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Pictured in there is an F-5. (A T-38 Talon is a 2 seater.) Retired Northrop-Grumman guy. We built replacement wings in El Segundo, CA for those T-38’s still flying.
No doubt you are right being “in the industry” but to me the Contra-rotating propellers looked a great deal like a Spitfire Mk XIX
I think the airplane in the pic is actually a Seafire (Spitfire with a tailhook) but I could be wrong.
Yes, Seafire.
Regarding the meth rampage: There is one quick and permanent solution to such actions. Any citizen that is nearby and armed can employ said solution and indeed should.
Regarding medical kidnapping: What a heinous state we live in to have this even be a possibility. The arrogance of the public servants who think that they know better than the “poor idiot” parents of these children is astounding.
One must be trained and instantly ready to respond with a firearm to ANY threat of physical harm to themselves or other innocent people! Practice and train with a defensive firearm school so you are ready to protect yourself and the innocent!!!
I love the way you think.
Ahh but if you don’t have Community then the aftermath is going to be worse than if you had just let them take them…Which is why I beat on the Community drum so much and so loudly…
re: Idaho meth head,
Singapore has no serious drug problems . Singapore has stringent drug abuse laws , including the death penalty. I guess it is worth a try here because our country is very lax when it comes to drug issues, but then there are so many millions of dollars to be made. I don’t think it will change.
If the death penalty seems a little harsh , well so are the results of a high use drug culture.
Laws are different wherever you go, know before you show. It would be terrible to protect somebody just to be charged with a third class felony, a threat of bodily harm. Brandishing a weapon, or discharging said weapon in the city limits. Each jurisdiction is quite different.
Sorry folks, we shouldn’t be punishing people because we don’t like what they do. We should only punish those who so serious tangible harm to another person. I don’t particularly like that people do drugs. If they keep it to themselves, harm no other person, then what they do is up to them. If, on the other hand, the person who partakes of drugs, does harm, that is the person who should be punished. That person should be punished for the actual harm they do. Is a traffic accident somehow more horrific because the person who caused the accident happened to be drunk or stoned or freaking out on meth? Even this nutbag in Idaho, are his crimes more egregious because he was high on meth?
We are not the left. We don’t believe in punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. The left want’s to punish all of us who own firearms for the actions of a very few. Should you be held responsible because some moron in Texas killed a bunch of folks in El Paso, or the sicko in Ohio for his killing spree that killed his own sister? Of course not. Neither should someone be punished because we don’t like what they eat, drink, smoke, chew, sniff, snort, patch onto their skin, stick into a vein in their arm, or for that matter, shove up their own rear end. We should only punish someone for the terrible and the direct consequences of their actions. They shouldn’t be given an excuse or an out, just because they were high when they screwed the pooch.
Charles K., I must say you said what I was thinking better than I could.
Admitting that I am fearful around someone on meth or who is drunk since they are often so unpredictable, I don’t consider my fear or my judgement of their bad behavior a reason for capital punishment. Um, then there is the issue of dealing with all the legal hassle that follows such an act.
I’m not sure what would be an effective or Christian response to someone who is high and “possibly” dangerous. Any ideas fellow commenters?
Carry on
Charles I would agree with you only if we didn’t have to pay for their indulgences which at this time we do…
If anyone stops by Jim Smith’s place, let me know. You could always fly into the Lincoln County Airport just miles north of Eureka, or Kalispell. I do not know if they have a car available.
The ‘Mission Statement’ and ‘Recent Vistors’ could be of interest.
There is a You Tube channel that I believe is owned by a long time employee. His channel has lots of footage of the Jim Smith’s Stonehenge Air Museum grounds via drone, and of a few of the vintage planes, including the only flying Seafire on the planet. There are also several videos of the area by air.
I was speaking to an old friend of Mr. Smith’s this afternoon, who is like minded and a former Air Force officer, who mentioned that the air strip is 6000 feet long, and able to handle [some] large jet aircraft. The daughter is heavily involved with the operation. Mr. Smith is also a Marine, and that explains why one of his planes that has “MARINE” on it’s tail section. The Dragon Fly made the trip to the museum from it’s original home in Helena Montana, at mach speeds. Most of the planes at the museum are said to be serviceable. The museum is indeed the Jay Leno equivalent for aircraft. I suspect that if an appointment is made for a tour, you could fly in.
The property is approximately 1600 acres. In this video, we get an excellent view of the surroundings, and near fly over of my favorite hunting grounds. I suspect the approach heading is south along the foothills.
Tunnel Rabbit if you are anywhere near the Bitterroot let me know and I will buy you a beer…
Thank you sir, for the kind offer.
Medical kidnapping – Nearly all of the involved are women. How did the legal system turn into the hen house? The inmates are running the asylum.
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Pictured in there is an F-5. (A T-38 Talon is a 2 seater.) Retired Northrop-Grumman guy. We built replacement wings in El Segundo, CA for those T-38’s still flying.
