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The show Combat was one of the reasons I went Army instead of any other service. Vic Morrow’s helmet cover in the series was from a camouflage parachute from DDay landing.
Who could ever forget “This is White Rook, Over”?.
Vic Morrow also played the troublemaker in The Blackboard Jungle. The sneering curl to his lip was a trademark.
“Mygenericstore” is a well-established pharmacy service that deals primarily with generic medicines produced by quality-assured manufacturers from developing countries.
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The show Combat was one of the reasons I went Army instead of any other service. Vic Morrow’s helmet cover in the series was from a camouflage parachute from DDay landing.
Who could ever forget “This is White Rook, Over”?.
Vic Morrow also played the troublemaker in The Blackboard Jungle. The sneering curl to his lip was a trademark.
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