Odds ‘n Sods:

CFAPA.orgon the web: Survivalist starts issuing his own press passes o o o Chicago Children’s Hospital Takes Custody of 16-Year-Old Away from Parent Who Sought Second Opinion. – D.S. Incidents like these do not seem to be an increasing problem with the state, rather private hospitals are causing the issues. Child Protective Services (CPS); Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD); or whatever else the government services are called have a long history of letting real abuse slip through the cracks of the system and unfairly attacking healthy homes, but this phenomena by private hospitals is something new. Egos the size …

Notes for Monday – June 23, 2014

SurvivalBlog would like to welcome our newest advertiser, Gun Mag Warehouse. They have said that if anyone has any questions or needs assistance with any magazine choice or compatibility, they can simply call support and ask for Peter. Be sure to mention that you are a SurvivalBlog reader. This can be very helpful to those who are in states, like California, where confusion about what can and cannot be purchased is still common. Save time and frustration, visit their website and give them a call. o o o Camping Survival is having a sale on Mountain House freeze-dried foods this …

Guest Article: The Timetable For Bugging Out, by H.B.

We all get nervous when faced with the prospects of possibly bugging out because of a disaster or threat of some kind occurring. Do we leave or stay?  This has been discussed many times over, and it is based on the type of threat, your particular location, your preparedness, and what all. This article will simply touch on the possible timetable, as it relates to your chances of effectively escaping to your destination without getting caught in the middle of a traffic jam and all of those corresponding issues.  Let’s review your handling of being actually caught in the jam. …

Scot’s Product Review: Laser Ammo Shooting Practice System

I have mixed feelings about electronics and prepping. There is always that sense of dread that someday I might not be able to get electricity to run electronics, plus there is the chance of an event that will disrupt them. On the other hand, electronics are extremely useful. I wouldn’t be able to get this article to you without them, for example. My compromise has been to try to avoid buying electronics that don’t fulfill some real purpose on the road to building a self-sufficient life for my family. One of the electronics items I’ve been wanting to try has …

Recipe of the Week: Scotch Irish Stew

Ingredients: 2 pounds extra-lean stew meat, cut into bite-sized pieces 2 small pieces bacon, finely chopped 8 small brown cooking onions, peeled and cut in half (leave in halves, not separated) 8 to 12 small white and/or red potatoes 2 large carrots, thinly sliced 1 large parsnip, thinly sliced 2 big packages mushrooms, sliced (try assorted mushrooms for interest) 1 12-ounce bottle Guinness Stout As much non-fat beef broth as necessary to fill a crock pot Black pepper, to taste Instructions: Brown the stew meat and bacon in a frying pan, using PAM if possible. Put in the bottom of …

Letters Re: Militarization of LEOs

HJL, I am a Peacekeeper, otherwise known as an LEO. I am a firm believer in being part of the solution, not part of the problem. I teach my children “dont fuss, fix it.” The first step to fixing it is understanding the problem. I will do my best to not respond with bluff and bluster. I took this job by choice. I do not expect nor look for sympathy or a medal for my career choice. There are a few issues at work here. I will highlight a few recent incidents that will shed some light on part of …

Economics and Investing:

The Fed’s Illusion of Prosperity is Breaking Down o o o Oddly enough, Obama’s bungling and greed over collecting tax dollars may be what finally collapses the dollar as the world reserve currency. This law basically tells foreign banks that if they have U.S. customers or transactions in U.S. dollars, they must share all information with the IRS or completely divest themselves of U.S. dollars. Secret Tax Could Collapse Dollar – B.B. o o o 16 Reasons Why We Are Collapsing As A Nation – D.B. o o o Items from Mr Econocobas: Gold Jumps Most in Nine Months as …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Gun Shop Alleges July 1st Shutdown Due to Political Stance. – B.B. HJL notes: While it is certainly sad to see a business fall on hard times, I’m not entirely convinced that the situation “Tactical Firearms” is in is as politically connected as they would have us believe. Upon reading the article, it seems that there is an internal squabble from one of the owners. The banks refusal to renew the loan may be more related to this squabble than the political targeting of the business. o o o This link takes you direct to Federal site. Note that the …

Notes for Sunday – June 22, 2014

Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

Family Disaster Planning, by N.J. – Part 2

Resources Food and water, everyone needs it, and everyone will be looking for it. Remember the “six P’s” mentioned at the beginning of part one of this article; plan and prepare. Store as much food and water as you can, but do not rely on this to get you through the disaster. If organized groups come around passing out food and water, send someone (or several people) to get some. Even if you have to stand in line for hours, it behooves us to send someone. Do all that you can to NOT create a security issue by putting the …

Letter Re: Becoming the Bank in TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, I am writing concerning the post on “Becoming the Bank in TEOTWAWKI” by J.M. I have followed Survivalblog for the past five years and have worked hard to build a large supply of beans, bullets, and bandages, along with a supply of silver, gold, and cash. The posts over the past five years have been very informative, along with the advice from JWR & HJL. We have read that we need to have enough to be able to share as a testament of our Christian walk, and I hope to be able to do exactly that. We have read …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Outlawed: The ‘spy’ cars that automatically issue parking fines totalling £300million after protest by privacy campaigners – JBG I also suspect that “revenue generation” is a significant contributor as to why there is such a rift forming between LEOs and the rest of the population. o o o In these Kansas towns, driving a car makes you a potential criminal. – T.P. o o o Emails Show Feds Asking Florida Cops to Deceive Judges. – B.G. o o o Will You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp? – J.W. HJL Notes: While I disagree with some of the basic …