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Kevin Costner’s body of work is substantial, but with many standouts among his earliest work, including my favorite, Bull Durham. It still holds up well 30 years later. Fans of post-apocalyptic fiction will remember The Postman, which was a better book than movie, but may wish to forget Waterworld. He recently starred in The Highwaymen, which came out last year, and is worth seeing on Netflix.
Open Range is perhaps my favorite Western of recent vintage. If I’m channel-flipping and come across it, I always stop and watch it, and it’s always worth the time.
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Kevin Costner’s body of work is substantial, but with many standouts among his earliest work, including my favorite, Bull Durham. It still holds up well 30 years later. Fans of post-apocalyptic fiction will remember The Postman, which was a better book than movie, but may wish to forget Waterworld. He recently starred in The Highwaymen, which came out last year, and is worth seeing on Netflix.
Open Range is perhaps my favorite Western of recent vintage. If I’m channel-flipping and come across it, I always stop and watch it, and it’s always worth the time.