Hugh’s Quote of the Day:
“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglass
“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglass
I have received a number of complaints about the new server and the move across platforms that can be traced to old software. It is important that SurvivalBlog readers understand the importance of keeping your desktop software up-to-date to guard against security threats. Most users with complaints are running Windows XP with IE6 or IE7. XP was introduced in 2001 and has far exceeded the normal 10 year life cycle of Operating System software. Microsoft officially ceased mainstream support of XP in April of 2009, offering only monthly security updates. As of April 8, 2014, Microsoft no longer offers even …
Caloric intake, in a post-SHTF, has been mentioned before, but I wanted to share a recent experience with a low-calorie disaster and what its implications are for challenging times that lie ahead. After some health concerns, my doctor asked if I’d like to try their physician-overseen weight loss program. I’m a 38 year old man, who is busy raising a family and performing in a career. I eat what I can when I can. The long workdays following by parental responsibilities have cut into my workout time, which results in my being fatigued, and have resulted in some poor dietary …
Holster Ops Magazine Pouch I think anyone who carries a defensive handgun needs to carry spare ammunition. In today’s world, bad things are happening and it may be necessary to have a reload magazine handy. Additionally, many semi-auto pistol problems are caused by a magazine issue and being able to dump and replace the one in the gun might be the indicated response. I have long carried two magazines for my Colt Commander but recently decided to add a third spare. We 1911 sorts are somewhat ammunition limited, and it occurred to me, as I read of flash mobs and …
Here is a recipe I invented using leftovers from baked potatoes to make tacos: After scrubbing well and baking, slice the top of the potato with a sharp knife lengthwise end to end. Eat all of the baked potato, scraping excess potato from the skin. (Not too hard, you don’t want holes in the skin.) The skin is now ready to be used as a tortilla, thereby cutting back on tortilla carbs, if dieting, or gluten, if sensitive. Holding the skin of the potato in one hand, you are now ready to apply a filling. Being a girl from Texas, …
Dear Jim and Hugh, I agree with the statements about private security. However, having too much visible security implies you have something worth protecting inside, and with the glut of marijuana production getting legalized in many states, the price of that drug has dropped, meaning the growers who were used to a certain income are now scrambling and desperate. There have been many reported incidents of home invasions in pot growing areas, with violent outcomes, and it is likely there are many that weren’t reported because the invaders were all killed and buried. Falling crop values and potential full legalization …
Get Ready for Regulators to Peer Into Your Portfolio . – L.M. o o o The overt and blatant manipulation of the gold and silver markets on the Comex reflects frantic desperation – but why?. – B.R. o o o Items from The Economatrix: US Economy Is A House Of Cards — Paul Craig Roberts:The US Economy Is A House Of Cards. Every Aspect Of It Is Fraudulent, And The Illusion Of Recovery Is Created With Fraudulent Statistics. NY Times: Criminal Charges Are Finally in the Wings for Big Banks The Refi Boom Is Dead; Applications Drop To Lowest Since …
An excellent debrief from Mike Vanderboegh that includes a video from Oath Keepers. bundy ranch debrief – SDS o o o NRA video: Is gun confiscation next in Connecticut?. – H.L. o o o Perfectly Split Firewood. – R.F. I was under the impression that perfectly split firewood was wood that easily fit in my wood stove, yet left very little “extra” room. However, for those who are just beginning, this is a good “instructable”. o o o And in the continuing bizarre case of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Malaysia Flight 370 audio was tampered with! – B.R. o …
“Honor those who have served our country, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Educate future generations about the price paid for the freedom we enjoy in America the beautiful.” Freeman V. Horner, United States Army, Medal of Honor
Today we present another entry for Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …
RegardingIdeas Concerning a Post Collapse World: If one understands the Declaration of Independence and the Republican form of government, reforming the Union of States (and their people) is a viable goal. Cooperation in the defense of private property rights from predation is one justification for the necessary evil of government. However, I would not suggest using the Constitution as a model, since it was flawed from inception. It would require extensive modification to accurately define the relationship of the sovereign people with the servant government and its servants, the citizenry, with regard to rights and liberties (natural and personal). It …
Dear Hugh, Three cheers for the article “Ideas Concerning a Post Collapse World”! “M.S.” is obviously a very bright and literate person, and while the blog offering is short, it is packed with a lot to think about. I believe the author is likely “spot on” with most of its outlook for the future with one question mark for me as to whether a foreign army (or two) would invade the CONUS or not. I see that as more likely than the author does, but only time will tell. I would though like to take the opportunity to address an …
Yellen: How High Is Up? o o o Against the Crowd: Buy Treasurys o o o Items from The Economatrix: Dismal GDP Triggers Double-Dip Recession Fear U.S. Homeownership Rate Lowest Since 1995
Michigan Bans Animals On Small Farms. – B.B. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this one. I can see no valid reason to implement this other than attempting to control every aspect of a person’s life. I certainly understand regulating a large animal in an area incapable of supporting it but chickens, bees, and goats? o o o HSBC Demands to Know How Customers Spend Their Money. – H.L. o o o Man Arrested In FBI Sting Found Dead In Federal Custody. – B.R. o o o Relaxation Bear Sparks Rabies Scare After Biting 14. NO Common Sense. …
“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” Matthew 5:23-24 (KJV)