Dr. John Waterman will be hosting a two hour show on The Prepper Podcast about herbal medicine. That show will air on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Central Time.
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I just noticed that Amazon.com has dropped the price of my book “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It” to just $6.98. This is their lowest price ever, so it would be a good opportunity to get a short stack, for Christmas presents. (Hint, hint.)
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H1N1 virus returns, already claiming lives of 10 British adults with early signs that illness has spread to other European countries. (Thanks to KAF for the link.)
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F.G. sent this: Representative Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman [, Utah], wants to declare the Browning model 1911 .45-caliber pistol Utah’s state gun. F.G.’s comment: “What’s not to like? (A lot, if you’re a anti-gun Tribune reporter.)” FWIW, your editor would like to make the birthday of John Moses Browning a National Holiday.
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Also courtesy of F.G.: Top 10 States People Are Fleeing: New York, Illinois and Louisiana are expected to lose more residents than they gain this year. Given California’s budget crisis, I suspect that California will soon join the list. Speaking of fleeing, I’ve had five different blog readers and consulting clients mention that they are making mid-winter relocations to Idaho or Montana. That sort of action only comes from strong conviction. This by the way parallels the recent moves by Chuck Baldwin’s entire extended family, also in the dead of winter, to Montana. Obviously, some folks are feeling the need to move, immediately.