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  1. 38 states can’t pay their bills:
    Kinda but that’s what you get for reading the ever ready gloom n doom of zero hedge.
    We aren’t going to be in the shape of kalifornia here because we have a constitutional mandate to balance the budget annually as the site stated.
    What it didn’t state was our ability to do so, our rainy day funds etc.
    In the 80s we put all our eggs in one basket of the oil industry which collapsed. Lesson learned.
    It’s not doing well so it still hurts and covid shutdowns, unemployment woes and election fears etc etc.
    Yes we are taking a hit on a bad year and no we are not doomed. Yes it hurts and I feel bad for my people who are really struggling right now. But I’ve got faith in them and their resilience. Other things are booming right now here.
    Zero hedge never reported our good years now did they? It’s always gloom n doom.
    Keep your heads up, fight your way back and stay safe.

      1. Yeah all they do is doom n gloom.
        In fact we shoulda collapsed dozens of times according to them and most of us shoulda died by now.
        I can handle truth not “reality” of folks who don’t even live here and know nothing.
        Revisit this article in 2 yrs. program it in your calendar and prove me wrong.

  2. JP Morgan gets away with corruption again, no one goes to jail. That should be the headline. Once again grand theft is basically ignored. The Government gets a billion, the little guy that took the hit gets nothing. This is what happened a few years ago in California when Kamala Harris cut a deal with the banks over their crooked lending practices. Here is the tale: She brokered a deal in which for not prosecuting Bankers the state received $125 million to let them off the hook for criminal activity. There was some kind of arbitrary payment to the victims. The state pocketed $100 million to the general fund and $25 million was distributed to the thousands of victims. We received $600.00 for having our house taken away from us, Thanks Kamala,( shill for the bankers). Cannot wait to see how they buy you off next.

  3. Hmm, I know this is off the subject of the article, but I just read a article about the Bidens making over $13 million in income, but only paying $750 k in taxes and they are complaining about Trump paying so little. ( Reminds me of a story my grandmother use to tell about the old guy standing in a pile of dog poop and complaining about how bad his neighbor’s feet smelled )

    1. in the years which the demoncrats accused Trump of paying only $750 in taxes each year, Trump paid $1 Million the first year and $4.1 Million the second year. The $750 payments were actually OVERPAYMENTS that he made that were not refunded to him, but ROLLED OVER to apply to his NEXT years’ taxes. Oh how the demoncrats lie !

  4. When has Elon Musk ever promised something he did not produce? I cannot think of a single thing. How, he has been late a few times, but never has he failed to produced what he has promised.

    Betting against Elon has prove to be fool’s errand. Whenever it was re-landing a rocket and using it over, or building a tunnel, or producing a a Model Y.

  5. Please pray for President Donald J. Trump who has contracted COVID-19. News reports that he is experiencing mild symptoms, and we know that he is receiving the best medical care available in the world. Our anticipation is that he and the First Lady will recover fully, and quickly. God knows our hearts. He hears us. He will answer. This is the most important gift of caring and gratitude we can give the President, and his family and staff right now.

    1. Yes,

      And he contracted Covid right after the Vaccine Congress that was attended by people from all over the world this week in Washington D.C. that ended on Wednesday.

      Hmmm! Very interesting timing…

      See June Knight’s Report and assessment of the Congress. It’s very telling what they are planning to do with the Vaccines


  6. Anybody notice that 39 states being unable to pay their bills was based on PRE-COVID numbers. Willing to bet that it is all 50 now. Bankruptcy of all facets of government, hyperinflation, and social collapse impending. If you haven’t prepared and gotten out of cities it is probably too late.

    1. So now NYS is going crazy doing tax audits to make up for loss of tax revenue from the wealthy who are fleeing. They started the exodus when Trump cut the max state tax deduction. It continues so they can get away from King Cuomo and his controlling mandates.

  7. Couple of comments:

    -The Chicoms have invested over 60 billion dollars into the continent of Africa over the last few years. They are building infrastructure, roads, sending engineers and training African nationals in China. The West has largely forgotten about the Dark Continent, and China is taking advantage of that. The resources there will be a huge boom to them in the future, and they are willing to put the work in to get them.

    -Guns are making their way into the shops again, our local Bass Pro and some of the smaller local stores are filling up their counters with new guns. Ammo, however, is the difficult item to find. When it appears, it’s usually gone by the end of the day. Most shops are limiting the amount you can buy. Primers are still hit and miss. You can find bullets and powder, but not primers.

  8. Sometimes I have to wonder; are all these possessions and the meager wealth I have worked so hard to obtain a blessing, or a curse? Do they really add that much to the quality of my life that I should toil and fret so for having them at hand? I suppose having an abundance does allow me some measure of charity I would not be able to provide without it. But giving out of my abundance really does nothing for my faith. I am thankful God has provided so much for me. It seems, though that I live at some measure apart from my discipleship, and am constantly reaching up toward Christ while keeping the yoke of this world on my neck. It is truly impossible to serve two masters, and when the SHTF really comes upon us, I hope it is the roots of my faith that holds me fast, and not this yoke around my neck.

  9. Good afternoon everyone,

    They just announced that they are taking the President to Walter Reed on Marine One.
    I am praying that our President is going to be ok. I am also praying for our Country


  10. Benjammin, my wife and I have also been blessed beyond measure and our material wealth is not ours but The Lords. We are stewards of His providence and I for one want to be a good caretaker of my Lord’s property.
    Scripture is clear The Lord owns the whole world and everything in it.

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