“They are intent on making every conversation and every form of behavior in the world known to them.” – Edward Snowden
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In my opinion Snowden is a traitor. But to his point; every country in the world collects information and our most dangerous enemies do far more of this than we do. We may well lose our freedoms and our lives if we remain naïve to this. What other choice is there?
You call him a traitor. I call him a patriot. His “crime” is telling the American people that the government of the United States is spying on every human being, citizen or not, in the country, likely the entire world. There is no excuse for such activity. Sir, they even spy on you. What crime have you committed that warrants such an egregious invasion of your privacy, such an egregious invasion of your right to be left alone? What crimes have any of us committed that warrant such an invasion of basic decency, let alone our fundamental rights as spelled out in our Constitution?
When telling the truth is called treason, America is toast, it no longer exists.
[One unkind sentence deleted by Editor]
Snowden revealed the ” Five eyes ” were and are spying on all Australians, electroniclly monitoring everything we do, see, or engage in daily, I for one do not like data being collected on me without my consent and my Govt lying to me, telling me they don’t do such activity, Snowden also showed the Australian Federal Govt is installing face recognition cameras in all large population centres secretly, you think that is OK ?. There are now over 2 million CCTV cameras with facial recognition software used in Australia, thousands more are being installed and rolled out, thanks to Snowden who blew the whistle.
Snowden can only be called a traitor if you think that exposing a crime and the cover up of those crimes. Murdering and covering up the murders by a government that has now claimed they can murder you and refuse to tell you it is trying to kill citizens for “national security”(Supreme Court decided a journalist who was repeatedly targeted was not allowed to know if he was a target or not and not allowed the records to charge those who tried to murder him).
If he were a patriot he would not have given both the Chinese and the Russians gigibytes of classified data. If his goal was to “expose a crime” he should have used the whistle blower laws.
When stealing classified data and giving to China and Russia is called patriotism, America is toast, it no longer exists.
Watch Citizen Four. Listen as he takes us through the contortions of lies told to us over decades. Not just recent. The named programs dedicated to destroying your lift if you dared to have certain person, say from work, in your phone contacts and how they build all the contact touch points from there. This man did EVERYONE in every country who didn’t even KNOW they were being used and sucked up in metadata and then fine-tuned to points daily.
There was confirmation at the end of Citizen Four about, at that time, how many individual people Intel complex of the world had under precise surveillance. It stunned Snowden, as it was more than the population of a smaller country. All done by our NSA and the GCHQ. No wonder there was a deliberate attack on undersea cables for the internet last year. This does not end well unless more Snowdens come forward – bet they won’t b/c hiring younger genius idiots for the classified and stratified services is now the norm. They don’t even know the Constitution or Bill of RIghts or Declaration of Independence. They don’t know history. They code and think it’s all about play. Kids.
Beware the beginnings.
The Australian Govt passed new laws stating whistle blowers like Snowden will not be protected, they will be prosecuted and receive lengthy goal terms and huge fines, because Snowden revealed how much our own Govt spies on us. Since Australia is part of the five eye’s spy network, which of course includes GHHQ & NSA. No whistle blowers will dare take the risk now, freedom is well and truly lost.
If I remember correctly, government employees and members of the military are required to report misconduct or malfeasance. I think Snowden reported his findings up the chain of command and was ignored. He then followed his conscience.
In my book, he is a hero.
Carry on
Are you unaware that he gave literally gigbytes of secrets to the Chinese and Russians? If you are unaware of that then you have an excuse for what you said but if you knew this I am perplexed that a Marine would be OK with that.
One Guy, there are secrets and there are “secrets”. More than one retired intelligence officer has confessed that the “classified” label has been put on a lot of data to protect unethical behavior on the part of people in command positions. I was unaware of what you said, and will not make an excuse. Marines don’t make excuses.
I stand by my original post: If I remember correctly, government employees and members of the military are required to report misconduct or malfeasance. I think Snowden reported his findings up the chain of command and was ignored. He then followed his conscience.
Carry on
I spent 20 years in the military and it was always clear to me that all classified data was to be kept secret. It was not up to me to make a wishy-washy excuse like “the “classified” label has been put on a lot of data to protect unethical behavior on the part of people in command positions.”
Another point: There are trolls out there. There are people who intentionally mislead others on the internet. Whenever I see someone commenting or supporting an anti-American meme I suspect a foreign troll. While it’s true that some Americans don’t like their country and they may be trolling as well. Just be aware that people will post something like support of Snowden just to sow discontent and make you more susceptible to their anti-American agenda.
I agree with you, One Guy. There are trolls out there. Thus, I do not know for sure that all my information about Snowden is correct.
There may be trolls from the NSA or other agencies disseminating false information about Snowden, too. I doubt that either of us is standing on solid ground in this debate.
That said, I prefer to seek the common ground you and I do share. I’ll be harvesting the last tomatoes and beans today. Giving away some of them, more than I can eat and not enough to preserve.
How does your garden grow?
Carry on