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Dr. Ron Paul is the most honorable, liberty-minded person who served in the U.S. government that I know. He continues to be one of the greatest advocates for peace, liberty and the unborn today.
IMO Ron Paul and Rand Paul have the best understanding of the problems facing this country than any other major politicians I am aware of.
Here is the lastest from Ron Paul. As the economy heads into what some call the Greatest Depression, it would be good to have some idea of what we may experience.
I’m still a subcriber.
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Dr. Ron Paul is the most honorable, liberty-minded person who served in the U.S. government that I know. He continues to be one of the greatest advocates for peace, liberty and the unborn today.
IMO Ron Paul and Rand Paul have the best understanding of the problems facing this country than any other major politicians I am aware of.
Here is the lastest from Ron Paul. As the economy heads into what some call the Greatest Depression, it would be good to have some idea of what we may experience.
I’m still a subcriber.
The Terror of Deflation v. The Love of Inflation
But Russia will support our resistance effort! He he!