My Quest For a Wife, by Single Farmer

I am still looking for a wife. I am offering up to $50,000 to be given as a gift after marriage to the person who introduces me to my spouse and if my wife and I become the parents of two healthy children. This gift is in up to three parts: $18,000 will be given after marriage to you if you provided the introduction and two payments of $16,000 given after the birth of each healthy child up to two. Thus, if I get married because of your introduction and we have two healthy children, then you would receive the full $50,000.

That is the largest potential gift that I have ever seen anywhere for helping anyone to find their spouse. I am sure you will have lots of interesting questions and I thought of the answers to plenty of them including giving you some “tips” to help you to find the young woman I have been praying to find.

I ask for your prayers for me to find a quality Christian young woman who is seeking to be married. Next, I ask you to sincerely consider any single young woman that you know who matches the criteria I list and talk to her or her parents. As Christians, we walk by faith, so I am sending this “message in a bottle” again to the readers of SurvivalBlog with the hope that one reader can introduce me to my future spouse.

I know in my heart that there are many young women out there who truly want to be wives and mothers and I only need to find one. My future wife is out there somewhere, so I am trying to find the people who know her among their family or friends.

Since this is a fairly unusual way to find a spouse, I will tell you more about myself and the basic qualities that I am looking for in a potential spouse and answer a few questions that you might have.

Here is the basic criteria that I seek to find in a young woman:

  • Christian
  • Mid 20s to early 30s in age
  • Conservative
  • Wants to be married and have children
  • Single, never married, and does not have children
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Average height and normal weight range
  • Non-smoker
  • Good personality
  • Domestic skills such as cooking, or has an interest in learning
  • Lives in the United States

If you know of a young woman, have spoken with her or her family, and they will also be writing in, be sure to also write in, so we know who recommended the young woman first as I suppose that there could be multiple readers who write to us about the same young woman who know her and her family. So, whoever writes me about her first, will be the one who receives my gift.

If you think you might be the young woman I have been praying to find, or you know her in your family or among your friends, could you please tell her so she or her family could e-mail Mr. Rawles writing an introduction? Please write in detail about yourself and your family including your religious beliefs and other interests including hobbies. His address is (Change “AT” to an @ sign) and he will personally handle the initial correspondence.

Here are some “frequently asked questions” that should address any concerns. Please fully read this article and then write to us!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why are you doing this?

Since I cannot go back to a time in America when the vast majority of young women wanted to get married and have children such as the 1950s, getting the word out that “Single Farmer” is looking for a quality spouse is the best way that I know. Twenty-five years from now will be the start of the 2050s. We can’t go back in time 75 years, but we certainly can take many of the wonderful lessons of the 1950s to make our lives and the lives of our future children and grandchildren better in the 2050s. We were put in this time for a reason and the decisions which we make today will determine our future.

Even today, there are still millions of potential young women out there and I only need to find one. The SurvivalBlog community is the closest aligned with my values as many people who read this are Christian individuals interested in preparedness.

I really want to receive this gift because I could use the money, but how should I go about asking people?

We live in a unique time where I can write this letter and it will be read by many thousands of people some of whom might know a young woman matching that criteria. It would be impossible for me to accomplish on my own what can be accomplished with this one letter if you are willing to help me in talking to the “network” of people you know.

I ask you please to seriously consider your family members, friends, and people in your community. There are millions of young women out there, so your combined reach is so much greater than mine. I will give you some hints as that will probably help you to think of a young woman.

First, consider anyone in your own immediate family or extended family. This is likely being read by fathers and grandfathers with daughters and granddaughters, brothers who have sisters, readers who have single relatives such as nieces, cousins, or in-laws. The young lady who you introduce me to can be someone you are related to or just someone you know.

If you don’t know anyone in your family, then I ask for you to consider people who are in your own network of people. Perhaps you know someone at your church or workplace with a single daughter. Ask your wife, your adult children, and especially your female relatives if they know of a single young woman.

Do you or your family ever go to a farmer’s market? Since there are few farmer’s markets right now as currently it is winter as this is being written, you probably still have contact information, so correspond with them asking if they know anyone in their family.

Even if you rarely go into town and are an older person reading this you still could help.  Maybe you can talk to people you know or even forward this link to people who you know. The person writing in telling us about the individual or family they contacted who will also be writing to us would receive the after-marriage gift, but you still would be doing something valuable like a “bucket brigade” where each person is a link in a chain accomplishing something greater than they could on their own. Your assistance will not be forgotten for you could be accomplishing something which will hopefully ripple deep into the future helping future generations of Americans.

Is there anything wrong with you, to explain why you are not yet married?

I am a physically fit man of normal weight and height with no unusual habits or anything that women would find unattractive in a husband. I am thankful that my health is excellent. No one in my family has taken the COVID “vax.” I have had women interested in me, but they did not fit my basic criteria.

I am a father and really on the fence about whether I should write to you about my daughter, so could you convince me?

If you are a father, then one of your roles is to help your daughter find a quality husband. That is your most important job once she becomes an adult! Part of the Biblical role of being a provider is also to make sure that your daughter marries well. It is not best to be left up to “chance” or just any random man coming into your daughter’s life. Historically, fathers led their families and would assist in their daughter’s marriage to the best possible man. Families and the country were much stronger when fathers took an active role.

As a traditional man, I am praying to find a traditional young woman whose goal is to be a Christian wife. My future wife’s “job” is much more important: she will make my house into a home, be the mother of our children, and raise our children to love the Lord. My mom has reminded me many times that I need to mention that my goal is to find a young woman who really wants to be a “mom.”

