Letter Re: Are Mountain Lions More Important…

Hugh, Here’s an interesting article about what happens when people and wild predators inhabit the same area. One detail jumped out at me– how the current estimated deer population in the entire state is 445,000. To put this in the perspective of the mall ninjas who plan to “head out into the wild and hunt for my food”: The average de-boned meat weight of an adult mule deer is less than 80 lbs. The human population of California is 38,800,000. Finding, killing, and butchering every deer in the entire state would provide less than 1 pound of meat per person. …

Economics and Investing:

THE SILVER CHART REPORT: The Coming Explosive Silver Price & Market o o o The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Puerto Rico Bonds Are Collapsing “Heartbreaking” Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash Swindle Alert: How To Spot The Fed’s Impending Bailout Of Europe

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas Clinics Turning Away Unvaccinated Children. – H.L. o o o The Supreme Court and Judicial Review. – B.B. o o o Ohio: Governor signs budget bill – media access loophole is closed Good news for Ohio Concealed Handgun License Holders. – R.H. o o o ISIS Publishes Map of July 4th FBI Command Centers. – B.B. o o o 7 Survival Skills You Can Barter With. – D.S.

Guest Article: Are Mountain Lions More Important Than the Safety of People, Children, and Pets? – Part 1, by William E. Simpson

In the late 1980s, it was determined by a relatively small group of financially- and politically-biased scientists and their lobbyists that the population of mountain lions (aka: cougar, puma) in California was dangerously low. So, they launched a massive media campaign to convince Californians that there was a genuine problem, giving rise to the 1990 California State legislation that provided a “protected” status for mountain lions. However, there was no overwhelming body of scientific evidence supporting such a claim. If there had been such credible evidence supported by a collective of unbiased and objective wildlife biologists, forming a majority opinion, …

Letter Re: New Jacksonville, FL Bill Would Make It Illegal to Back Into Your Own Driveway

Greetings from sunny Florida. I had a good laugh reading the article regarding Jacksonville’s proposed city ordinance requiring vehicles to park front end in so that the rear end and vehicle tag is visible from the street. Yes, Florida only requires a tag on the rear end of the vehicle. There is no front end tag requirement, although you see lots of vanity tags on the front end. Go Gators! I digress. Jacksonville’s argument is that this ordinance is required to allow vehicle code enforcement to do their job and properly identify a vehicle without trespassing on private property. It …

Economics and Investing:

U.S. debt headed toward Greek levels. – G.P. o o o Greece Collapse: The real situation in the streets of Athens – Note the comment about vendors not taking credit cards or debit cards, just cash. If you haven’t already done so, ensure you have some cash in case of an earthquake or other. – P.S. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: David Stockman- Good On You, Alexis Tsipras (Part 1) Greek Crisis: ‘We Rely on Imports. Soon Even the Most Basic Goods Won’t Be Available’– Don’t imagine Amid Puerto Rico Debt Woes, Reality Hits San Juan Streets Greece …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Radio Free Redoubt: The Coming Persecution… What’s a patriot to do? (Ten Steps) o o o Nearly one in three Americans owns a gun – ASB HJL Adds: I read this article three times, and I’m still not exactly sure what it is I read. It’s almost like I was reading Michelle Obama’s thesis, but I think it was about more gun control. o o o FBI investigating 11 attacks on San Francisco-area Internet lines. – G.P. o o o TSA Official Tweets Photo of Passenger’s Luggage Contents. – G.P. o o o The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And …

Notes for Tuesday – June 30, 2015

June 30th is the second anniversary of the tragic death of 19 hotshots in the Yarnell Hill Fire (in 2013). o o o SurvivalBlog advertiser KI4U, Inc has just nailed down the master distributorship for Intershelter domes, and through the end of July they will be offering an Introductory Special that will save thousands of dollars off of normally $7,500 or $12,500 retail cost domes. Make sure you contact them directly, as they are not allowed to print the specials they are offering. o o o Repackbox is having a blowout sale: Genuine U.S. Military Issue AN/UDR-13 Radiac Units…NEW for …

News From The American Redoubt:

Navy SEAL Team veteran William Rapier will be the instructor for a SRC Rural Property Defensive Tactics Course, September 4th-6th, 2015, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. o o o Mayor of Boise to pull down Mississippi state flag – T.H. o o o Washington: Hundreds of homes evacuated in central Washington fire’s path o o o Wyoming: Cheyenne sees boom in rabbit population o o o Montana: Texas Family of 10 Rescued in West Pioneers

Economics and Investing:

Puerto Rico’s Governor Says Island’s Debts Are ‘Not Payable’ – JBG o o o When you have to trot out analysts to characterize something as a “calculated retreat” and “not a panic”, it’s a pretty good guess that the panic is on… Greek Debt Crisis – J.H. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Greece Will Default To IMF Tomorrow, Government Official Says – There is still decisions to be played out here but if there is a “default” (extremely likely) and a no vote on Sunday, how this plays out could very well be very ugly… Greece Closing Banks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Federal Judge Orders Brady Center to Pay Ammo Dealer’s Legal Fees After Dismissing Lawsuit – D.S. o o o New Jacksonville, FL Bill would make it Illegal to Back into Your Own Driveway – T.P. HJL adds: The author of this bill is obviously not a fireman and has never spent time around a firehouse. For those who don’t know, pulling in front-wise to parking spots and then having to back out in a hurry or in an emergency is a sure-fire way of getting people hurt or killed. Emergency personnel know to take the extra time and back into …