“Everybody who is paying attention knows that the left will gut the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. Actually, not gut it but just eliminate it completely. In their own words, they are coming to take your guns. Beto O’Rourke, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris — everybody knows that they want to disarm their subjects.” – Ted Nugent – October, 2020
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Deadly Tedly, alive and well and almost always right.
They’ll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands.
Easy to say “they’ll have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands”. But, I think the time has come for us all to consider our response when there’s a knock at the front door…..think about it.
Where was the outrage when the Republicans’ NDAA gutted the Bill of Rights?
Failure to understand that Republicans are an enemy of liberty is to have missed the whole lesson of America’s slide into tyranny.
MG, I so agree with you. ALthough I could write paragraphs, I will leave it at that.
Carry on
Agree with MG- Nugent stay in your lane!