Economics and Investing:

World shipping slump deepens as China retreats – G.G. o o o Venezuela’s currency is now so worthless that people are using it as napkins – G.P. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Why Gas Prices Are Rising Despite Oil’s Plunge – I for sure have been wondering this. I’m making an assumption that this is true, but who knows. Abe Aide Says Japan Needs 3.5-Trillion Yen Economic Package Renting in America Has Never Been This Expensive

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ben Carson wants forced vaccines, with schools serving as enforcement checkpoints – H.L. o o o China Tests New Long-Range Missile with Two Guided Warheads – G.P. o o o UFC Fighters Experience Marine Corps Martial Arts – T.P. o o o Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military – T.P. o o o California drought pictures – D.N.

Notes for Tuesday – August 18, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go …

Letter Re: Tails for MacBook Users

HJL, Regarding “Tails for MacBook Users: Anonymity for the Survivalist, by Losttribe”, almost every Mac made, since around 2006, has been Intel-based. From a name perspective, the products were renamed with the shift. Earlier product names were PowerMac, iBook, or PowerBook. Intel-based product names are: Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, et cetera. The only two devices that didn’t get a name shift were the Mac Mini and the iMac. You can see full details at these wikipedia links, and to figure out which mac you have, you can go under the Apple Menu to “About this Mac” and …

News From The American Redoubt:

Monday storm sparks 35 new fires in northern Idaho o o o Over at the excellent Paratus Familia blog,”Enola Gay” comments on the many lightning-sparked forest fires now burning in The American Redoubt: In The Line Of Fire. o o o This new listing at our SurvivalRealty spin-off site caught my eye: Bomb Shelter for 65 – Paradise Valley, MT – $179,500. o o o For those considering a move to the American Redoubt, Pastor Harry Sheppard of Mountain View Baptist Church has let us know about himself and his congregation: “We are a brand new church plant in the …

Economics and Investing:

This Alarming Indicator Is Back At A Level Last Seen Before The Bear Stearns Collapse o o o THE U.S. EMPIRE INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Export All Of It’s Gold… The Barbarous Relic o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 8 Reasons Why The Telegraph Thinks The Market Doomsday Clock Is One Minute To Midnight Is The ‘Dumb’ Money Doing Something Smart? Ron Paul: China’s Woes Give Fed Cover on Rates – Of course they won’t raise rates unless they are ready to pull the plug, because that is exactly what would happen if they did. Letting the market determine the price …

Odds ‘n Sods:

High beef prices fueling rustling revival in Plains states – T.P. o o o 60 Minutes uncovers huge mobile phone security vulnerabilities – P.S. o o o Woman fined for Facebook pic of police car parked in disabled spot – T.P. o o o CA plans for huge water tunnels – P.S. o o o Police Shooting of White Driver Gets Less Publicity , because he was white – P.M.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“I have the same mixture of excitement and terror you get when the roller coaster car is a-l-m-o-s-t to the top to begin the drop! I believe that as we follow Jesus into this adventure we will see Him do amazing things, we will be used by God in amazing ways, and we will grow closer to Him than ever before. “…But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” (Rom. 5:20) As the darkness falls His light within us grows brighter. We will not be alone. Though we should be preparing now for all we’re worth, His hand of …

Scot’s Product Review: Liberty Suppressors Mystic X

I am unsure when the term “force multiplier” came into use, but unlike many trendy phrases I think it is a good one. The concept is a military one, but it is useful in any endeavor. The basic idea is that we find something that makes us more effective than our competition whether in business, sports or combat. A force multiplier can be having more knowledge, better tools, strategy, or tactics or the ability to deceive. Another term for force multiplication might be competitive edge. A force multiplier can allow an apparently weaker opponent to triumph in the end over …

Benchmade’s Model 665 – By Pat Cascio

Having toured the Benchmade Knives factory several times over the years, one thing that has always struck me about it is how clean it is. I mean their plant is super clean. How they manage to keep the place “that” clean while operating several shifts is beyond me. Additionally, it is pretty darn quiet in the Benchmade plant. I was amazed some years ago when I watched the laser cut knife blanks in almost total silence; it was amazing to watch the laser slice through the sheets of steel. The one problem Benchmade has is that they have a difficult …

Recipe of the Week: Middle of the Winter Survival Stew, by C.E.

Ingredients 1 quart tomatoes 1 pint water 1 pint or can green beans 1 pint or can corn 1 pint or can beef 1 small onion, chopped 1 clove garlic 1 tsp sea salt 1 tsp pepper 1 bay leaf 1 tsp dried basil chunks of winter or white squash, optional or chunks of sweet potatoes, optional Directions Combine all ingredients into a soup pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 30 minutes or until it smells good. Servings: Makes a lot for 2 and enough for 4. o o o Do you have a favorite recipe …

Letter Re: Traversing the Hinterlands – Part 2, by Iowa Farm Boy

HJL, Regarding grain storage buildings, the danger of corn piles/storage is when corn is being removed from the bottom of the pile. As with an electric auger when filling a semi trailer, the pile then begins to flow and one will be “sucked” through the pile. Otherwise, this is not an issue. With no electricity, removing grain from a 100000 bushel bin will be by scoop shovel (not a threat of entrapment). A pile of grain will “suck the heat” out of you, as will a bed of ice or a mud bog. Put insulation under your bag. Grain storage …