Letter Re: A Different Look at the Tactical Flashlight

Hugh, I enjoyed D. Hacker’s article on flashlight use, and I look forward to trying the technique. Here are a couple of additions for the readers from a night shift cop: Hacker hit on it a little bit talking about not cheating from reflective light. One of my favorite light techniques is simply pointing the beam at the ceiling when entering a dark room. The reflective light from most modern flashlights is enough to fully light up the room. If your light technique does not illuminate your sights, this may not be a totally bad thing. You can get a …

Economics and Investing:

Obama Economy: More Middle Aged Americans Moving In With Parents | The Lonely Conservative – B.B. o o o Believe The Hype, Inflation Really Is Coming This Time – D.B. o o o Items from The Economatrix: 18 Stats That Prove That Government Dependence Has Reached Epidemic Levels Gold Market Now Seeing Deepest Backwardation In 8 Months The Fed Is Channeling Higher Interest Rates: Fed Committee Participants Anticipating Higher Rates And Inflation Already Permeating Throughout Economy

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cooking with lime heat, fireless cooking in medieval, renaissance and victorian times. – G.P. o o o Obama deliberately emboldening America’s enemies – J.R. o o o Civilians not ready for EMP-caused blackout – M.A. o o o West African Ebola outbreak caused by new strain of disease: study – J.P. HJL Adds: We’ve been following reports of this new outbreak, and there is no shortage of rumors. Unlike previous outbreaks, where the infected areas were in relatively remote areas where containment was easier, this one may be more difficult. The first response of people who hear that they may …

Notes from HJL:

April 21st is Aggie Muster Day, for all Texas A&M Corps of Cadets graduates. Aggie Muster celebrations/meetings are held as far away as Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan. I should mention that Jim’s grandfather (a U.S. Army Cavalry LTC) was an Aggie–something mentioned so often that everyone in his family felt like de facto Aggies, too. Other than the officers that matriculate though West Point, the four institutions that seem to have the greatest ongoing esprit de corps for graduates are Texas A&M, The Citadel, Norwich University, and VMI. Jim felt almost obliged to include an Aggie character in his novels …

Guest Article: How to Set Up a Solar Electric Survival System, by LaMar

The majority of the U.S. population lives in a city or suburbs connected to a city and is completely reliant on grid power from coal, hydro, or natural gas power plants. In the event of a national or local disaster, regardless of the cause, the electricity system is the weakest link. Without power almost nothing else in a city or town will work. These disasters may be of short- or long-term duration, but depending on the weather and medical needs of your family going without power for even a short time could cause great hardship and even death. In this …

Pat’s Product Review – Ruger 10/22 Roll-up Cases

Innovation! That’s what has driven our country. Unfortunately, as of late, so many things are being outsourced, and many products cloned or copied, with and without a license to do so. Some time ago, I reviewed the Ruger 10/22 take-down rifle. It’s a huge hit for Ruger www.ruger.com, and they keep coming out with different versions of it. Included with the 10/22 take-down rifle is a nice zip-up storage carry case, and it does the job. However, a fellow by the name of Ron Asman, thought he could do it better. I think he has. Up front I’ll confess that …

Recipe of the Week: Dutch Oven Lasagna

B.M. answered the summons for scrumptiousness with this delectible dish: All of these ingredients may be made fresh or dehydrated/freeze dried, and both will be delicious. If making from dehydrated/freeze dried, reconstitute per package instructions. Ingredients: 1 Deep 12-inch Camp Dutch oven (DO) 1 23 oz. jar of your favorite Spaghetti sauce 2 8 oz. cans of tomato sauce 1 14.5 oz of diced tomatoes (with Italian seasonings, if available) 1 pound of hamburger or Italian sausage (omit or replace with TVP, for a vegetarian version) 1 1 pound box of lasagna noodles (dry) 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese …

Letter Re: United States Economy and Status

HJL – I have been a student of economics my entire life. From my early college education in the ’70s and ’80s to continued research for hobby, and for work I have tried to understand the micro and macro perspectives of the U.S. economy. We are at a place in history that is without precedent. Never has a nation with the responsibility of the reserve currency of the world made such dangerous bets with its economy and currency. The decisions of the Treasury and FED to head off an electronic bank run in 2008 prevented what would have been the …

Economics and Investing:

Ukraine Currency Collapses Nearly 70% Against Gold In 4 Months. o o o Items from The Economatrix: Are You Ready For The Price Of Food To More Than Double By The End Of This Decade? Inflation Is Slightly Higher In March As Food And Shelter Costs Accelerated What Happened To The Middle Class? The Infographic Democrats Told “Don’t Mention ‘Economic Recovery’ – It’s A Political Loser”

Odds ‘n Sods:

An interesting plant that may provide some useful resources for those inclined to Self Sufficency. o o o Raindrops and toilets can potentially power your home. – G.P. o o o UAV Pilot Charged with Felony. The government’s double standard at work again. – T.Y. o o o Oklahoma will charge homeowners who generate their own power Taxing off grid homes in OK. – G.P. o o o Hide a secret room in plain sight. Secret bookcase door. – CDV

Notes from HJL:

On this wonderful Resurrection Sunday, I was blessed by a letter sent in by SurvivalBlog reader A.W. I’d like to share it with you too: Hi Hugh, I discovered “How Can I Keep From Singing?” in Rawles’ novel Patriots and have been curious about its origin. His book says it’s a Shaker hymn and other sources claim it’s a Quaker hymn, so I was surprised to learn [by a determined google search] that it was actually written in the mid 1800s by Robert Lowry, a Baptist minister, who also wrote “Shall We Gather At The River” and three others that …

An Eye for Eyes, by B.A.

Dear Reader, As a person who has been blessed with not needing reading glasses, I am usually happy to read lists on prepping that tell the readers to make sure that they have extra prescription glasses in case they break their everyday glasses and cannot get new ones due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s one more place I can save a few dollars. That’s great, but is it really that simple? Many times I have glossed this fact in my mind. I wear sunglasses everyday. They are cheap and available everywhere, which is a good thing because I am a little …