Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Militarization: The New Search and Seizure o o o Owners of FAL, L1A1, and LAR-8 rifles will find these almost indestructible magazines of interest: Moses Mags – JWR o o o Going along with today’s article from SurvivalBlog MD, Cynthia Koelker, is this news report: Drug-Resistant Superbug Cases Rise Significantly in Southeastern US. – H.L. o o o From the same organization that has your best interests at heart: 300 vials labeled influenza, dengue found at lab. – P.M. o o o Russian Intelligence Moves Back Into Cuba. – B.B.

Notes for Friday – July 18, 2014

Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

To Use Body Armor or Not, by J.O.

My father, MDL, was a long-time follower of SurvivalBlog. He spent his life in a constant but relaxed state of preparedness. When he found the website, he found kindred spirits from which he could learn and help learn through several articles he contributed. Often I would find him on his tablet reading old articles at odd hours when he couldn’t sleep. He and I would discuss what he had read and try to apply points not just to preparedness plans but to everyday life as well. I have many fond memories of quality time spent with him gardening, canning, dehydrating, …

Letter Re: Arming Your Neighborhood in a World Gone Feral

While we all agree with parts of this writer’s defensive philosophy and parts of all articles written for publication here, we, as a prepping community, have to apply our own skill assessment tools to what we believe is the best method for ourselves. My own life experience parallels JWR and others, and I make my own assessments having lived all over this county in my 65 years of God-endowed life. My credo has been formed and reformed by those life experiences. I enjoy reading all of the published, submitted articles to SurvivalBlog and that several of my own. As we …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama admin not screening illegals for infectious disease before flying them on commercial airlines – B.B. o o o Trooper admits to stealing from dying motorcyclist. – T.P. o o o Thanks to an epic drought that never seems to end, we are witnessing the beginning of a water crisis that most people never ever dreamed was possible in this day and age. 20 Signs The Epic Drought In The Western United States Is Starting To Become Apocalyptic. – H.L. o o o Obama’s end-run around Congress for gun control starts rearing its ugly head. If You Own A Kalashnikov …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“The State always moves slowly and grudgingly towards any purpose that accrues to society’s advantage, but moves rapidly and with alacrity towards one that accrues to its own advantage; nor does it ever move towards social purposes on its own initiative, but only under heavy pressure, while its motion towards anti-social purposes is self-sprung.” – Albert Jay Nock

Notes for Thursday – July 17, 2014

Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

LED Grow Lights for Indoor Food Production, by J.H.

Lighting products based on Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology continues to improve. Not only are lights getting cheaper, but the individual LED components are getting more higher powered and both efficiency and lifetimes/longevity are improving. Over time, LED technology is poised to replace the problematic and often loathed Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) as the preferred alternative to traditional incandescent light bulbs. However, this article is not about ordinary lighting applications but rather LED lighting specifically used for indoor growing applications. The benefits of LED lighting for plant growth, particularly as the technology advances, are truly revolutionary and will change the …

Letter Re: Arming Your Neighborhood in a World Gone Feral

Hello, While I agree with a lot of what was written, I strongly object to the writer’s defensive philosophy. He’s taking a modern strategic approach and applying it to SHTF firefight scenarios. In my opinion they are not similar. In small unit combat, the attacker has the advantage. The attacker can choose the time, the place, and if the defenders are dug-in and cannot pursue (counterattack), the attacker can choose when and under what circumstances to withdraw. If it’s going poorly they can withdraw and regroup for the next try. In short, the only scenario in which the defender wins …

Economics and Investing:

America’s Biggest Scam: The “Free Market” o o o We are absolutely in a stock market bubble: Corporate equity valuations now higher than peak reached in 2007. Crestmont P/E of 26.3 is 90 percent above its average of 13.9. o o o Big Banks Look To Cash In Using D.C.’s Revolving Door o o o Obama’s economic “recovery”: fewer than half of US adults have full time jobs. – B.B. o o o Federal Reserve’s Dual Mandate Disappointment; Will Private Investment Clean Up Slack?

Odds ‘n Sods:

This might be just what the doctor ordered for the old BOV. Teardrop Trailer . – MKP o o o Journalists will face jail over spy leaks under new security laws – T.P. o o o More information emerges about the young Muslim woman who sparked a passionate response from a panelist on the Benghazi Accountability Coalition hosted by the Heritage Foundation. It puts the whole conversation in an interesting light. Muslim Student Who Ignited Media Firestorm at Benghazi Panel a ‘Family Friend’ of Convicted Terrorist. – P.S. o o o You’re most likely to be wiretapped in this U.S. …

Notes for Wednesday – July 16, 2014

July 16th is the anniversary of the death of Hugh John McCall, in Rhodesia, in 1979. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain …