A Dark Day for America, by HJL

June 26, 2015 will forever be marked as one of the darkest days in its history. On this day, the SCOTUS released a decision on a case that should never have been before the court in the first place. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court violated the Constitution of the United States and created legislation from the bench in declaring that all states must recognize the sexual perversion that they call “gay marriage”. However, this column is not about taking to task the SCOTUS for a decision that will literally tear apart this nation. Nor is this about taking …

Letter Re: SCOTUS on Marriage

Washington Post Sees ‘Sign from the Heavens’ in Double Rainbow Above White House… from Last Week So, a rainbow over the White House on Marriage Profanation Day. Here’s the really interesting thing: The reason we have a connection between rainbows and God is because a rainbow was part of the story of Noah, when the world, awash in degeneracy and evil, was destroyed by God, and his people were preserved. I’ve read that the Jews consider sodomy as the last straw, the final sin among the Antediluvian world that triggered the flood. So, perhaps, instead of a sign of God’s …

Economics and Investing:

The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015. – B.B. o o o TOP 5 GOLD PRODUCERS: Stunning Decline In Gold Productivity o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Tsipras Meets With Merkel, Hollande Before Saturday Aid Decision Greece Rejects Bailout Extension: Tsipras “Won’t Be Blackmailed”, Threatens Snap Elections IMF Says It Still Expects Greece to Pay $1.7 Billion Due Tuesday

Odds ‘n Sods:

Roberts Court and Dissolution of Co-Equal Branches of Government. – B.B. o o o Democracy Is Dying; Persecution Is Coming. – B.B. o o o The law of unintended consequences: SCOTUS Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Mandates Nationwide Concealed Carry Reciprocity . – G.P. o o o Scalia: Supreme Court now a ‘threat to American democracy’. – G.P. o o o Video: Franklin Graham: Christians should prepare for persecution

Notes for Friday – June 26, 2015

June 26th is the birthday of Marine Corps Lt. General Chesty Puller (born 1898, died October 11, 1971). Perhaps America’s finest-ever maverick officer, Puller was part of what JWR calls the Even Greater Generation. o o o It’s the last days… Safe Castle’s Road Warrior Bounty Sale, with up to 41% Mountain House food discounts with lots of extras is coming to a close. You have until June 30th to take advantage of these great deals. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this …

Two Letters Re: Ham Radio Conspiracy?

Hugh, Your post was a very good assessment of amateur radio (AR) as it is today. I am 60 years old and have wanted to get my Amateur radio license since I was 10 years old. However, with what I now know was an Attention Deficit Disorder mind, I didn’t have the patience to learn the code. My grandfather (a Radio Operator on a “Tramp Steamer” in 1921) encouraged me to get my ticket, but…. (fast forward to 2002) I was a big CB op back in the middle to late 70’s and gave it up when the airways became …

Economics and Investing:

The Mystery Of The “Missing” Inflation Solved: Record Number Of US Renters Can’t Afford Housing. – H.L. o o o When Will US Debt Hit the Wall? o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Forget Grexit, “Madame Frexit” Says France Is Next: French Presidential Frontrunner Wants Out Of “Failed” Euro The Economy’s All Fixed—–Only 70 Million Adults Teetering On The Edge Of Ruin Chart Of The Day: Greece’s Money Goes Under The Mattress Credit Market Warning- Chris Martenson

Odds ‘n Sods:

U.S. Power Grid Being Hit With ‘Increasing’ Hacking Attacks, Government Warns . – G.G. o o o Uber’s Anti-Gun Policy Is Working Out Really Well For Armed Robbers. – D.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader B.L. suggests that this might be a good time to set up an Australian redoubt: Australia is selling a ranch the size of New Jersey o o o Cliven Bundy will be held accountable, Interior secretary says. – B.B. o o o The OPM Infobomb Explodes. – JFJ

Notes for Thursday – June 25, 2015

On June 25th, 1876, Native American forces led by Chiefs Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeated the U.S. Army troops of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer in a bloody battle near southern Montana’s Little Bighorn River. The Battle of Little Bighorn–also called Custer’s Last Stand–marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. While complicated, the generally accepted reason for the battle is that the discovery of gold in South Dakota’s Black Hills in 1875 led to the U.S. government disregarding previous treaty agreements. The gruesome fate of Custer and …

The Most Important Preps Of Your Life – Part 1, by J.M.

Many have threads, blogs, magazines and even books on the single most important prep that people have to stockpile. Some of the common phrases you may hear include “you need three of this” and “make sure this is in your bag”. Whether it be weapons, tactical gear, water filters, can openers, or any number of other items, all of these things are nice to have in multiples of each. Like the old saying goes “one is none and two is one”, but there is something that most people forget when it comes to their preps. It’s something that a lot …

Letter: Ham Radio conspiracy?

Hugh, I am not sure if this guys tinfoil hat is on tight enough. I have been a Ham operator and ARES member for five years and never knew I was taken over by DHS or worked for them. – Mike HJL Responds: This is a subject that has been circulating on the Internet for several months now, and it’s probably time to address it. The problem stems mostly from the DHS and FEMA surrounding the circumstances on 9/11. In the 1970’s, Amateur Radio had reached its peak and had begun the long slow slide to oblivion. While the service …

Economics and Investing:

Forget Greece, Portugal is the eurozone’s next crisis . – H.L. o o o Gold & Silver Eagle Sales Spike In June As The Market Senses Financial Turmoil o o o Investing In Nuclear Power Just Got More Interesting o o o Billionaire Warns of Looming Disaster: “Derivatives Are Still Weapons Of Mass Destruction”. – E.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cockroach bot that can squeeze through the tiniest of gaps. – H.L. o o o You’re being secretly tracked with facial recognition, even in church . – B.B. o o o Most California farmers ignoring water restrictions. – S.B. o o o ‘Finish the mission, kill slave masters’. We are in dark times it seems. All this over a nut that cracked and did a horrible thing. No mentions for the most part on the news of the murdered family in Washington D.C. by a really crazy evil person as well. Seems that’s okay. This flag issue is really a …