Notes for Wednesday – June 08, 2016

On June 8th, 1776, Canadian Governor Sir Guy Carleton defeated American Patriot forces under John Sullivan. After taking heavy losses and the loss of General Richard Montgomery at Quebec, the Patriots were pursued by Governor Carleton. Halfway between Quebec and Montreal, at the Trois-Rivieres, the Patriots turned to fight. The Redcoats and German mercenaries killed 25, wounded 140, and captured 236, but Carleton allowed the rest of the 2,500-man force to complete their retreat. This battle changed the priorities of the Patriots, and Colonel Benedict Arnold wrote, “Let us quit and secure our own country before it is too late.” …

Letter: Resilience

HJL: When I read PrepperDoc, I order the stuff with the grand idea of implementation. Well, my first success with all that equipment was to take apart my son’s silent “Monkey George” alarm clock and solder in a new motor. I paid attention to voltage and dimensions and ordered it online. Success is defined based on: It rings (quite loudly); It does not smoke; and My eight year old son is elated. Best of all I kept a promise to my son. Lastly, my confidence level improved. I am sure I will have an EMP-proof antenna installation in no time. …

Economics and Investing:

A change in Sharia law could unleash huge demand for gold – DSV o o o Time to Get Out of Real Estate o o o How Fiat Money Destroys Culture Excerpt: “A number of economists have observed that fiat money is a prerequisite for tyrannical government, and the idea that monetary interventionism paves the way for tyrannical government is very old and goes back to Nicolas Oresme in the fourteenth century.” o o o This Nightmare Will Trigger A Cascading Effect And Then The Unthinkable Will Happen Excerpt: “If the U.S. goes into recession, the deficit immediately goes to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Schools Level Outrageous Punishments on Children Who Opt Out of Government Tests – B.B. o o o Grey Water: What It Is and Why It’s So Important – DSV HJL’s Comment: I used to have a neighbor who had a grey water system that captured water from the showers and used it to flush the toilets. There was always a distinct smell that the grey water imparted to his house. He combated this several ways, and the most effective was to use a chlorine system on the holding tank. However, this made the water unsuitable for disposal in a septic …

Notes for Tuesday – June 07, 2016

On June 7th, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence. June 7th, 1967 is also the day of Jerusalem’s redemption from foreign governments, placing it back under Israeli sovereign control after having been occupied for over 2500 years, in accord with the UN General Assembly’s vote in 1948. o o o We’ve been having complaints of e-mail being bounced back. We are currently working on a solution, so if you are trying to send us something, keep trying. We hope to have this technical glitch resolved within the …

Writing Contest Reminders

Round 65 of the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest is currently underway. This is your opportunity to wrap up your article and get it submitted to the editors of SurvivalBlog for inclusion into the contest. Here are a couple of reminders about the “rules”: You can only be awarded on of the top three prizes once per year. That means if you already won and it has been longer than a year, you can enter the contest again. Those who won “Honorable Mention” are still eligible at any time. In fact, you can win more than one Honorable Mention at a time. …

News From The American Redoubt:

Montana: Innocent Woman Kidnapped by CBP Customs Agents, Stripped Naked and Sodomized By Multiple Agents – T.Z. (It is important to note that the state governments have very little influence over Federal Agents.) o o o Idaho: “This Is a Public Safety Approach”: Solitary Confinement Reform Begins in Idaho – It’s worth noting that if we have prisons, we shouldn’t privatize them. – T.Z. o o o Yantis family supporters urge public to contact Idaho attorney general – D.R. o o o The Columbia River Treaty could mean the death of Idaho – K.M.

Economics and Investing:

You Are Here o o o Man sued for $30K over $40 printer he sold on Craigslist – DSV o o o Fed’s Yellen sees rate hikes ahead, but few hints on when o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Economic Meltdown In Venezuela o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama Admits The Government Monitors Your Browsing History– B.B. o o o Author Explains How The Left Is Transforming America – L.B. o o o Teen Male Dominates Girls Track And Field – Go figure! This is probably the least of the issues, when you realize where this guy gets to shower and change. o o o A picture begins to emerge that, once again, shows that the Feds are not as ignorant as they want you to believe. Because of the EPA’s “mistake”, they now get broad powers and control over a swath of land they have been pressuring …

Economics and Investing:

Why $50 Oil Makes Sense – “Oil has reached $50 on supply outages and steady demand growth, but for oil to breach this level, either supply or demand fundamentals need to move.” o o o Cybercrime isn’t the only reason cash remains king o o o JP Morgan Boss Warns of Brexit Job Cuts if U.K. Backs ‘Terrible Deal’ o o o Mystifying Bond Buybacks in Russia Could Be an Edge Against Fed o o o The fact that this sort of idea can make it onto a ballot is truly scary: Why the Swiss voted ‘No’ to a guaranteed …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another reason to get your kids out of public schools: Elementary school sends deputy to boy’s home to warn him about sharing Bible verses – T.P. o o o Grasshopper Nation: Planning For Those Who Aren’t Prepared – We’ve all heard those dreaded words before “I know where I’m going if the <whatever> happens. I’m coming to your house!” I especially enjoyed the throwback to the the 1962 Twilight Zone episode “The Shelter”. – G.G. o o o Barack Obama Warns Americans ‘To Be Prepared For A Disaster’ – B.B. o o o Palestinian and Syrian Muslims Buy Honduran …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.” – Jerry Pournelle, Chaos Manor View …