Preparedness Notes for Friday — July 5, 2024

On July  5, 1687, Isaac Newton‘s great work Principia was published by the Royal Society in England, outlining his laws of motion and universal gravitation. — July 5, 1715: Ottoman troops storm citadel of Acrocorinth in the Peloponnese, massacring a large part of the population and selling the rest into slavery. Inspires Lord Byron‘s poem “The Siege of Corinth”. — Joly 5, 1950:  US forces entered combat in the Korean War for the first time, in the Battle of Osan. — We are seeking entries for Round 113 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. More than $900,000 worth of prizes …

A Difference in Deference: The End of Chevron

Last week, Americans got some important and long-awaited news: Supreme Court strikes down Chevron, curtailing power of federal agencies. Without a doubt, the 1984 Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council case was a very bad decision that had some far-reaching and lasting consequences. Under the Chevron doctrine, courts have often been required to defer to “…permissible” interpretations by federal agencies of the statutes that those agencies administer. Under Chevron, this deference extended to even when a court had a different reading of the relevant statute.  It thus, in effect, allowed Federal agencies to create law, and ofttimes be beyond the …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. In this column, JWR also covers hedges, derivatives, and various obscura. This column emphasizes JWR’s “tangibles heavy” investing strategy and contrarian perspective. Today, another look at prospects for a gold-backed BRICS currency. (See the Precious Metals section.) Precious Metals: BRICS Gold-Backed Currency to Launch at 2024 Summit? But also read this piece from Reuters: US dollar’s dominance secure, BRICS see no progress on de-dollarization – report. o  o  o The latest piece by Hub Moolman: Silver and Gold: …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“The ways of Providence being inscrutable, and the justice of it not to be scanned by the shallow eye of humanity, nor to be counteracted by the utmost efforts of human power or wisdom, resignation, and as far as the strength of our reason and religion can carry us, a cheerful acquiescence to the Divine Will, is what we are to aim.” – George Washington, from a Letter to Colonel Bassett – Tuesday, April 20, 1773