No doubt you are right being “in the industry” but to me the Contra-rotating propellers looked a great deal like a Spitfire Mk XIX
I think the airplane in the pic is actually a Seafire (Spitfire with a tailhook) but I could be wrong.
Yes, Seafire.
Regarding the meth rampage: There is one quick and permanent solution to such actions. Any citizen that is nearby and armed can employ said solution and indeed should.
Regarding medical kidnapping: What a heinous state we live in to have this even be a possibility. The arrogance of the public servants who think that they know better than the “poor idiot” parents of these children is astounding.
One must be trained and instantly ready to respond with a firearm to ANY threat of physical harm to themselves or other innocent people! Practice and train with a defensive firearm school so you are ready to protect yourself and the innocent!!!
I love the way you think.
Ahh but if you don’t have Community then the aftermath is going to be worse than if you had just let them take them…Which is why I beat on the Community drum so much and so loudly…
re: Idaho meth head,
Singapore has no serious drug problems . Singapore has stringent drug abuse laws , including the death penalty. I guess it is worth a try here because our country is very lax when it comes to drug issues, but then there are so many millions of dollars to be made. I don’t think it will change.
If the death penalty seems a little harsh , well so are the results of a high use drug culture.
Laws are different wherever you go, know before you show. It would be terrible to protect somebody just to be charged with a third class felony, a threat of bodily harm. Brandishing a weapon, or discharging said weapon in the city limits. Each jurisdiction is quite different.
Sorry folks, we shouldn’t be punishing people because we don’t like what they do. We should only punish those who so serious tangible harm to another person. I don’t particularly like that people do drugs. If they keep it to themselves, harm no other person, then what they do is up to them. If, on the other hand, the person who partakes of drugs, does harm, that is the person who should be punished. That person should be punished for the actual harm they do. Is a traffic accident somehow more horrific because the person who caused the accident happened to be drunk or stoned or freaking out on meth? Even this nutbag in Idaho, are his crimes more egregious because he was high on meth?
We are not the left. We don’t believe in punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. The left want’s to punish all of us who own firearms for the actions of a very few. Should you be held responsible because some moron in Texas killed a bunch of folks in El Paso, or the sicko in Ohio for his killing spree that killed his own sister? Of course not. Neither should someone be punished because we don’t like what they eat, drink, smoke, chew, sniff, snort, patch onto their skin, stick into a vein in their arm, or for that matter, shove up their own rear end. We should only punish someone for the terrible and the direct consequences of their actions. They shouldn’t be given an excuse or an out, just because they were high when they screwed the pooch.
Charles K., I must say you said what I was thinking better than I could.
Admitting that I am fearful around someone on meth or who is drunk since they are often so unpredictable, I don’t consider my fear or my judgement of their bad behavior a reason for capital punishment. Um, then there is the issue of dealing with all the legal hassle that follows such an act.
I’m not sure what would be an effective or Christian response to someone who is high and “possibly” dangerous. Any ideas fellow commenters?
Carry on
Charles I would agree with you only if we didn’t have to pay for their indulgences which at this time we do…
If anyone stops by Jim Smith’s place, let me know. You could always fly into the Lincoln County Airport just miles north of Eureka, or Kalispell. I do not know if they have a car available.
BTW, the Goodyear GA-466 Inflatoplane at, has a small leak. And If you liked that Brandenberg concerto, look up Canadian Brass. They play lots of Bach. I am an old horn player, so I love this stuff. Tocotta and Fuge in D minor:
The ‘Mission Statement’ and ‘Recent Vistors’ could be of interest.
There is a You Tube channel that I believe is owned by a long time employee. His channel has lots of footage of the Jim Smith’s Stonehenge Air Museum grounds via drone, and of a few of the vintage planes, including the only flying Seafire on the planet. There are also several videos of the area by air.
I was speaking to an old friend of Mr. Smith’s this afternoon, who is like minded and a former Air Force officer, who mentioned that the air strip is 6000 feet long, and able to handle [some] large jet aircraft. The daughter is heavily involved with the operation. Mr. Smith is also a Marine, and that explains why one of his planes that has “MARINE” on it’s tail section. The Dragon Fly made the trip to the museum from it’s original home in Helena Montana, at mach speeds. Most of the planes at the museum are said to be serviceable. The museum is indeed the Jay Leno equivalent for aircraft. I suspect that if an appointment is made for a tour, you could fly in.
The property is approximately 1600 acres. In this video, we get an excellent view of the surroundings, and near fly over of my favorite hunting grounds. I suspect the approach heading is south along the foothills.
Tunnel Rabbit if you are anywhere near the Bitterroot let me know and I will buy you a beer…
Thank you sir, for the kind offer.
Medical kidnapping – Nearly all of the involved are women. How did the legal system turn into the hen house? The inmates are running the asylum.