Today is the birthday of William Ewart Fairbairn (28 February 1885 – 20 June 1960). He was a British soldier and police officer. He developed hand-to-hand combat methods for the Shanghai Police during the interwar period, as well as for the Allied special forces during World War II. He created his own fighting system known as Defendu. Notably, this included innovative pistol shooting techniques and the development of the famed Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife (pictured.)
Some sad news: Oscar-winning actor Gene Hackman, wife found dead in Santa Fe home. Those in the prepper community will of course remember Hackman best for his roles as Colonel Rhodes, in Uncommon Valor, and as the cryptic character Brill, in Enemy Of The State.
February 28th is also the birthday of famed Swiss investor and economic pundit Marc Faber. He was born in 1946.
Today, we post a requiem to the late blogger Ol’ Remus, written by JWR.
We need more entries for Round 117 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. More than $950,000 worth of prizes have been awarded since we started running this contest. Round 117 ends on March 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how-to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging. In 2023, we polled blog readers, asking for suggested article topics. Please refer to that poll if you haven’t yet chosen an article topic.