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The Monroe Doctrine: It’s really too bad we haven’t followed the doctrine. Even Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov confronted Mike Pompeo about the US trying to impose the doctrine where Venezuela is concerned but failing to follow what is actually the most important part of the Monroe Doctrine, American neutrality in Europe, the middle east, or any place else in the world.
We’re not supposed to be taking sides in European affairs, middle eastern affairs, Asian affairs. or the internal squabbles within Islam or any other religion. Our very unwise leaders have chosen to support Sunni Islam as opposed to Shia Islam. Yet it’s the Sunnis, lead by Saudi Arabia, our “ally?”, who have been the most aggressive against the United States.
Our foreign policy is supposed to be a jealously guarded, vigorously defended, powerfully enforced neutrality. We are also not supposed to be meddling in the internal affairs of any country in the western hemisphere, including Venezuela and now Bolivia (yes we staged the recent coup d’etat against Evo Morales).
One of these days, all this meddling is going to backfire and America is going to get bitten in the rear end, REAL HARD.
Charles K., I so agree with you. This United States has meddled in the economic and political affairs of our southern neighbors so many times in the last century. In so doing, we have eroded the farm and business economies of El Salvador, Guatamala, and Nicaragua among others. In the absence of a reliable way to support themselves, some people in these countries have formed gangs for mutual protection. Others, refusing the criminal life, have reluctantly chosen to leave their homes. No longer able to support or protect their families, they head north to where they have heard there is safety and prosperity.
In a bitter irony, they are part of the “illegal immigrant problem”. People don’t come to our country to steal from us or sponge off our welfare system. They, like most of us, would prefer to stay with extended family and community. They would prefer to work at what they are good at and raise a healthy family.
And, they, like many of our SB commenters counsel California and Connecticut residents have “voted with their feet”. Do we really think people from the tropics enjoy coming to a land that has serious winter? Sure, many settle in California and Texas. I bet you would, too. At the same time, look in the cold states, notice how many immigrants are working in meat processing plants (work I doubt any of us would choose) or roofing our houses, mine included.
Our Monroe Doctrine-violating policies have led to this. Spanish-speaking people among us. We cannot put the genie back in the bottle. What do we do now?
I leave you with this quote:
“The most fundamental purpose of government is defense, not empire.” – Joseph Sobran
Carry on
“There is some coarse language, so this anthology is not for kids.”
I would argue that it is probably not for adults then either. We seem to tolerate this age-based bifurcation on coarse language use but the Bible clearly instructs believer to be pure, holy, and to abstain from coarseness. Take a stand and reject compromise!
Oct. 7 showed what SHTF really looks like—massacres, kidnappings, total collapse. No warnings, no mercy. If you think you're ready, think again. Get the book.
The Monroe Doctrine: It’s really too bad we haven’t followed the doctrine. Even Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov confronted Mike Pompeo about the US trying to impose the doctrine where Venezuela is concerned but failing to follow what is actually the most important part of the Monroe Doctrine, American neutrality in Europe, the middle east, or any place else in the world.
We’re not supposed to be taking sides in European affairs, middle eastern affairs, Asian affairs. or the internal squabbles within Islam or any other religion. Our very unwise leaders have chosen to support Sunni Islam as opposed to Shia Islam. Yet it’s the Sunnis, lead by Saudi Arabia, our “ally?”, who have been the most aggressive against the United States.
Our foreign policy is supposed to be a jealously guarded, vigorously defended, powerfully enforced neutrality. We are also not supposed to be meddling in the internal affairs of any country in the western hemisphere, including Venezuela and now Bolivia (yes we staged the recent coup d’etat against Evo Morales).
One of these days, all this meddling is going to backfire and America is going to get bitten in the rear end, REAL HARD.
Charles K., I so agree with you. This United States has meddled in the economic and political affairs of our southern neighbors so many times in the last century. In so doing, we have eroded the farm and business economies of El Salvador, Guatamala, and Nicaragua among others. In the absence of a reliable way to support themselves, some people in these countries have formed gangs for mutual protection. Others, refusing the criminal life, have reluctantly chosen to leave their homes. No longer able to support or protect their families, they head north to where they have heard there is safety and prosperity.
In a bitter irony, they are part of the “illegal immigrant problem”. People don’t come to our country to steal from us or sponge off our welfare system. They, like most of us, would prefer to stay with extended family and community. They would prefer to work at what they are good at and raise a healthy family.
And, they, like many of our SB commenters counsel California and Connecticut residents have “voted with their feet”. Do we really think people from the tropics enjoy coming to a land that has serious winter? Sure, many settle in California and Texas. I bet you would, too. At the same time, look in the cold states, notice how many immigrants are working in meat processing plants (work I doubt any of us would choose) or roofing our houses, mine included.
Our Monroe Doctrine-violating policies have led to this. Spanish-speaking people among us. We cannot put the genie back in the bottle. What do we do now?
I leave you with this quote:
“The most fundamental purpose of government is defense, not empire.” – Joseph Sobran
Carry on
“There is some coarse language, so this anthology is not for kids.”
I would argue that it is probably not for adults then either. We seem to tolerate this age-based bifurcation on coarse language use but the Bible clearly instructs believer to be pure, holy, and to abstain from coarseness. Take a stand and reject compromise!