Odds ‘n Sods:

Heavily armed ‘Oath Keepers’ inject disquieting element in Ferguson – C.L. “Disquieting for who?” might be the appropriate question. o o o Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: White House Aide Barvetta Singletary’s Ex – R. o o o The Stanford Prison ExperimentForty-four years later, a searing film starring Billy Crudup brings the chilling research to life – An interesting study on prison psychology – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large. o o o ATF Denies Being an ‘Agency’ to Avoid FOIA Compliance Requirements – B.B. o o o Glenn’s list of 15 cities to avoid like the plague when …

Notes for Tuesday – August 11, 2015

August 11th is the birthday of SurvivalBlog editor The Werewolf in Brazil. Feliz aniversário! o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a …

Letter Re: Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Kahr Arms CM40

HJL, I just want to thank Pat for his reviews especially on the small conceal carry type of pistols. Unfortunately, the review on the Kahr Arms CM40 came a little late for me personally. About a month ago I went to a gun show specifically looking for a small frame 9mm for conceal carry purposes. I had researched several specific brands in a low price range, such as the Taurus PT111, and the Taurus PT-709, the Kel-Tec PF9, and the Ruger LC9. I even read Pat’s LC9 review that he posted here some time ago. My thought was to get …

News From The American Redoubt:

During a recent fly-in event, former U.S. Navy carrier pilot and now sport trike flyer “TTABS” made another great flying video, showing some gorgeous scenery in The American Redoubt. This one shows him and a friend flying out of Bonners Ferry, Idaho to skim over the peaks of the Cabinet Mountains, in Northwestern Montana. He has promised to soon post a few more videos filmed in the same region. o o o And during the same Trike Fly-In event, TTABS and a friend did an honorary fly-by at The Bird Aviation Museum in Sagle, Idaho. By pre-arrangement, the legendary Dr. …

Economics and Investing:

From our friends over on the Thoughts from Frank and Fern blog: Brace For Impact When Will Oil Prices Turn Around? o o o Dollar Death Sentence o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen: Household Spending Expectations Crash David Stockman CNBC Interview: Tops In—–Next Comes An Epochal Deflation Deflation Is Winning – Beware!

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hackers can virtually kill people, manipulate death records, security expert says – T.P. o o o New Video of Ferguson – this guy obviously did not want his store looted – T.P. o o o ‘Preppers’ hone skills for coping with disaster and dystopia – GJM o o o FBI Says That Citizens should have no Secrets that the Government can’t Access: The Orwellian Cyber Police State has Arrived – D.S. o o o Russian Warships Dock In Iran for War Training – G.P.

Scot’s Product Review: REDHED Modular Tools

Tools are essential for prepping and life in general. One must have them, unless you are a wastrel who hires others to do all of your work. I doubt if that applies to any of our readers. Working with and moving dirt are two of the most important jobs for which we use tools. We might need to rearrange soil for gardening or construction. One could imagine creating protective barriers should things take a bad turn. Removing dirt from places it doesn’t belong could happen after a storm. The shovel is the basic tool for these chores, and we need …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review – Kahr Arms CM40

There was a time, many years back, when some of the first double action only (DAO) semi-auto pistols started appearing on the market. I still remember the first S&W DAO pistols, and I tested quite a few of them, and just didn’t care for the ovey long trigger pull. I could have that on a revolver! To be sure, many of the first DAO pistols that arrived were really lacking in the trigger pull department; besides being long, some overly long, many had a hitch in their “git-along”. They were gritty, with humps and lumps along the entire trigger pull. …

Recipe of the Week: Oriental Chicken Salad, by L.H.

It’s August, and it’s too hot to cook, isn’t it?! Here is a lovely cooling main dish salad, adapted with thanks from my old 1988 Betty Crocker Cookbook. I’ve been making this salad for so many years that the old cookbook automatically opens to this recipe’s page. Note: Our preferred source of chicken for this recipe is to throw a few extra pieces on the grill when grilling, then throwing them in a ziploc in the freezer ready to be used for it. A can (14 oz.) of chicken is an easy alternative, when time is short. Use whatever works …

Letter Re: Scot’s Product Review: Federal Ammunition

Scot, Great article on the 7.62. I have found a great alternative to the over 1k price tag. I just use a SOTA Arms 7.62 upper on my AR lower, and it’s been working out great. The price was $450, and I use ASC 20 round mags. These fit in the old ALICE mag pouches real well. I have a “battle rattle” set up just for this rifle. I included the links for you to check out. Again, great article. – G.S. ASC 44MAG.com Sota Arms

Economics and Investing:

Gerald Celente: A Stock Market Crash Will Happen By The End Of 2015 HJL adds: While I hear increasing warnings about this impending event, don’t discount the ability of TPTB to kick the can down the road just a little bit more, perhaps until after the election cycle of 2016. o o o “Bear Markets Are Driven By Fear, And Fear Has Taken Over Many European Markets. Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late To Get Out.” o o o The Price Of ‘C’ In China o o o Don’t Put All Your (Nest) Eggs in One Basket

Odds ‘n Sods:

Municipal Office Set on Fire, Trucks Looted in Western Venezuela – B.B. o o o Do You Have Change for a Bowie? The Advent of Artisanal Cash – JBG o o o How Facebook Tracks Messages and Photos For Crime, Reports to Police – D.S. o o o I described this scenario in one of my books, though it’s not a hard prediction to make. The danger of over-gadgeting your rifle – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large o o o America Divided – Blacks won’t rebuke Farrakhan terror threats – MVR