Letter Re: I Will Tell You a Simple Tale

JWR & HJL; The article by M.R., “I Will Tell You A Simple Tale” from 3-29-2014, is probably the best, deepest in meaning of all the posts that I have read to date, and that is a LOT! It is clearly and directly written, and touches on (no, explains) what honor and loyalty are and mean. As M.R. states, all the beans, bullets, and bandaids are for naught, if you don’t have honor and loyalty. I fear that those attributes are too seldom recognized and are more precious than the “things” that we strive for. I could go on and …

Letter Re: Craigslist, PSYOPs and Other Ramblings.

Hugh, JR, and the rest of my fellow patriots: I would like to ask your readers who, like myself, have used Craigslist (and maybe similar sites) for years to do everything from buy and sell farm animals to random goods to meeting other people via the personal ads. Have you come to the point where you’re so frustrated with even using CL because of the onslaught of phony, obviously robotic in nature, responses you’ve received either from your own ads or others? Call me crazy, but perhaps it’s a direct result of our very own government’s attempts to not only …

Economics and Investing:

Is this the path that America is on? Despite poor economic news and ongoing protests, Caracas’ stock exchange grew 452 percent in 2013. (From an “alternative news source” with an anti-U.S. agenda) – J.S. o o o What happened to the traditional home buyer? California has the highest percentage of young adults living at home with parents. Existing home sales collapse. o o o Items from The Economatrix: People Have No Idea A Terrifying Global Meltdown Is Coming The US Is Trying To Pass A Bill That Will Protect Banks From Toxic Real Estate Loans As The Real Estate Bubble …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Diet drinks linked with heart disease, death. This is another case where correlation does not necessarily mean causation. The link has found a higher percentage of disease and death in those who drink diet drinks, but the beverage probably has little to do with it. Those who drink diet beverages generally have an unhealthier lifestyle. I have long wondered if a diet soda and slice of pie was a little bit like matter/antimatter. o o o We’ve been here before: The Ebola Outbreak Is Spreading: Pray to God It Doesn’t Hitch A Ride To The West. After three decades in …

Notes from HJL:

Today we present another entry for Round 51 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift certificate …

Come, Dear Friends, Fellow Preparers, and Interested Readers; I Will Tell You A Simple Tale, by M.R.

I was raised by two people that survived a depression, a world war, and a conflict called “Korea” to know the value of a dollar, to be resourceful, to be “smarter than the average bear”, and above all, to live with honor and integrity. I am a man that in these “seven years of plenty”, has been storing grain for the years of want that are yet to be. I am exceedingly happy that these seven years have been stretched into several decades in this particular nation, but I see the writing on the wall and know that it cannot …

Letter Re: Thanks for the Information

Hugh, I am now a senior citizen of 66 with a 56 year old wife. I’m a former Vietnam era infantry platoon leader, infantry OCS at Fort Benning, and Ranger trained. I had sworn never to again carry a firearm after I left the service. However, recent events in my upscale suburb of Cleveland, Ohio caused me to rethink my promise. We have had two break-ins in the area from gangbangers out of the city seeking goods to trade for drugs. Recently two girl-cashiers were killed during an armed robbery of a gas station four miles away. Also, very recently, …

Economics and Investing:

The Dollar Cannot Be Devaluated and Suicidal Bankers. When serious problems for the dollar surface, as they surely will, and the U.S. has little or no gold to fall back on, the U.S., with its back to the wall, may become a very dangerous entity in the world. Would it be possible for those running the U.S. to loose their heads and choose a suicidal nuclear war in response to a desperate economic situation? Does the destruction of the whole world matter to men about to take their own lives? Do suicidal bankers worry about the fate of the world? …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sounding incredibly familiar to the 1994 fiasco with Olympic Arms (and the OA-93), some manufacture has apparently created a commercially available pistol that fires the 7N6 5.45×39 cartridge, and true to form the ATF has reclassified the steel core ammo as armor piercing. There is no word yet as to who has produced the pistol (or, like in 1994, if any of them have even really been sold yet). o o o SurvivalBlog has previously reported on the Jemez Springs Sheriff’s trouble with the TSA (and by association, the DHS) for attending a Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association conference. …

Notes from HJL:

Apparently, during the conversation this week on SurvivalBlog about the abuses of the Albuquerque Police Department, there has been another incident. The family is insisting that the man was unarmed with only his cellphone in his hand and was trying to surrender. Add another one to the investigation. APD has now been under investigation by the DOJ since November of 2012 over similar incidents. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 51 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for …

Picking a Primary Residence Location for Preparedness-Minded People, by TOGA

My family and I first became serious about prepping around 2006. It wasn’t one event that pushed us into it but the incremental deterioration of our society, including natural disasters, terrorism, weather, erosion of the Constitution, developing police state, corrupt politics, elimination of liberty. It seems every topic is something to shake our head at. We began to plan, and we began to research. As everyone reading this blog knows, prepping is a life-long quest. Rather than start with the immediate needs, we thought it prudent to plan our long-term goals up front. First, we contemplated how we wanted to …

Three Letters Re: Dealing With Asthma When The SHTF

Hugh, A.C. wrote a very good article on asthma, but left one important care plan out– immunotherapy. Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, helps a person’s body become tolerant of the things they are allergic to. After allergy testing, the allergist can prescribe allergy injections for what a person is specifically allergic to. A person can receive weekly allergy injections starting at a small concentration and dose of these allergens and working up, to build up a tolerance for their allergies and possible asthma triggers. This can take three to five years, so I’m not sure if there is time …

Economics and Investing:

The Real Reason the U.S. Dollar Has Value. Items from The Economatrix: The Central Bank Continues To Scale Back Stimulus As The Outlook For The Job Market Improves Manufacturing In U.S. Expands At Second-Highest Rate Since January 2013 The Fourteen Year Recession This Is What Is Going To Destroy The World’s Financial System