Recipe of the Week: Pizza Dough, by K.M.

I worked in various pizza kitchens as a youth, and now make it at home regularly. We like to add a few extra ingredients to the crust for flavor and nutrition.They are optional, so experiment and find the mixture that best suits your tastes. Total “Flour” component should be about 3-cups, but make sure at least 2-cups are a quality bread-flour, or else you get more of a granola-bar than pizza-dough. Ingredients: Approximately 1.5 cups warm water (100-110 F degree’s; use a thermometer as too hot/cold matters.) 2 tsp. Salt 1 package dry yeast (live yeast also suitable, vary instructions …

Letter Re: Low Calorie Diets

Hi Hugh, I have been fortunate enough to have met and talked to a number of Preppers and others preparing in the event TSHTF. One of the common things I’ve learned from them is the value of a food with a very high caloric and energy content. They have all shared that oils (Olive, Avacado, et cetera) are one of the most difficult items to procure in nature. They also happen to be the most dense food. In other words, an ounce of edible oil has far more calories then an ounce of protein or an ounce of carbs. For …

Letter Re: Breastfeeding Babies

Hugh, I wanted to add something to the great blog about the benefits of breastfeeding. It has to do with my experience having breastfed four babies that are now all teenagers. I had many difficulties with breastfeeding. My mom was encouraging, having breastfed all four of hers, too, but I had one problem after another. I could write a book on my stories, but I’ll simplify to make my point. I struggled through with determination, having to bite down on leather at some points because of the pain. I came down with multiple cases of mastitis with each child. There …

Economics and Investing:

The Endgame Of Keynesianism: Savings Confiscation To Force Spending Now o o o Innovation, American Entrepreneurs and the New Job Agenda o o o Items from The Economatrix: The Meat Crisis Is Here: Price Of Shrimp Up 61% – 7 Million Pigs Dead – Beef At All-Time High Yellen: More Steps Needed To Get Healthy Economy Housing Starts Seen Hitting Four-Month High Homebuilder Confidence Plunges To 12-Month Lows

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who think being persecuted for your faith is having someone call you names: Sudanese woman sentenced to hang for apostasy. The U.S. is giving billions of dollars in aid to the very countries responsible for these heinous acts. o o o All I can say is “It’s about time!” America’s Oldest Gun Maker Thumbs Its Nose At A Two-Faced Senator – B.B. o o o FDA To Ban Organic Farming? o o o Never Forgetting a Face. – T.P. o o o In a prime example of the abuses of our system and unfair abuse of police powers …

Notes for Sunday – May 18, 2014:

18 May, 1825 was the birthday of Daniel B. Wesson, of Smith and Wesson fame. o o o SurvivalBlog reader Art reminds us that now is a perfect time to invest in AR-15 rifles, mags, and ammo. He is seeing rifles like S&W M&P Sport, Bushmaster, and more at $599 or less. .223 ammo is plentiful as well. JWR Adds: I concur. Stock up, while prices are advantageous. (Although I still consider the price of 5.56mm ball ammo still too high.) The real bargain these days is stripped AR-15 lower receivers, which can be had for around $49 each. If …

Multi-Purpose Power Solution For Laying Low Or Bugging Out, by T.G.H.

We live in an area known for food storage. I’m a real estate broker and am in and out of people’s homes all over happy valley. I have firsthand knowledge of who’s prepared and who’s not. Although many have buckets of grains and a few shelves of canned goods, the vast majority are not really prepared for a true disaster lending itself to long-term survival and recovery. Believe it or not, most couldn’t survive a prolonged power outage in the middle of winter. As the readers of this blog know, there is a lot more to it than a wheat …

Letter Re: Feeding Infants at TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, That was an outstanding article that was supported by facts and dispelled many myths. When I was in PA school, we had an entire lecture dedicated to learning the facts as this article has described. When I nursed my infant (for nine months), I had to fight against two guilt-driven grandmothers who believed I was harming my baby by not giving him formula, despite my medical background. Indeed, this article takes a sledgehammer to the consumer driven culture of formula feeding. I’d like to add that learning about the “techniques” involved in breastfeeding is best done pre-collapse. It’s not …

Economics and Investing:

What Food Inflation? – G.G. o o o Federal Reserve Gone Wild o o o Items from The Economatrix: Fed Laundering Treasury Purchases to Disguise What’s Happening-Paul Craig Roberts De-Dollarization: Russia Is On The Verge Of Dealing A Massive Blow To The Petrodollar U.S. Wholesale Prices Surge In April Why Surge In Wholesale Inflation Is Probably Bogus Rising Resource Costs Escalate Odds of Global Unrest

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas officer who shot armed 93-year-old fired – G.S. o o o Homeland Security Raids Flea Markets While Ignoring Terrorist Threats. – B.L. o o o Not suprising when you realize that gun control is about people control. Gross hypocrisy: Brady Campaign head talks gun control with armed security – P.S. o o o Spying Is Meant to Crush Citizens’ Dissent, Not Catch Terrorists o o o No wartime paperwork? Tear down your home. – H.L.

Notes for Saturday – May 17, 2014:

Today we present another entry for Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

Feeding Infants at TEOTWAWKI: The Critical Advantages of Breastfeeding, by Dr. Goscienski, M.D. – Part II

As stated earlier, in Part I of this article, milk is the primary source of nourishment and hydration for infants during the first two years of life. We have become so accustomed to the ready availability of cow’s milk, or sometimes other sources, such as goat or soy, that we have neglected the best source– the human breast. What is not often appreciated is that human milk, according to one expert on the subject, “exerts effects far beyond its nutritional value.” The full impact of that concept in a TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know It) situation …

Letter Re: Mayors Feel Misled

JWR, Just wanted to say “Thank You” for your commentary on Michael Bloomberg’s MAIG in your Odds ‘n Sods column today, May 14, 2014. I LOVE IT when people speak frankly about our current gun control dilemma. (Not to mention our other constitutional issues…) It is refreshing to read someone who does not mince words. We are subjected to entirely too much political correctness– the “I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or offend anyone” mentality in our country. I have become weary of it and at this point, it is imperative that we “tell it like it is”. …