Odds ‘n Sods:

Thankfully no police were murdered before the truth came out! Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains – P.M. o o o 1.5 million citizens’ private healthcare records exposed – D.S. o o o Nuclear attack? Duck & cover! – G.G. o o o Fed Judge: Fast and Furious details off limits during trial of Brian Terry’s killers – T.P. o o o “Welcoming” the Third World to Your Neighborhood – B.B.

Notes for Friday – September 18, 2015

The 18th of September is Chilean Independence Day. On this day, in 1810, Chile declared independence from Spain. o o o Have you ever wondered how you will siphon gas from all the dead cars on the road if TEOTWAWKI occurs to fill your tank with all of the modern anti-siphon, anti-spill devices on them? Or have you ever wished you could just get a gallon or two from your car for your lawnmower? Ready Made Resources has the answer. The Gas Tapper is a read-to-go siphoning system that will defeat most anti-siphon devices and comes in a vapor-proof container …

Letter Re: Vehicle Fences

Hugh, Just a comment on cutting metal (including cables). A hacksaw takes a long time and will be obvious to many people. I have found when needing to cut hardened steel or thick metal too big for bolt cutters to use a metal cutting wheel on a battery operated tool like the 18 V Dewalt Grinder. It is fast and effortless. It does throw alot of sparks, so beware of your environment and maybe throw a wet towel or blanket down. Also, the blades are fragile and can break if twisted, so keep some spares with your kit. – S.T.

Economics and Investing:

OPSEC about gold from Dilbert – G.G. o o o If the world can no longer expand, will it implode? – T.A. o o o “Two hundred or four hundred dollar silver! Outrageous! Yes, of course, when we think in terms of today’s dollars, euros, and yen. But what if current deflationary forces overwhelm markets and currencies, debts are defaulted, and central banks panic. Rather than accept crushing deflation, they massively “print” to boost asset prices and thereby create a huge inflation. Instead of dollars and euros, we soon have mini-dollars and mini-euros.” Outrageous Silver Speculation o o o Federal …

Odds ‘n Sods:

DIY survival watch for about $20 – P.S. o o o Military exercise that sparked fears in Texas of ‘hostile government takeover’ ends – JBG o o o What’s in a refugee’s bag? – P.S. o o o I normally try to stay out of politics, but this exchange profiled on Bill Whittle’s Trifecta is refreshing. If only all politics were like this! – MtH o o o Acetic acid, found in vinegar, shown to be effective against bacteria found in burn wounds – A.D.

Notes for Thursday – September 17, 2015

Today, September 17th, we celebrate Constitution Day in these United States. o o o I just noticed that my third novel “Founders“, is now available in Spanish, in trade paperback: Fundadores. – JWR o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding …

Letter Re: Vehicle Fences

HJL, I wanted to make a comment about this great letter. I think it may bear mentioning that in an emergency situation the weak point in the fence is the concrete. Having watched one get hit and seen many more that were hit, I can say that the concrete set post will give way before the cable. This being said I can’t for sure say the best way to knock one over but bumper up to it at a 90 degree angle and the post should give way then the slack between the posts should allow you to drive over …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Attacks on Internet Fiber Optic Cables Ongoing. – T.A. o o o Video: How to Make a $1500 Sandwich in Only 6 Months – W.A. A heavy dose of reality for those who think that they can just change their lifestyle after SHTF. Start now! Practice! Remember, it’s not practice that makes perfect but perfect practice. – HJL o o o Kid Takes Homemade Clock to School to Impress Teacher; They Arrest Him for “Making a Hoax Bomb” – D.S. o o o Freeze And Seize—-Not Conspiracy Theory: Legislative Fact Harder, more logistically improvident, is the prospect of seizing the …

Notes for Wednesday – September 16, 2015

September 16th is the birthday of “Mad Jack” Churchill (1906-1996), who was a true eccentric. He went to war in WWII armed with a broadsword and a longbow. (The latter was successfully used to dispatch several German soldiers.) He later became a devoted surfer. What a guy. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. …

Letter Re: Vehicle Fences

HJL, A caution to readers about the fences found between roadways. Some are under tremendous tension, and cutting them can lead to catastrophic consequences. I am a professional firefighter and have had some experience with accidents involving these fences. I would HIGHLY caution against cutting, unless you know what you are dealing with. – BR

Economics and Investing:

Interest Rates and the Debt Saturated Global Economy – A.L. o o o Hewlett-Packard to Cut Up to 30,000 More Jobs in Restructuring – GJM o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: This Is Why Americans Will Pay More For Gasoline If U.S Export Ban Is Lifted – Interesting article Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’ Proposals: $18 Trillion – For some comic relief… Suppose if he wasn’t serious Why the Fed Is Likely to Stand Pat This Week – It boggles my mind how these folks don’t know (or pretend to not) that the entirety of the global “recovery” is …