Letter: Mastitis

HJL, Mastitis nearly killed me. In a more primitive country, I could have been another maternal death statistic. Mastitis is just one path of infection and death for new mothers. Mastitis cannot be downplayed. Nor can the value of breast feeding “support” be over estimated. While my response to the excellent and informative article by Dr. Goscienski is intensely personal and private, perhaps in the future it may save a baby or mother’s life. I come from a comfortable family, in the socio-economic sense. It would not be correct to just say we are advocates of breast feeding. Simply, everyone …

Economics and Investing:

The Successor to Keynes. – Mark the Hairless o o o Russia, China Plan to Expand Payments in National Currencies. The Demise of the Petrodollar. – G.P. o o o Items from The Economatrix: Jim Rogers Warns: “You Better Run for the Hills!” How Much Do Americans Earn? Average Income Data For Individuals And Households. Stagnant Income Growth For American Families. America Can’t Prosper With Low Rates, Weak Dollar Humor: Risk Of Another Financial Crisis “Very Low,” Geithner Says

Odds ‘n Sods:

Quality Homegrown Milk . Do you know what A1 or A2 milk is? I didn’t. Some cows are just better than others. o o o Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records – D.S. o o o ‘They Brandished Shields’ and Pointed Rifles ‘Directly at Innocent Citizens’ — and That Was Just the Start: Lawsuit Details Shock Case of Alleged Fourth Amendment Violation – B.B. o o o Ukrainian army leaves fully armed & fueled BMP unguarded. Curious crowd climbs in for a look. Results as expected. . Fortunately, no one was injured by the round, …

Notes for Tuesday – May 20, 2014:

May 20th, 1942 is the birthday of Carlos Hathcock, who died February 23, 1999. He was a United States Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant sniper with a service record of 93 confirmed kills. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 52 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted …

The CMP: America’s Civilian Armory, by Uncle Mike

The M1 Garand, as a modern day tactical rifle, has many alleged faults. You can find that they may be only perceived faults. Here are a few alleged faults: No detachable magazine, obsolete, too heavy, and limited magazine capacity. I think that these perceived disadvantages can be actual advantages. It has no magazines to lug around. It is easily obtainable, especially from the CMP, with sturdy construction, and a great set of sights. Also this rifle is cost effective and reliable with available ammo. The 30-06 is one of the most popular cartridges. An eight shot clip may not be …

Letter Re: Multi-Purpose Power Solution

HJL, Liquid fuels are expensive, heavy, dangerous to transport, and a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Even if you have enough stored for a year, what then? Direct conversion of biomass to fuel for gensets has been proven successful for thirty plus years now. I have operated a design for powering small gensets that works as well today as it did in the early 80’s. It’s also driven a few thousand miles on a truck that runs on nature’s finest. Due to space and weight limitations not present in stationary applications, refining wood into gas on board a vehicle …

Letter Re: Building Your Own No-FFL AR From An 80% Complete Receiver

Hugh, I am a firm believer in what JAG is advocating. I, too, have built different AR15 platforms. The first was an FFL registered stripped lower receiver and a full kit (shipped through UPS with NO FFL paperwork) from Model 1 Sales. Everything went together smoothly. Anyone with any mechanical aptitude can do this. I next bought an EP80 and drilled and milled the lower with a drill press and Dremel tool. This, too, is easy if one works carefully. I have since bought two 80% aluminum forged lowers and a jig. I don’t mind the extra expense of the …

Economics and Investing:

No Raises For Anyone: Real Hourly Wages Decline For The First Time Since 2012. – T.F. o o o Why The Fed Won’t Flinch As Unemployment Drops And Inflation Rises o o o Items from The Economatrix: Richard Russell – Shorts May Get Crushed In The Silver Market Full-Blown Currency Wars, Gold, World War III & Serious Panic Ask The Expert – Jim Willie (May 2014) | Sprott Money News : Sharing The US Government Has A ‘Suicide Tendency’, Jim Calls Out The Banking Cabal As The US Dollar Edges Ever Closer To Its’ End A Demographic Time Bomb: Over …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Feds Hit Online Gun Stores With “High Risk” Label. – B.B. Gun stores in the same category as porn? o o o BEAUMONT: Jury weighs police pepper spray that blinded woman – T.Y. “Clark used his department-issued JPX gunpowder-propelled pepper spray weapon and fired it less than a foot away from her face.” o o o NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End, And It’s Not Looking Good for Us – S.O. Now I’m really wondering why NASA is still part of the government budget process. o o o Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from Every Angle. – B.B. o o …

Seven Secrets of Medical Prepping, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Someone once commented that my book held no “secrets” to medical prepping, that everything in the book could be found elsewhere. I’d have to agree, but it would take you hundreds of hours to compile the information. My experience has taught me to be cautious of secrets. Don’t they usually just cause trouble? Nothing in medicine should be secret, anyway. In fact, the subtitle to my Survival Medicine courses is “Taking the Mystery Out of Medicine.” Still, “secrets” can be fun, and what follows are seven “secrets” you should know, if you don’t already: Out-dated drugs aren’t actually expired. Drug …

Scot’s Product Review: Milt Sparks Holsters

In a way, I am reluctant to write about Milt Sparks as it will probably just make it harder the next time I need a holster, but my readers deserve to know, so here goes. Milt Sparks Holsters is named for its founder, Milt Sparks. Sparks began making holsters in the early days of competitive combat shooting in the 1960’s and 70’s. Magazine writer and founder of the International Practical Shooting Confederation, Lt. Colonel Jeff Cooper, among others, helped popularize Sparks’ work. What really made Sparks’ products so popular, though, is the quality of design and production. The only problem …