Letter Re: Our Struggle With Survivalism

Hi Hugh, I think it’s necessary to add a #10 to R.B.’s factors for experiencing pessimism: 10. A lot of people out there are waiting for some trigger event that will signal the start of a collapse. In reality, it has already occurred. That event has been the collapse of our government. We no longer have a government that upholds the rule of law. We are seeing epic lawlessness displayed by all of the government institutions. Our representatives and senators are truly ineffective against the growing power of a very, very small group of individuals who have control over very, …

Economics and Investing:

We’re in the third biggest stock bubble in U.S. history – CDV o o o Driving our way into poverty: Subprime auto debt continues to expand while domestic auto production remains weak.. – o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: America’s Lost Decade: Typical Household Wealth Has Plunged 36% Since 2003 What Japan’s June Trade Disaster Really Means: Abenomics Is Flaming-Out

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a very important story for SurvivalBlog readers. A recent California court decision has stripped water rights from well owners, and the management of underground water supplies could now be regulated, if this court case is upheld. Expect meters and limits on water pumping “in the name of fairness” and to “protect this endangered species”. Court ends Private Property Rights: Lawsuit could expand state control of groundwater. – C.K. o o o The District of Columbia Loses a key Handgun Control Federal Court Decision Tonight. – H.L. o o o Nanny-State of the Week: Wisconsin Towns Fight Repeal of …

Notes for Sunday – July 27, 2014

July 27th is the birthday of Captain Samuel Whittemore(born, 1694 – died February 3, 1793.) He was an English-born American farmer and soldier. He was eighty years of age when he became the oldest known colonial combatant in the American War of Independence. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for …

Killing, Dying, and Death – Part I, by M.H.

This article will be on something that is rarely talked about but nevertheless is a fact of life and certainly a major fact in a TEOTWAWKI type situation. It’s the combat mindset of killing, dying, and death. This includes getting a handle on killing bad people; you dying; your wife, husband, or kids dying; and the fear of death. Most importantly, it also includes the fear of killing. It will hopefully shatter all the theories and misconceptions people have from Hollywood, or from “experts” who have never killed or risked being killed. While not particularly thought of as a skill …

Three Letters Re: Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Hugh, I appreciate this discussion, but it also frustrates me, because the head of my household thinks preparing beyond a few day’s worth is all hype and hysteria. I have put up a number of provisions but am unable to make many of the prudent improvements to our home for physical and energy security. I take my vows seriously, but this tears at me because I know we will likely suffer needlessly when, not if, it all comes apart. (Money is not an issue for us.) I would truly appreciate your wisdom on this “opposite” issue that I’ve never seen …

Economics and Investing:

From Jim Willie of the Golden Jackass Newsletter: Derivatives: Abuse, Props, Risks o o o The 14th one to go this year: U.S. regulators close small bank in Chicago . – G.G. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: U.S. Meat, Seafood Prices Rising on Drought and Disease: USDA US New-Home Sales Plummet in June No Inflation Friday: Dollarized Panama Issues Price Controls For Basic Goods

Odds ‘n Sods:

Parched West is using up underground water: Study points to grave implications for Western U.S. water supply. – H.L. This is a major concern for those prepping in the west. With many city and agricultural wells pulling water from over 1000ft deep, how will your well hold up in the long run if it is only the average 250ft deep? Spend some time studying water at the county extension office to know how you will fare. o o o No more Rem Oil: Gun Lubricant Corrosion Tests. – M.M. I recognize that this test was about commercial lubricant/protectors, but I …

Notes for Saturday – July 26, 2014

Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $300 gift …

Why Trying To Start A Garden Now May Be A Little Too Late For TEOTWAWKI, by BPW

Here’s a little about myself. I work in law enforcement. I grew up in suburbia, was a Marine and outdoorsy person, yet I have never really, truly gardened. I can’t. I work full time and own a home (in a development). I have two children, who run me all over the place, and I have never had a green thumb. I do hunt, and I do that well. So, I figured how hard is planting some seeds in the ground and growing some vegetables. Well, my experience woke me up and am I glad that it did, because had I …

Letter Re: Books For Home Schoolers

I saw your list of recommended reading for young people, especially those being educated at home by their parents. I would like to add my own list. Anything by Stephen W. Meader (1892-1977). Meader published 44 novels in his lifetime. The subjects range from entrepreneurial to adventure to American history. The grammar, vocabulary, and storytelling qualities are first rate. His books are set during difficult times, including the American Revolution, the westward expansion, the War Between the States, and the Great Depression. Characters are mostly young men trying to make a living through common sense, hard work, and persistence. Most …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some excellent video of solar storms that could have wreaked havoc on earth. People wonder why we prep? How a solar storm two years ago nearly caused a catastrophe on Earth. – G.G. o o o Notice that the only way to ensure your phone is “off” is to remove the battery. Sorry, iPhone users.Can the NSA spy on your phone when it’s turned off? – Plain Jane Prepper o o o Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. Infrastructure for Digital 9/11. – G.P. o o o It seems similar to the IRS scandal in the U.S. Hopefully, Revenue Canada backs up …