Letter Re: Preparing for Family & Friends

HJL, “Preparing for Family and Friends” by Thor1954 was a thought-provoking article, but I would include basic cooking directions and perhaps a recipe or two concerning the rice and beans. Do you really think that people who are unprepared for emergencies and disasters will know what to do with plain rice and beans that weren’t part of a packaged meal? – D.M. Hugh Replies: Hunger is a great motivator. While I like my beans well cooked and spiced up, it’s really not necessary. All they need is a pan of water to make something usable, but I’m sure that small …

Letter Re: 22LR: Truth & Myth

HJL, Although the author of this piece is a real live outdoor enthusiast, he neglected to mention the 22LR is the favorite rifle of deer poachers. Don’t take my word for it (although I too am an outdoor enthusiast). Here are just three of the hundreds of credible news stories of game warden investigations that confirm this: http://vtdigger.org/2014/01/08/fish-wildlife-investigation-leads-double-arrest-poaching/ http://naweoa.org/joomla15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=319:4-south-carolina-poaching-cases&catid=4:us-news&Itemid=82 http://blog.chron.com/sportsupdate/2012/01/game-warden-cases-do-you-know-these-deer-poachers-officers-need-your-help/ Sport hunting and survival hunting are different. I can sit on my porch and take a deer from twenty feet away with a 22LR. My neighbor gets more out of season than in and the 22LR, being much quieter, doesn’t …

Economics and Investing:

From E.B.: Normally, I don’t pay much attention to NPR due to their leftest political lean, but this caught my eye. (Yes, that NPR.) – E.B. o o o Fed Fraud and Hostage Markets – D.B. o o o Items from The Economatrix: The Run On U.S. Gold Continues… Richard Russell – Silver Is The Greatest Buy In The World Today Putin Could Win World War III Without Firing a Shot Collapse and Systemic Failure at All Levels Coming to U.S.-Dmitry Orlov

Odds ‘n Sods:

Students at the shooting range for gun safety – W.W. o o o Reports of the Death of a National License-Plate Tracking Database Have Been Greatly Exaggerated – P.S. o o o A SurvivalBlog reader sent in this link on testing the purity of the honey you buy. The best way, of course, is to have your own beehive, but for those that cannot have that… How to Verify the Purity of Honey

Notes from HJL:

Today we present another entry for Round 51 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift certificate …

Barter Goods, by C.Y.

If and when the end of civilized life as we know it arrives, there will be a period lasting from months to years before your community stops collapsing and develops a stable local economy. During this time, the agreed exchange of goods and services between residents is clearly preferable to looting and theft, but successful transactions will not be easy without a widely accepted replacement for money. People may still have cash, credit cards, and checks, but without a central government these are unlikely to be seen as a good exchange for essentials like food, clothes, fuel, or services. A …

Letter: Mental Illness

Hugh, I have a mental illness and know that if things go south my chances are slim, but I will persevere until the “oops” occurs. I suggest reading the fictional book “One Second After” to get a glimpse at what might happen to the old and the mentally ill; it is not pretty. Also, “The Walking Dead” did an episode, “The Grove”, where there was a mentally ill person. For the seriously mental ill, a bullet to the head might be the only choice. That stinks but is realistic. For the less serious, like me, you have to decide whether …

Letter Re: The Ice Hits the Fan in South Carolina

This piece is a much needed wake up for prepper families that think it is okay for Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter or someone else to do everything…alone. This warning goes both ways, as I know plenty of men who “go it alone” because that is the way they want it. They haven’t figured out that young man/lady in the house, watching TV or hanging out with his friends, is capable of much more and needs to earn the confidence that practice gives. If your older children or parents, or your neighbor down the road is counting on you to help …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Keeping Your NYC License – P.M. o o o While certainly exciting to watch, this video of an example of russian hand gun training is insane. I can’t tell if some of those shots by the shooter are accidental discharges brought on by the stress or intentional warning shots. – R.G. o o o This animated gif shows the new headboard I want for my bed. – B.R. o o o Mike Williamson (SurvivalBlog Editor At Large) sent in this link showing a list of bulk food co-ops by state. o o o Mike also sent in information about a …

Notes from HJL:

Seed for Security (a SurvivalBlog advertiser) is announcing a new garden seed collection. Native Americans combined corn, beans, and squash for excellent nutrition and synergistic growth. Their Three Sisters Collection comes with detailed planting instructions and a diagram to help you obtain these same benefits. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 51 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be …

Survival Medicine, by Confederate Preacher

The area of prepping has grown enormously in the past few years, with a diversity not seen in other current mindsets. Some people prep for economic reasons, others for biblical reasons, others for political reasons, while some seem to have no reason at all or a combination of each. I am sure the list of reasons could extended many times over. Each person also has their areas of focus in which the majority of their prepping focuses. Many people are consumed with water storage and/or water purification. Water is the most important supply when dealing with long-term, off-grid survival. Water …

Letter Re: Perspective from the Inside

Hugh, As a retired (federal) law enforcement officer, I think JH’s article was well written and presented a number of very good points. His comments about budget issues, the police tendency to grab so much free military surplus gear, and officer’s dedication to the job was well done. For better or worse, the police are often the layer between “the government” and the people. They must deal with extremely difficult situations in, often times, dangerous conditions. Most are well-meaning, and, yes, a few are over-the-top authoritarians. I suppose what bothers me (as I have observed) is a tendency for officers …