, and even newer to the wonderful world of battle rifles. I read your book, loaned to me by a friend that I’ve had since high school (in the eighties, I’m 36), and it got me, well, motivated. The friend in question, I’m happy to say, has undergone a far more important conversion experience to Christ, and recently …