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Was ??? his birthday… something happened that I am not aware of
I have no doubt about the good Chuck Baldwin has done for this part of Montana. Leadership from the pulpit was a critical part of what made the first American Revolution possible. Without it, it ain’t gonna happen where pastors are lacking the fire.
Here is an instructional video on how to build a bear proof chicken house. A mother and cubs killed a lot of chickens in my area, and destroyed coops that had to be rebuilt. Loosing most of a flock when that is all you got, is a big deal. And also, and just as important in this video, is learning how to do it with logs from your property using only hand tools. Learn what tools to use and how to use them from a real deal Canadian. Recommend all of his videos.
Intimidated and don’t know where to start with radio? This book is the perfect guide to what options you have i.e. GMRS, CB, to ham and basic communication topics.
#1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! Start Drinking Purified Water now with a Berkey water filtration system. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here.
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Was ??? his birthday… something happened that I am not aware of
I have no doubt about the good Chuck Baldwin has done for this part of Montana. Leadership from the pulpit was a critical part of what made the first American Revolution possible. Without it, it ain’t gonna happen where pastors are lacking the fire.
Here is an instructional video on how to build a bear proof chicken house. A mother and cubs killed a lot of chickens in my area, and destroyed coops that had to be rebuilt. Loosing most of a flock when that is all you got, is a big deal. And also, and just as important in this video, is learning how to do it with logs from your property using only hand tools. Learn what tools to use and how to use them from a real deal Canadian. Recommend all of his videos.
Been watching his videos for a long time. Really good stuff!