Preparedness Notes for Friday — June 7, 2024

On June 7th, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence. June 7th, 1967 was the day of Jerusalem’s redemption from foreign governments in the Six Day War, placing it back under Israeli sovereign control after having been occupied for over 2,500 years. This was in accord with the UN General Assembly’s vote in 1948. — Today’s feature article was written by SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, James Wesley, Rawles (JWR). — We are in need of entries for Round 113 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. More than …

Post Your Curtilage Boundaries!

In recent years American courts have not bolstered private property rights.  It has been well-publicized how the courts have deferred to local governments and even to private land developers, in allowing Eminent Domain declarations to deprive even multi-generational land owners of their property, for “public use”. This has gone far beyond just widening highways. Some of these “takings” have been for boondoggles like building privately-owned sports stadiums and shopping malls. But much less well known are court cases at the state and Federal levels that have upheld the assumed right of law enforcement officers to enter and surveil private lands …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. In this column, JWR also covers hedges, derivatives, and various obscura. This column emphasizes JWR’s “tangibles heavy” investing strategy and contrarian perspective. Today, we look at the recent oil glut. (See the Commodities section.) Precious Metals: Gold: Reversal Signals are Increasing. o  o  o The latest from Hub Moolman: The US Dollar or Silver: Make Your Choice. o  o  o Why It’s Time to Stop Taxing Gold & Silver.  (Full disclosure: Bullionstar is a SurvivalBlog affiliate advertiser.) Economy …