I am a successful businessman with multiple income sources that are not even connected to our farm and can afford to have my wife be a homemaker. My future wife could be currently working outside of the home and aspiring to be a homemaker, she could be helping her family, or she could be helping in her family’s business.

Someday I might have a daughter of my own and the most important life lesson that I learned at a young age that I credit with my success is that “You miss opportunities that you do not take.” It does not cost much time to send an e-mail, introducing yourself and your family.

Can you relocate, since my daughter already has a really great life, but wants to be married?

I keep an open mind about almost everything and I never say no to anything except if it is definitely Biblically prohibited. Tell me in your introduction about you and your family and what you are potentially offering to the man marrying your daughter.

I am the father of a daughter slightly younger than your ideal age (of mid-20s to early-30s.) She really wants to get married and have children. Can we still write you?

Yes, it really depends on her maturity level and if she really wants to get married and have children soon. A lot of young women in their early 20s are in college and this delays them getting married and having children. I want you to take another look at my list and then compare it to a typical list a young woman would make. I have seen and heard of the lists of characteristics young women have that they want to find in their future husband and for the most part finding someone on those lists is fairly unrealistic. Some young women will put on their “list” that they want their future husband to currently have a specific breed of dog. If my future wife and I wanted to get a dog of a certain breed, that may be possible, but it is highly unlikely that I happen to currently have that certain dog. Looking at my list covers millions of young women in the United States at this time.

Is there any experience in agriculture needed for your future wife?

No. No experience is necessary because she does not need to do any “farming.” I live on a farm producing the calories needed to feed hundreds of people. I presently spend an enormous amount of time trying to find my future wife as this is critically important for me, so I have even traveled during the harvest season to do so. I am thankful to our farm workers who have helped us for years with various agricultural tasks as my family has a variety of business interests.

If a young woman wants to plant a garden herself then that is fine, but it is not a “requirement”, since between our farm and neighbor’s farms we have most of the foods that people usually eat. Within a short drive, we have a large number of grocery stores and warehouse clubs that I regularly shop at that have almost everything that is not grown in our local area.

What is life like on your farm?

People often have told us that they know about farms because they saw some television show or movie that was set in the 1800s or early 1900s. That is very far from life on our farm in 2025. If someone were inside our home with the window shades closed, they would not know that our family home is on a large parcel of land. In the daytime, you could look out to farm fields, our forest, and our large private lake from various windows.

We are within a short drive to a city. My mom enjoys activities and shopping in the city which has all of the major stores. I enjoy going to various stores and finding a variety of seasonal items at the grocery store when we go into the city. I like to cook and bake. I have even taken some cooking classes in the city over the years.

We are thankful to be living on a farm in Kansas which is a conservative state in a safe region of the country. We have all of the normal utilities found in the city and even have multiple independent backups for utilities such as multiple sources of power. One big advantage of living in Kansas is that it is the state that is the geographic center of the contiguous United States because of that over the years it has been relatively easy for us to travel on our family vacations and visit with our friends who are in various parts of our country.

Offering money sounds strange. Can this be real?

It is historical. If you would like to find out how ideas like this were instrumental in the early success of our country, you can read Part 1 of my “Thoughts on Farming” article series and the preceding article which also discusses the Jamestown brides and how they helped the Jamestown colony become self-sustaining and self-supporting. Most countries with a declining population want a higher population and actually do all sorts of things to encourage their native populations to naturally reproduce such as one country in Eastern Europe where families with four or more children pay very little taxes and can even receive a subsidy for larger cars. The United States is at a crisis point of population of “legacy” Americans (people who are cultural Americans whose ancestors were born here, historically). Our population is actually expected to shrink with 2023 recorded as having the lowest birth year in more than 40 years, and near historic lows.

Western countries are currently importing large numbers of people through “immigration” whether legal or illegal. Where we once were a very homogeneous country with a common language, shared values, and low crime, we are rapidly transitioning in most areas of the country to what President Theodore Roosevelt warned against a “polyglot boardinghouse.” Our rural area is very safe surrounded by farmers who have been here for generations, so we are less potentially affected by problems in larger cities or suburban areas.

What kind of ancestry are you and when did your family first arrive?

I am 100 percent European primarily Western European such as English and German. My paternal family first arrived in the 1600s and I can trace my ancestry back to Colonial America with ancestors serving in George Washington’s Army.

Are you college-educated?

I am college-educated. I attended college and finished my degree with zero debt. I worked while enrolled in college. It does not matter to me if a young woman is “college” educated or not. I like people to have practical skills: Modern-day colleges teach very few practical skills and often people have large amounts of debt from going to college. I would be willing to pay off a small amount of college debt if my wife has it, but of course it is preferable to have no debt. I finished college with my morality and values intact but many do not. I would prefer for my future wife to have some practical skills: young women and their families are invited to write to me about their domestic skills such as cooking. I believe men should also learn practical household skills.

Do you plan to increase your offer?

I originally did offer a gift of $18,000 worth of survival equipment after marriage back in January. This letter supersedes and replaces my “quest and gift” letter from January, as I am offering significantly more. I have been doing a lot of praying and the Lord has prompted me to put the maximum out there that I can afford. If I am successful, this is enough money to actually buy something significant such as land or provide the financial means for a family to be able to achieve their family’s goals.

What if you eventually have more than two healthy children? Will I get more money for providing the introduction?

I am very open to the Lord’s blessing of children, but I can only offer a gift for the first two healthy children.

I trust the foregoing will encourage some responses from suitable families.