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  1. re:
    AMMO Inc

    The press-release is about two-hundred words.
    The disclaimer following — warning about differences between ‘historical statements’ and ‘future-oriented statements’ — runs an additional three-fifty.

    The disclaimer specifically discusses weasel-words such as ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘potentially’, and a dozen other phrases used to give the illusion of adequacy without furnishing any substance.

    Was something similar on WesternRifleShooters?
    Maybe it was by ConcernedAmerican on Gab…
    The portrait showed ex-bureaucrat biden in front of a banner boldly proclaiming ‘Office Of The President’-Elect and ‘COVID-19 Briefing’, neither of which exist outside the imaginations of his Puppet-Masters.
    The ‘briefing’ were some opinions/lies somebody fabricated for the spokes-model to blather, the ‘office of the president-elect’ has no office or transitional anything.

    The banner was a comforting ‘blue’ with royal ‘gold’ letters.
    It was quite official in appearance, six-feet wide and four-feet high… and about one-mil deep.
    For comparison, a water-bed mattress is about six-mil thick.
    Appearances of legitimacy.
    Amateur Night at the Five-n-Dime.

    The marxists are not attempting to hide their coup.


    After marxist rioters [ some overlap ] invaded the gated community and the McCloskey husband-and-wife team stood their ground enforcing the Castle Doctrine — surrounded by marxists trampling the gardenias — what did their neighbors do?

    Do not break into small groups, do not discuss.

  2. I took a gamble on buying a new caliber 6.5 Grendel just as everything started and that might have been a mistake lol. I guess we will see.
    Other than that it’s pretty comical watching the ammo scramble to those who were told but refused to listen but I’m confident it will become no longer funny as folks become desperate and go with the socialist agenda of your ammo is my ammo because I want it.
    Y’all stay safe

  3. With the fear of gun rights reaching a peak and never staying at this level or increasing again, I doubt I will ever turn my firearm assets back into cash. Got enough for me and my son if it must be this way, but still hopeful…

  4. I have never regretted any ammo, mag, or gun purchases based off of how much I paid, even when it seemed a little high at the time. I HAVE regretted not buying guns, ammo, and mags many times. I figure I’m going to keep buying as I can.
    The same thing goes for food, tools, and other supplies.

  5. In many previous years I have cringed to see the ‘holiday’ (no more holy-days it seems) $ALE$ BLITZ$$ seeming to begin earlier and earlier, but chalked it up to me being a Grinch.

    This year seems to blow those others away. Thanksgiving observance is more absent than ever. When I walked through the drugstore I saw Christmas candy right beside the Halloween candy! Now, I understand the school of thought that says: hey, we’ve all had a rough year, let’s bring on the merriment a little earlier, maybe it’ll be comforting. Not to mention all of the businesses desperately trying to stay, well, in business! Some of those folks probably do have great intentions, focusing on the traditions and the family and the joy and and and.

    But, is it just me, or does anyone else here think that seeing those ads is almost a surreal experience? Similar to the way it feels to observe the world seem to just keep on revolving whilst you yourself are suffering a death in the family or other devastating personal event? The other night I wanted to watch a choral concert, and had to skip thru ads for department stores and earbuds and toys and all so mErRy AnD bRiGhT…and it all just looked so… unfamiliar. Like, are people really still buying StuffStuffStuff MoreStuff? Probably made in China?

    Bread and circuses maybe?

    Is it just me?

  6. Matt in OK… I am also well stocked but just bought an S&W M&P Shield .380 EZ, due to barely being able to correctly pull the slide on my 1911 .45, this is so much easier, but ammo is hard to come by, mostly pawn shops, usually one box limit, so it will be a while till I build up ammo cans full like my other calibers.

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